How to use a REFLECTOR the right way! STOP using REFLECTORS to make bad outdoor portrait lighting


Are you trying to learn how to use a reflector properly? Can we all agree that the idea with portraits is to flatter someone – not to make them look bad. Right? TV shows, movies, and unfortunately even YouTube photographers seem to think it’s really cool to do that low angle gold reflector that blinds your subject, makes ridiculously bright catchlights in the bottom of the eyes and puts shadows in weird places. This lighting does not make great portraits or modeling shots – in fact it makes people look ghoulish.

I get it – as a new or young photographer the first time you light somebodies face up so that it is golden yellow and three stops brighter than the background – it seems really cool – even if you are causing retina damage in your subjects eyes.

Many of you also take portraits indoors, maybe in a studio and maybe in your living room. Some of you use speedlights, some of you use continuous lighting, some of you use monolights…. how often do you place your main or key light below your subject if you are trying to create a flattering portrait?

Why would you suddenly do things differently just because you go outside to shoot – you wouldn’t – well – you shouldn’t. Lighting a flattering portrait outside – is no different than lighting a flattering portrait inside except that you have this one EXTREMELY bright light source that you can’t move or dial down at will – it’s called the sun – so you have to diffuse or re-direct it, but that is not an excuse to turn things upside down and put your key light below your subjects face.

Walmart Reflector Video:
California Sunbounce Micro Mini:
Rogue 2-in-1 Collapsible Reflector 32”:
Peter Gowland:

Other reflectors:
Neewer 43-inch / 110cm 5-in-1 Collapsible Multi-Disc Light Reflector with Bag:
Lastolite TriFlip 8 in 1 30-Inch Grip Reflector Kit:
Neewer 5 in 1 Portable Triangle 43″ Reflector/Diffuser Kit with Grip:

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FTC Disclosure: No sponsors have paid for or provided equipment or material shown in this video
#ishootpeople #joeedelman

  1. Emily Moore says

    This is interesting and helpful, but I do have a question about this. You talk about using reflectors for fill in studio but can't you use a reflector for fill outside and use the sun as a key light in certain situations (without diffusion)?

  2. Muchas gracias por compartir sus conocimientos, tiene toda la razón , y yo cai en ese error, pero ya sabiendo no lo volveré a hacer .

  3. Rick94rr says


  4. Daryl Richardson says

    Shame on me😳😳😳

  5. hornet718 says

    Thank you for this! I just bought a reflector and this video helps!

  6. Twain Falcunit says

    love your hairstyle

  7. ls chhangte says

    Me too, i don't like golden reflector

  8. Thomas Knipe says

    Great Video, I learn from you with each video, Thank You Joel

  9. PhatCrayonz says

    First time viewer first time commenter. I was happy to of had found this. Thank you.

  10. 3-Piece says

    Sorry for your frustration. Is that what made you wear that shirt?

  11. MusiCrunch says

    Who thinks he looks like Nicholas Cage?? 😂

  12. Dj Gee Funk says

    Love your channel sir!!

  13. Alvin Lipscomb says

    Great point. Key lights are never (the bad word "NEVER" ) really low unless you want a Horror vibe or campfire scary story telling. Fill light can be low! I understand what you said. I made a mistake I said Never in my sentence!
    Never in photography should not be used! I should have said Recommend to place your Key light above! Too many photographers have been told to never do this in photography in the past who did it their way and are renowned for their photography!

  14. Ernesto Leirós Orge says

    Great Joe! El mejor!

  15. Oluwapelumi Oguntade says

    So if you are working indoors, should you put the reflectors below or above the model's head?

  16. Mario Bravo says

    Always appreciate your methods and professionalism.. love your channel

  17. Sigulanon Ni BomBom says

    And i learned something today.thank you sir

  18. Aldho Hutapea says

    Thankyou joe for the information. So detail & fun

  19. Ephraim Cadag says

    You're so cool man!

  20. colejamesand says

    An important detail I was overlooking. Glad I clicked! Subbed

  21. Juan Pena says


  22. SK says

    First video I’ve seen from this channel and man you’re good in explaining!! Subscribed immediately

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