Landscape Photography Q&A | Money, Careers, Sponsorships & More


My E-Book:

This is an unusually long episode of questions and answers. Most of which are landscape photography related.


Squarespace Free Trial:

**Stuff You Saw in this Video**
My Watch, people always ask about my GPS watch:
My GoPro Gimbal:
My Main Vlogging Camera:
My Mini Drone:
All of these are affiliate links #justsaying

  1. Brett Blake says

    LMAO . . . Love it. ". . . a super wide lens, on a tripod, withe the Milky Way in a dark-sky park." Laughing so hard I'm in tears. Forgive the typos. I can't rightly see the keys atm.

  2. Randy Rousey says

    You help me find my way back into the love I lost in photography

  3. Chris Edgecombe says

    Thanks for answering the question regarding how many photos you take at a particular scene. I really need to get better at taking less as I waste a lot of time taking several of each composition and then have a hard time of deciding which one to edit.

  4. Steve Lewis says

    After watching your videos and thoroughly enjoying them I brought your book not just to look at the amazing images you create but to find out what it takes to be an accomplished working passionate photographer. You have an open and honest approach, show the ugly side and just how much work goes into those images that I enjoy so much… Unfortunately I missed the 2019 calendar and it has sold out, next year I will have one. I have great respect for those who put themselves out there and I am learning a great deal from your good self.. Keep up the good work!!

  5. Steven Matthews says

    can you add links to the filter gear you use please? thanks

  6. Conor Luddy says

    You could have made a whole video about that fireball story! That was amazing 😅

  7. Geraint Davies says

    I spat my drink at the "it has a table" clip.

    And immediately went out and bought a vw transporter.
    I blame you.

  8. The Happy Hour Hound says

    For god sakes man. EDIT YOUR VIDEOS!!!!!!

    Zero reason for this to be 45 fucking minutes. Chop it to 10. Get your point across and watch the subscription soar.

  9. Rob Woolf says

    25.00 – The parable of the lucky git 😉

  10. annubis kaHma says


  11. stingray8213 says

    i use a cropped sensor and you crop your photos anyway.often the crop apsc vs full frame is a non issue..

  12. stingray8213 says

    these people don't get it as a partner myself the real money is in the video..all my gear is tax deductible ..people often ask how much i make gold mining..when the real gold is in the video..the mining part is the fun..

  13. stingray8213 says

    i see you have a yosemite shirt ever been there i live 3 hours from lake tahoe ..i would love to catch up with you and go on a shoot if you ever get out this way look me up..

  14. Al Gil says

    Love your videos, but need to ask how often do you get a haircuts?

  15. Phurba Dukpa says

    Can i get sponsoered …

  16. King Kenny says

    The meteor story just shows this career was meant for you Tom. You’re an inspiration buddy. Hope one day I can come on one of your workshops 📸👍

  17. Sindy K says

    like your videos, very informative and entertaining. and there is nothing wrong in cooperations or fundings.

  18. Ruby Marten says

    Loved your video x

  19. John Eskins says

    So, literally a "meteoric" rise to fame!

    When you spend a lot of time out in nature you begin to understand that this kind of synchronicity seems to happen because it was meant to.

  20. ryanbailey112 says

    Thank you Thomas! I can't believe you sat there the entire time like that, made my knees hurt. Love the honesty and drive you have keep up the good work, wonder if you will ever try Canada landscapes.

  21. Jan Petržílek says

    I do't get why people get offended by product placement if it does not hinder the content. They don't have to buy it, what's the problem? And In the case of Thomas I kinda believe that he's honest and you can actually see using most of the stuff for his work so..

  22. John Young says

    Very informative and thanks for the video

  23. Joe Pearson says

    Where can I get that TShirt?

  24. RitchandSJ says

    What a fantastic story about the fireball! And a stunning image. Loving your videos and how inspirational they are. Cheers

  25. Satyabrat Dehury says

    I can't buy a camera

  26. David S Onassis says

    Your a very honest and beautiful guy and i never said that to a guy before, but i watched your videos and am a stock photographer and do EXACTLY what you do out in the hills and nature… It is a WONDERFUL life experience, better than money! I am about to go on a winter camp in southern europe and am in contact with Sony about some kind of sponsoring… I respect you and all those that really get out there, off the grid and into the "real life"…

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