Top 10 Movie Photographers


Photographers as imagined by filmmakers! Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Photographers in Movies. Click here to subscribe: or visit our channel page here: Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at 🙂

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  1. El Bosco Hieronymus Bosch says

    Boyhood is one of the shittiest movie ever made.

  2. Anomalous lover says

    Midnight meat train,

  3. jdalefan says

    We will never really be understood.

    Most people either forget the quality, artistic values, or both of photography. It's not something you can do by just getting a "good" camera. It is nice to see this list though.

  4. Butterboo 2 says

    No Adam from Saw?

  5. Mckinley Jordan IV says

    Well merited number #1

  6. Gabriel Bunting says

    LOL Spiderman number 9

  7. Faketendo swatch says

    ok is this the bottom of the barrel. who. WHO HERE SAT DOWN AND SAID "hmm. I wonder who is truly the best photographer in a MOVIE"

  8. TheShootingRangeTV says

    What about 'The Public Eye'?

  9. Thekukills says

    I hate everything.

  10. Wholesome Lad says

    Roses are red,
    Violets have furs…

  11. Wil Helm says

    photographing fairies

  12. canturgan says

    Number 1 should be Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now. Joe Pesci should get a mention too for Public Eye.

  13. Jonathan Fairchild says

    Leon "The Great Bernzini" Bernstein (Joe Pesci): "The Public Eye". 1992

  14. BROJANGSTER says

    This is the point when watchmojo gave up and just wanted some ad revenue.

  15. Timothy Roper says

    Not from a movie, but how about the photographer, "Animal," on the TV show Lou Grant?

  16. Dragomir Zaharia says

    A Thousand Times Good Night with Juliette Binoche is way better than most on this list.

  17. James Lisle says

    Where's Dennis Hopper from Apocalypse Now?

  18. Kamil Banaszek says

    what about Palermo Shooting?? its full movie of photographer 😉

  19. David Jackson says

    He may be a secondary character but what about Jimmy Olsen from Superman

  20. dragan lazarevic says

    1000 times good night

  21. Photographer Michael croghan says

    Some credit that being a voted poll but only slightly wasted ten mins of my life hoping for a watch list
    Spider man flipping heck

  22. Village Blunder says

    Took me an hour to find but… James Woods – Salvador.

  23. Jean Rodri says

    …you fail on this list..Bang bang club and Walter Mitt, just honorable mentions??? obvious you don´t understand about photographers

  24. The T-10 says

    Came here because of that thumbnail….

  25. Mick Burrow says

    The Public Eye (1992) Joe Pesci plays 'The Great Bernzini a news photographer, and a portrail and dramatized version of real life photographer Arthur Felig aka: Weegee. Bernzini finds himself caught in the middle of a mob war by photographing he aftermath of murders committed by two rival gangs. Berzi who knows all the cops and all the criminals in his town uncovers a plot of mass murder done by one mob against the other for control of black market fuel during World War 2. Bernzi wanting to do the right thing, but still get his pictures, gets the idea of wanting to photograph the killing as it happens and expose the mob war and all it's wrong doings. The film also follows Bernzi's desire to be recognized as an artist and not a poperattzi; and his struggles to battle lonliness as he falls in love with a posh night club owner and unattainable mob mistress played by Barabera Hershey. The film seems to be a lost and hidden amd gem that didn't seem to make this list of top 10 movie photographers.

  26. Robert Cooper says

    What about Nia Long's character from "Love Jones?"

  27. Hal Kitchen says

    John Cassady – Salvador
    Louis Bloom – Nightcrawler

  28. J .Kerslake says

    Where is Austin powers ?

  29. Nunezy420 says

    My teacher looks exactly like Peter Parker.

  30. theserj1988 says

    what about steve buscemi in delirious….i think you forgot a big one here

  31. Danielle Doutsas says

    Robert Kincaid – The Bridges Of Madison County
    Sabrina Fairchild – Sabrina(1995)

  32. Skarekrow1592 says

    Austin powers

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