1. OC man says

    Odds are she will never see a dime of that judgement. If the numbers line up properly, the couple will do a BK7 and that will discharge the debt. I hope she collects some money, but I doubt it. Remember: there is a huge difference between getting a judgement AND collecting on a judgement.

  2. kalon hub says

    Stay awesome love, I pray for you to get back on track andddd just really do what you love to do – art & photography💚😚

  3. Troy McCullough says

    Good luck in collecting from them Deadbeats. ☹

  4. Ben Carey says

    She can come take pictures at my wedding

  5. Ben Carey says

    She can come take pictures at my wedding

  6. Uylessess Dodd says

    Stop crying bitch

  7. Chris Scott says

    It just sickens me that some people say the photographer is at fault. A buisness takes time , about 13 years for her, and a shitload of money. Thousands, tens of thousands, millions even (although highly unlikely).

  8. Tajai Calip says

    I hate to have to get on the news myself. But these people for no reason at all kept messing with me and kept messing with me. I was the messenger one minute. The target of a threat to the world in the same breath. I am very upset at this time about this mess. I did not feel that the madness should have gone public and that the local oakland independent agencies were forcing the slander and harassment to go public by constantly messing with me and repeatedly publicizing my name in databases to get me harmed by polices and other businesses I had to frequent to conduct business. I do not feel like any of this deliberate madness was accidental. It was vindictive, plotted, and calculated. They kept trying to push my buttons at the police stations and other law officials offices. It started with police and sheriff fighting over which one was going to remove people from my home while my younger Son and I was left unattended without any shelter, food, or clothing. We had to fend for ourselves with little money given monthly. Thank God I know how to budget! It ended with an image as if lightning struck and the police and the sheriff then turned to me and started all of these insane accusations as if I was the aggressor. I just wanted my home, money, and proof my home was broken into. Unbelievable.

  9. Ruthless Reid says

    Too bad she'll never collect.

  10. Entitled cucks that think they own you.

  11. Image-i-Nation Photography says

    How will she get 1 million from them?

  12. Berend Kuipers says

    crocadile tears?

  13. C says

    She was fake crying, you like how the squeaky voice and "tears" disappeared in an instant when she said my business was destroyed…

  14. Drexel Orenstein says


  15. Frogman Smith says

    I wish more people would be sued! ABC NBC, MSNBC, CNN, HuffPost……

  16. Kelvin Next says

    They went into Bankruptcy. She's not getting paid

  17. Badboyteddybear says

    OMFG the crocodile tears "I had to use cash because I didn't want anyone seeing my name" Just another sjw snowflake who wants something for nothing.

  18. nunyer beeznaz says

    As a young wedding photographer in the 70's I learned a tough lesson. NEVER SHOOT A WEDDING for a lawyers daughter. Tried to cheap-out and get the proofs only. After 2 years in court,I finally capitulated,and just handed over the negatives that I had freshly washed,the re-fixed for permanence,without rinsing……..:-)~

  19. geo-george2 says

    I don't know. I feel sorry for her. But on the other hand, she's kind of a drama queen—and one million dollars?!

  20. Chun Zhu says

    stupid blonde idiot

  21. Jerry VanNuys says

    As a photographer, I would rather work with children or animals (traditionally the WORST subjects to photograph) then a wedding couple.
    weddings are the Lowest Paid – Highest Stress jobs a photographer can take.

  22. Chance Gamble says

    that is great she won i will sue all mine too let them dig their own.graves of lies .

  23. frank facts says

    fake tears – real money, though

  24. Asa Olsen says

    hmmm..there is always two sides to a story..the photographers is one side

  25. NotoriousNoe says

    Yeah, now they have no comment

  26. joe smith says

    I doubt she will see any money.

  27. Number One says

    I hope those people learned something, but I doubt it. Very immature liars.

  28. Scorched Earth says

    Maybe that couple should have employed a no comment policy two years ago. Dirty liars.

  29. Star Tavish says

    Whiny bitch.

  30. X X says

    What a bunch of …the word retards comes to mind

  31. SeanP7195 says

    The guys new wife is already bankrupting him.

  32. SeanP7195 says

    Looks like every woman in Dallas.

  33. John Smith says

    I hate fake crying!!!

  34. armando ramirez says

    i know she deserved the million dollars but dam she's annoying when she cries lol

  35. Ice Cookie says

    The photographer is an artist
    $150 is god damn cheap

  36. Otto By Ograffey says

    2:07 big feet.

  37. No worries Mate says

    I bet they are divorced before the 1 million is paid

  38. captrbd21 says

    I'm trying to look up the rest of the story the reports have been in vague. One story said the couple had not met their contract agreement and all of them say the couple claimed their pictures were being held hostage. Did they get the pictures and what agreement was not met did they not pay?

  39. justin perri says

    most people just get married these day just to post photo on facebook… fuckn loses

  40. justin perri says

    hope the facebook fuckwits. get divorced or all ready have coz they have no more friends on facebook ha ha fuck facebook.

  41. kwkstar says

    No comment! I use to do weddings back in the film days. I feel for her. And I am glad she won.

  42. Daniel Alfred says

    Hahahahaha so funny…..Save $125 ended up losing $1 Mil……..

  43. d ganesh says

    repution is life

  44. Barney Fike says

    I’ve provided music at weddings and have seen how things go. I try to keep it simple but so many of the wedding planners want to make it a royal wedding. Not worth it just for my pittance. I pray you’re paid every penny of the award. Better yet, I hope you get your business back and get yourself back.

  45. Michael Clark says

    Newlywed and $1million in the hole.

    Was a few moments of rage worth it?

  46. John Ster says

    Crocodile tears.

  47. Ticky Tocky says

    Would have been nice if you told us what happened, not just some woman crying about something.

  48. tiredmummy says

    Cheaters never prosper, and in this case I'm pleased to say, neither do liars!!!!!!

  49. Kevin Kelley says

    Good for her!! You go girl.. Fuck those two.. Im a photographer and know what its like to become uninspired with your work. Its like your passion is ripped out of you. Hard to get back into it.

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