The BEST Smoke Bombs For Photography & 5 TIPS On How To Use Them


Smoke bombs have become a popular photography accessory over the past couple of years so we wanted to do some research to find the best ones and offer some tips on how to get the best results when shooting with them.

Use code SLREG10 for 10% off Enola Gaye Smoke Grenades:

Read more in the article here:

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  1. Michael Nylif says

    Nice Video!

  2. Marco Gruebler says

    did you try colored flash (gels) with white smoke?
    i am wondering if it is more efficient to purchase, eg 10 of each color, or rather just get a bigger pack of white-only, then use (already owned) flash gels to color the smoke

  3. Roger Johansen says

    Just what I need, thank you for this video 🙂

  4. Love Stories says

    What camera was used to record this video? It was very stable.

  5. James Wafer says

    Enola Gay… named after one of the planes that dropped Nuclear Bombs on Japan in WW2? Weird. Killed millions of people died.

  6. David Perry says

    Super helpful, thanks!

  7. Kris Paananen says

    Great job guys! Very accurate information and great tips on smoke photography.

  8. MagMod says

    Pye is a beautiful dancer!

  9. LilLion1818 says

    Wow, shivs moves are awesome ♥️

  10. ICanHazMarzipan says

    Hate to be that guy, but: I cannot imagine this being very friendly to the environment => number one reason not to use such devices as a photographer. Unnecessary fire, waste in general and waste of resources.

  11. Daudh Rai says

    Absolutely so nice

  12. martin_e says

    CT win.

  13. Maan Brai says

    Thanks for the awesome video !

  14. Noealz Photo says

    I used the Mexican firecracker ones

  15. TacticalAR15Master says

    I just ordered some of these, for a wedding I've got on the 13th. Thanks for the tips.

  16. Roger Arguello says

    Where’s the dodge & burn T-shirt from?

  17. BadKarma 714 says

    I use this for Airsoft I have a whole mess of them and took awesome photos with them

  18. Brian Kenneth Kondas says

    nice tutorial

  19. Samar kamboj says

    How about a free photo shoot contest from all over the world??

  20. Pkl Fotografía says

    I just used smoke bombs similar to this last sunday for the first time! i wish i saw this before jajaja

  21. To purchase the smoke bombs seen in this video:

    Use code SLREG10 for 10% off!

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