Pixel 3 Professional Photographer Camera Review!!!


Pixel 3 & 3 XL cameras, how good are they in the hands of a professional photographer?

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  1. Moe Sakr says

    Proud owner of the pixel 3 xl… Maybe it's the ugliest phone ever made.. But the camera man.. I am always amazed with the photos ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. BsBsBock says

    Is he a German ?

  3. Rio Winaryo says

    The battery is the problem boo

  4. Maik Reifschneider says

    Pixel 3XL camera Mod with 32seconds exposure time and iso 14.000 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jC33QyR7wM

  5. Massimo Crimi says

    Very impressive good damm photos

  6. ACID SNOW says

    it is amazing how good mobile camera are!
    thanks for sharing! really enjoyed this ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Dr. Strange says

    I'm confused, you said the night sight mode doesn't set the mood but you could have also taken the photo without night sight enabled.

  8. En Ar says

    Regarding the phone getting fried, did you wait till the ports were dry before connecting it to a wire?

  9. Ashish M says


  10. Er. Imtiyaz Bhat says

    Best Camera phones

  11. Mauro Leonardo Mondal says

    0:22 nice hats guys…

  12. kona328WH says

    Great camera review.

  13. M Morales says

    IP68 is ONLY for non salty water like a river. That ocean's salt will fry anything!

  14. Dmitrioligy says

    Ip67 I believe applies to non salt or mineral water.

  15. ballistichydrant says

    Yes, File naming is wak. Also after editing a photo i can never find it again in google photos. The edited files should be highlighted in the Photos app.

  16. RAHUL DRAVID says

    Amazing video…. Your just the very best

  17. Mark X says

    Thanks for these reviews man, having professional share his thought is invaluable.

  18. Fabian Vallejos says

    Nice I like your videos, if you like dancing feel free to follow us too! Please subscribe too! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜„

  19. iCanGrowaBeard says

    photo's are dope but the videos… straight from 2002

  20. Michael's Life says

    The RAWS having a different proportion to JPEG files might be due to some lens distortion correction done on JPEG. I don't know, just guessing.

  21. Dim Gr says

    I would love to see a comparison between the iPhone XS, the Google Pixel 3 and the Huawei Mate 20 Pro by a professional photographer..

  22. KCey007 says

    Pixel rules

  23. Marius Ciumandru says

    Great review, I don't like Google's approach on camera stuff.

  24. John Caban says

    Time to do a review either on the P20 Pro or the mate 20 Pro and see how it Compares against the pixel 3 camera.

  25. alan payne says

    Love these videos. The best phone camera reviews on YouTube ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

  26. Lukas Dvorok says

    Nice, proffesional, simply great review. Now, Mate 20 PRO camera review please! ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. The RaRa85 says

    I love these reviews and it's cool to see Google using great hardware on top of all the software magic they produce. Regarding the less impressive LG V40, I think they might have switched away from the glass lens element used in the V30 despite the faster lens and larger pixel size. I think the V30's lens quality is indeed better than the V40.

  28. Tarek Halaby says

    do you have a video like this on the s9/a9+

  29. รœmit Ay says

    Great Video again, Hope to see this guy again on Pixel 4, 5…

  30. James W says

    Loved the analysis. I will say Night Sight's boost does do too much but that is based on the idea of what users want. As a bar goer and whatnot, I don't want my bar scene to look super bright. Jazz bars tend to be on the darker side and I want more natural shots, not a boosted shot. So I felt him on that. The XZ2 Premium does their night shots differently and is more natural. Some of the night shots were impressive on that one because it held that…integrity of the scene.

  31. Maria Elena Cabrera says

    Loved the video! I think the Google Pixel 3 has the best phone camera in the market. May I please have Alaska?โค๐Ÿˆ
    Isn't he the one that draws the caricatures you use as wallpapers?

  32. Jigar B Jadav says

    Great Review, After Watching This, Google Need More Work in Camera ๐Ÿ“ธ

  33. Rafael Rodrigues says

    The phone is not made for put in salt water

  34. MD says

    Such a good phone ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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