Simply Boudoir Photography Tutorial – Ranger Quadra RX flash


This chapter didn’t make the final cut of our Simply Boudoir photography tutorial and contains previously unreleased footage. The reasons this chapter was left on the cutting room floor is purely because it teaches flash photography techniques rather than using continuous light sources. Enjoy!

Simply Boudoir is an HD boudoir photography training video by Damien Lovegrove which promises to deliver the essential technical skills you need to create stunning intimate portrait photographs for your clients. All the set-ups have been lit with either just one Lupolux spotlight or natural light, hence the title ‘Simply Boudoir’ 🙂

Many months of meticulous preparation & shooting have gone into these video tutorial productions with the highest attention to detail.

Our photography training dvds and downloads are a growing resource for professional photographers. They are jam-packed with technical information, tips and tricks that will vastly improve your knowledge and take your photography to the next level. Photographers never stop learning and should always be striving to improve their core skills as well as learn advanced techniques to set them apart from the competition.

Our growing range of titles cover, wedding photography, flash (speedlite) lighting photography, studio photography, natural light photography and more recently boudoir photography. Unleash your potential and order a Lovegrove training video today!

If Carlsberg did studio lighting vids they’d still have to employ Damien Lovegrove to make it! – SanctuaryPhoto

  1. Gaz young says

    really good shoot

  2. JA_NPH says

    Just wondering, you have natural light coming in and flash, so what was WB set to ?

  3. Especial 2X1 says

    Always great models.

  4. Stephen Cutajar says

    Simple lighting and so effective to produce great images, the only problem is loosing the model at one point. LOL 1:55

  5. Emre Özkurt says

    Thank you

  6. Mark Harris says

    I always say I don’t like boudoir, in fact I don’t make images of people at all. But good boudoir, such as this is contain all the best elements of photography, light, shape, texture and such a strong story. I think Ive been lying to myself and I actually really like the genre. Thank you for showing me I was being closed minded, a great video.

  7. Paul Taborovsky says

    Spectacular video!

  8. OlymPigs2010 says

    …why was he using such a high (1000) ISO?

  9. K C A says

    Awesome, as always!

  10. Nicole B says

    What brand and name studio light are you using?

  11. Rich says

    got a question… why ur using iso 1000, instead of making ur light brighter ???????????????????

  12. GIFF India says

    Hi, you done great work. i need your advice i have place in my studio 20 feet length , 11 feet width and 10 feet height. i want to install flood light  for video graphy and photo graphy, which light have intensity to focus 15 feet long? and do you recommend common light for photograph, video graphy and green screen.plz guide me

  13. Winston Churchill says

    Boudoir Photography?! Good heavens! What's next?
    Skinned woman Photography?

  14. David Carvalho says

    Very Nice..!

  15. Julia Rozental says

    So why is stabilizing your camera is not a good idea for this type of shoot? TIA 

  16. Jesus Salazar says

    ISO 1000??? lol   best photo ISO 400 1/30 + tripod 

  17. memorystar 72 says

  18. AndreAgonia says

    2:18 the scene is so beautiful it seems the picture could be taken by itself!
    Not saying Damien's not good, of course, I'm just saying I'd love to have a location like that! That looks good even as video movie-like footage when he's explaining 🙂

  19. DFPV says

    I like Damien's style. Different from many other photographers.

  20. Dat Lieu says

    125*2.8 ?
    => iso = ? 

  21. Sussxguy says

    My quadra coming next week and im so going to be trying to recreate that shot. great work D.

  22. ball black says

    thank you  for your share

  23. TheMozaah says

    at f2.8, I am surprised at the focus – recompose method, some of the recompose motions seem quite exaggerated. even with the final images, the one with the whole stairs showing seems softer than the ones shooting through the railing where you weren't recomposing.

  24. fotovitasu says

    просто и шикарно!

  25. Tuan Anh Ha says

    Thank you for your tutorial.

  26. Gene Gregory says

    wow learned a lot at this theme.

  27. Edward Kemp says

    Why ISO 1000? That seems a little bit excessive lool, if you raise the ISO you loose a great deal of image quality. I can imagine for this kind of shoot it is something should be avoided right? 

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