Outdoor Flash Portrait Lighting for AMAZING results, Zeiss Batis, Sony A7Rii by Jason Lanier


Join award winning photographer Jason Lanier at one of his workshops in the Georgia woods where he shares his technique for a single strobe light set up to achieve some stellar results. PLEASE SHARE, LEAVE A COMMENT, THUMBS UP, AND SUBSCRIBE!

Using the Flashpoint Rovelight RL600B and a lightstand/assistant, Jason shot with a wide open aperture using the Zeiss Batis 85mm f/1.8 lens. The combination of shooting wide open with flash can give some pretty dramatic results, and we hope you’ll agree that Jason achieved that in this shoot!

The model is the beautiful Piper Williams. We thank you for watching and invite you to stick around and watch a few more videos while you’re here. All shots edited using Lightroom Only.


Jason Lanier Photography

  1. johan bauwens says

    Why are all the students in this group so fat ???

  2. marcel plavec says

    amazing MODEL…….bravo JASON and fantastic SHOOTS

  3. Meor Mohamad Noh says

    give their all shoot too

  4. Tom Bibby says

    Unbelievably arrogant.

  5. tecnico pc says

    What is the aperture use on this photos and iso ?????

  6. Mata Creatives says

    This guy's ascent sound fun and bossy 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Alam Photography says


  8. Ray rodriguez says


  9. Benjamin Russell says

    Ummmmm…. this guy is a total d-bag.

  10. BRUNO LUXURY says

    Jason you're a jerk off, learn to say please and thank you every time you order one of your assistants around and your model to move, you look like you hate what you do, your videos you look like you're in misery and you sound like it as well, of course I live in the south where people have manners, you are successful that's commendable but you seem just a bit tainted, watching your videos are cringe-worthy but you do know a thing about photography, I ain't going to lie

  11. Linda Augustsson says

    Ohh if I could go to one of your workshops… would never hapen.. so I follow you here on the tube…. But A girl can dream cant she?

  12. MrBusytimmy says

    Love reading through all the salty comments in these videos xD

  13. w1p30ut3r says

    I dont know why Jason laughts everytime he takes a photo of someone…

  14. Makta972 says

    What a cunt. This guy really thinks he's brillant. Lol

  15. Pa Ct says

    Using light for depth of field…mind blown

  16. Jamie L. says

    Which model Sony are you ?

  17. Henkka says

    This is just painful to watch. Please stop doing workshops. You are not a teacher or a ppl person. I do like the photo results.

  18. Reggie Nerd says

    Sounds like he's using a canon rebel xt lol

  19. german diaz says

    I'm sorry, but all I see here is some who thinks he's alot better then he thinks he is. He's not explaining much, also the fact that he says something then turns around and one handed trick shots his pictures is ridiculous. He's depending on the flash to make his shots stand out intead of thnking about competition more.

  20. Yinus Ayoubami says

    Wow you are amazing work with a lot of people

  21. Michelle Denniston says

    I came across your videos and love your work but after this video…I have to say you come off like a cocky asshole. Making fun of others accents is uncalled for. It's funny how people become so full of themselves..You need to take some time and learn how to be humble and kind. You seem to not have a problem showing kindness to your models though..I wonder why!! Peace out and happy shooting to everyone that is trying to better themselves in photography and as a person! Much love everyone!

  22. Muji Huz says

    most fucked up photographer

  23. Khamze Khakimzade says

    he remind me jerry gions

  24. Jeff Lee says

    I see your shooting 200 ss 1.8av and 50 iso. What do you do to get the right amount of light hitting your subject. Anybody?

  25. Felix S. says

    I guess Jason is just saying don't fallow terns but discover your own style in photography

  26. Felix S. says

    For being a photographer channel sucks you record in 1080, should step it up and do at least 2k

  27. Cherry Pickfotos says

    I would like to know which lens is used in this

  28. Abhishek Sharma says

    Wtf your shooting style is totally different

  29. Bogdan Bezi says

    What dimensions should a good all around portrait octabox have?

  30. Anthony Dean says

    Dude asked "Why is your bokeh better than mine?" Well, he's shooting at 1.8 and you at 2.8

  31. Sunil Ajmeri says

    nice Sir ji

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