35mm vs 50mm for Travel Photography


Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoy today’s video – while travelling/visiting Gdansk, Poland I wanted to see which lens was better suited for travel photography. The 35mm or 50mm. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!

I’m also SO excited to be here, I have so many video ideas that we’re going to be creating over the next few weeks 💛


Lightroom Presets:


Dan @ I Make Films

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Instagram //


Sony a7s mkii + Sigma 24mm f1.4


Canon 5dmkiii
Sigma 24mm f1.4
Canon 35mm f1.4
Canon 50mm f1.2
Canon 85mm f1.2
Canon 135mm f2

Thank you so much for watching! xx

  1. astigmatik says

    dat a7s mkii tho. i just love the colors of the video. did you color grade by any chance?

  2. em dschi says

    Please, can you make a video using the nifty fifty 50mm 1.8 lens? I wanna see, what a pro like you can do with a cheap lens. 🙂

  3. Mardi Brain says

    hey Julia! loved this video. Where did you get your backpack from? is it a great travel back back when travelling with gear? x

  4. aoFeliX says

    Hey would you reccomend a Canon or Sony (first full frame)? 🙂

  5. Akira Bi says

    I like the 50mm more. It concentrates more on the subject and gives a stronger connection between the subject and the background in the last portraits.

  6. IMHO, 50mm is very boring 🙁

  7. Beata Florczak says

    Poland 😍

  8. Simon & Sharky says

    Personally I go with 24-70mm f/2.8. Between the 35 and 50mm primes I'd go with a Sigma 35mm f/1.4. This gives me the option to capture more background, or crop in for a more 50ish field of view and/or manually apply lens corrections in post in either LR or PS to replicate a 50 or other lens. LR and PS are the great equalizers.

  9. Matej Varga says

    You can also crop the 35 to have the 50mm look

  10. Matej Varga says

    5:20 spring starts at 1. May??? Never heard of that. I thought spring is from 21.3. to 21.6.!

  11. LAZY DOG says

    Don’t know why use f1.4 on the close up angled food shots. Almost nothing is in focus at f1.4 close up. I can understand if only one item is the feature.

  12. Novus Terminus says

    Can we stop and give props to Dan for a moment, he does really good photography!

  13. Miggy Teotico says

    hi julia! another excellent vid! i loved your shots taken with the 35 more than the 50 (but both were really good!). and if i had to choose one lens, i would highly recommend the 35mm especially for travel and street as it is definitely a more versatile focal length and the wider perspective adds an artistic touch that goes very well with travel and street photography. with that said, my personal combo is a canon 24/2.8 and 50/1.4 because i had a hard time surviving with just a 35 in my past adventures. there were too many times that i needed something wider for indoor, big groupshots, cityscapes, landscapes, astro, etc. and there were times when i felt that the 35 was not tight enough for more focused portraits.

  14. tub-tube says

    Travel Photos. After having photographed me and my friends, my first idea wouldn't be to take photos of…food…😅.

  15. Tintin says

    that canon shutter jolts my screen over here

  16. Radu Szilagyi says

    You are just adorable when you are finding postures for being photographed and you just play around like a kid 🙂

  17. misslu says

    Considering the 35mm but my moneey 😭
    I know this is irrelevant but I really love your coat btw lol

  18. Kristy Cheung says

    This video came at the perfect time!

  19. ski 3071 says

    what accent is this

  20. Simon Wang says

    35mm for travel maybe. 16-35 would be the best especially among these buildings lol

  21. Kristian says

    I was in Gdansk last autumn. Really beautiful city, (and cheap!) wish I had time to explore more.

  22. Paul Quinones says

    Love the video and the work you guys do.. I think both lens are so useful as I have both but I do find that I carry the 35mm 1.4 alot more than the 50 so for me it's 35.

  23. Steve Lawson says

    Amazing test. Thanks ! 🙏

  24. Jim Mason says

    People need to stop taking pictures of their food. Me included. Nobody cares what I'm eating.

  25. Maryhuanna says

    i use the 40mm canon, fuck sistem ahahha

  26. Hakan Yucel says

    Smart camera user buy 5Drs that you can change full frame to 1.6x
    So you don't need to buy so many lenses 🙂

    35mm x 1.6 = 56mm
    Now you have 56mm f1.4!

    24mm x1.6 = 38mm f1.4
    50mm x1.6 = 80mm f1.2
    85mm x1.6 = 136mm f.2
    200mm x1.6 = 320mm f2.8

  27. NBW DOUGHBOY says

    As a primarily video guy. I can appreciate the changes in the lenses shown own video side as well. I think the 50mm has more bokeh in video at least. The 35mm seems the best for photos tho. But both look good regardless.

  28. Kyle and Allysin says

    I think I'm loving the 50 mm photos! I mean both are fantastic, but I love the 50mm. But I think it's really just a style preference.

  29. Eda Školník says

    Have you ever been to Prague?

  30. Steve Ha says

    35mm for me for landscaping and traveling. Love the bonus scene.

  31. Magda Kaliś says

    omg! what are u doing in Poland ? I'm from Poland (Krakow) and I love watching you and I love your photos ❤️

  32. Mr. Kattan says

    I got 40mm Batis.

  33. Przemysław Budziak says

    Gdańsk, how nice 🙂 Greetings from Szczecin, Poland! And happy easter 🐰

  34. Mandeep Kalsi says


  35. Emilia pn says

    I have only 50mm but I think 35 is better fot travel photography. (But i don't have enough money to buy it). Love from Poland❤

  36. Troy James says

    Question. If you had to buy today. Sony 85mm 1.8 or Sony 85mm 1.4 GM?

  37. San Martinez says


  38. elepop says

    Very informative video! Glad you talked about food photography as well. I have a Fujifilm, but I have been thinking of maybe getting a 35mm lens.

  39. Sonnie Loyola says

    I think the 35 mm is the way to go if you care about the background.

  40. graeme millican says

    great vid 35mm all day long

  41. ps3Tank11 says

    1:52 just do pacing a pigeon walks up xD

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