5 Things Better Than a NEW CAMERA (Picture This! Photography Podcast)


You don’t need a new camera to improve your photography! Tony & Chelsea give advice on how to better your photos without buying new gear.
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Prizes include a Canon EOS R, a Fuji XT-3, or an iPhone XS Max

  1. Arcsecant says

    My next camera will have even more photo modes, so my photography is really going to take off once I buy that one, I just know it.

  2. Eshel Art Photography says

    Sure I agree, here are 5 things better then a new camera 1.New Rolex Batman, 2.New car (Mercedes is great but Toyota Highlander is fine too), 3.Family travel to Europe, 4.New high end desktop computer 5.New bathroom in my home

  3. Kyle Sloper says

    Do not go to freespd.com I got a virus

  4. Roma Aliev says

    Hello, what music track did you use in the begining of the video?

  5. Francisco Javier Periñán says

    6 – have a camera that you don’t mind to carry anywhere, could be an smartphone but I would prefer a “real” camera, small and ligth.

  6. pplanetEarth says

    This is incredible video guys, I am a critical person but this really is informative. I suck at number 4 but all others I am relatively ok. The thing is in my experience many people dont listen to advice like this, I feel like there is a journey everyone need to go through before they can really digest invaluable advises like the ones you gave in this video.

  7. rafick Naseeven says

    Thanks for this video. I have spent lots of hours trying to follow the new cameras and feeling "i need this. But it's too much dollars "
    I am returning back to my 60D and making the best. I will invest in filters. Thanks a lot. My iPhone x will be the back up

  8. Mike Callaghan says

    Just Love your channel its brilliant. Let me know if you ever want to come down to New Zealand

  9. Andy L says

    Thanks as always, am indeed stressing the new canon gear feel my 760d is lacking. This spoke to me. Will try to be patient and see the bigger picture of what makes a photo. Thank for being part of my photo community.

  10. Anthony Smith says

    This was (another) really good post Guys. I've viewed a few good YT vid's on this topic recently. I watched one, can't remember who posted it, but it spoke about how being obsessed with new gear can do two things: (a) Make you unhappy, either because you cannot afford the best & brightest or because after dropping $3K on a new camera body your photos are still your photos! and (b) How obsessing over new gear can be a form of procrastination – basically saying that the idea of becoming a great photographer is so overwhelming and is such a long, arduous process that some hide from it by taking the "quick fix/feel good moment" by buying new gear. Your post said similar things from a different perspective and really resonated with me – especially the part about forming friendships through photography. Thanks for the wisdom you are constantly sharing.

  11. David Larson says

    Thanks for the inspiration

  12. David 99 says

    I enjoyed this video and agree, though my deal is that I don't have a camera but been looking into Sony's a6500 and a7iii mainly for video on duck/dove hunts,lots of fly-bys . Would like to have your opinion on this, what ever my decision I'd be staying with that camera for a long time. honorable mention? Thank you.

  13. Mr. and Mrs. Torrealba says

    Great tips, guys!

  14. Travellingstranger says


  15. Jeff Lassle says

    Anyone know why Canon cameras' price shot up drastically in price lately. The Canon 80d went up $200 at both Amazon and Best Buy. Are the Trump tariff's at fault here since Canon products are probably made in China.

  16. TitaniumSurf says

    Hi Chelsea, I really enjoy your videos… and this is just a constructive comment, not a sniffy criticism. Just saying to us viewers "If you don't have the money, you don't need a new camera" doesn't make it so. Come on, there are people who don't have the money but would so much benefit from a new camera…. it's a big world out there. Anyway, thank you for all the very watchable vids.

  17. Matej Stitic Tadic says

    I'm not going to buy a new camera just yet. My 1 year old Nikon D3300 is just fine. All I need is lenses anyway. :p

  18. KnaGGelMan says

    The community one is difficult when you hate people.

  19. Joshua Horner says

    I’m just getting started in photography and still learning a lot about my current camera capabilities.

  20. El Boogie says

    So basically, have a lot of money to go around the world, and know famous photographers.

  21. ROHIT HODAGE says

    Thats true

  22. Bene C says

    Hats the best advice thst I have heard it reminded me to do it will let you know if it worked stay safe and thanks

  23. Tom Mehlum says

    Norway with our mountains and fjords rocks 😉

  24. Pranita N says

    Step 3 made it real. Hustle makes everything better!

  25. FloEvans says

    But I haven't bought a new camera in at least a year!

  26. Jerry Chow Tak Hei says

    This is easing my suffering from G.A.S.

  27. Waooooooo

  28. Morrie Turner says

    Hey Tony, how do you like your HP Spectre? I have one and I actually like it. I got it instead of a Surface Book and saved a ton of money……

  29. Lorin Duckman says

    You guys are wonderful. You guys are knowledgeable. You guys inform and teach. And you are in love. I have a Mark iv. I haven't done everything it can do. when your camera doesn't do what what you want it to do, buy a new one. But, I need a Q with a 40mm lens and a new 5D V with more mega pixels for my studio.

  30. Troy Hall says

    wow! Pixel is getting big!!

  31. ACID SNOW says

    great insight! really like learning from you!
    thanks for sharing this with us,
    really enjoyed watching this

  32. Benjamin Kvamme says

    You don't need a new camera…

    -you need a new lens!

  33. John Kiene says

    Great info and wisdom here. I've had a D700 for 5 years or so and it's a damn workhorse! Most of my customers could not tell the difference between the D700 and the 850. I shoot 70 percent of the time with my 85mm 1.8 and the 135mm 2.0 defocus lens. laamadaphotography.com

  34. John Aronson says

    WE all know the phrase "the early bird gets the worm," and of course this applies to light. I need some constructive criticism of my photos in order to grow. How do I join the community of photographers here? Also, I feel lame saying this but, Chelsea's CU in this video is a bit soft on the eye focus. OBTW your channel is great.

  35. ᙅYᙖᙓᖇ ᗪOᙅ™ says

    I love your channel and as an enthusiastic hobbyist with very little money, I make due with my Nikon D3100, a couple of vintage lenses from the 1970's, and a newer 70-200mm Nikor lens. I mostly post my work daily on G+ with different themes and enjoy feedback/criticism from other photographers. Thank for the inspiration, Tony and Chelsea!

  36. Amy McMasters says

    I'm on a tight budget and just breaking in. All of my gear is used and on the agey side. I have a ball with it. I'm investing in glass when I can and doing my best to learn to be a better photographer with the gear I've got. Eventually, I will upgrade, but right now I'm focused on learning all I can.

    I shoot rugby with a Canon 7D, the Mark I. And you know what, my shots turn out great because of the glass I'm using and the women's team I shoot for loves them … as do their opponents. People love to see photos of themselves engaged in that type of action and it truly inspires me. After two years of shooting for this team, I got my first paying gig. I'm pretty much over the moon about it.

    Loved all the suggestions, especially chasing the light which is something I've been doing lately. But you're right, number four is a biggie. I've truly enjoyed watching videos on YouTube, but now I have a couple of photographer buddies that I chat with and shoot with and it makes a huge difference.

    Thanks for all you do!

  37. bcfbasil says

    Michael the Maven – great tutorial videos especially for learning a new camera.

  38. Surkhabpreet Singh says

    I love it that's really nice

  39. Rose Theromani says

    Timing is just not about say sunrise or sunsets. So for instance I went and took photos at a prime tourist destination (Sassafras in The Dandenong Ranges, just outside Melbourne, Australia, this morning. By 10.30 am the tourist coaches start turning up as well as visitors in their cars and it stays outrageously busy till say 4.30pm. But by getting there at 9am – it was deserted and you could get pictures unencumbered by cars and tourist buses. But even better I was able to get pictures of a shopkeeper taking stock into their shop and of some Jehovah Witnesses with their rack of Watch Towers. Both the shopkeeper and the Jehovah Witness's were happy to give me permission to take their photos. If you don't make the effort to go taking picture's you also don't get the opportunity of practicing your skills of getting people to pose for you.

  40. Grant Anthony says

    Hey I'm a young 19 year old photographer, I've been doing photography for 5 years but I really feel like my camera and lense selection is holding me back, I earn an income with my photography but not enough to pay the Bill's and invest in a professional level camera or equipment , I want to produce better quality with a better camera so I can charge more,,, what advice do you have for me? Thank you❤

  41. Mario Arias says

    A laptop than can handle all the video and pictures with out it forget any new camera gear.

  42. You DUDES just made my day – just got INSPIRED to a STAGE 5 CLINGER to my camera – baby baby baby

  43. Yep- going outside definitely helps.

  44. Bengal Tiger says

    Leaving for California's Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon tomorrow! Leaving my best cameras at home….!!!!!!

  45. Nam Nguyen says

    You guy should go to Elizabeth Park in CT

  46. Kevin Harrelson says

    #1 is bull. Only one person will get a free camera. You might as well say "Invest $1 in a lottery ticket and just get the new camera with the winnings."

  47. Ashley Stubbings says

    I have a cheap bridge camera, which has (at 46 years old, me, not the camera!) recently introduced me to the world of photography. I would rather have that camera than no camera at all, which is exactly the point I think you have succeeded in making in this podcast!

  48. EWassonPhotography says

    You definitely had me at #4. My development, enhancement, or improvement as a photographer literally can't happen without #4. I'm in the North Dallas area and we have several Meet-up Groups and I've joined PPA. I can't imagine not having community.

  49. kelsi6273 says

    I've had my basic Nikon D3200 for over 5 years, and have run into occasions where I was limited with camera options. I think I'm about due for an upgrade.

  50. TADPLAYS says

    good luck to everyone

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