Simple Lighting For Product Photography : OnSet ep. 131

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Join Daniel Norton OnSet as he finishes up a day of shooting for a fictional beauty company. In this last video for this series, Daniel shows you a some simple techniques to produce product images for store display.

Related Products at Adorama:

Profoto D2

Profoto Beauty Dish

Profoto Zoom Reflector

Nikon 105 2.8 Macro

Tether Tools Starter Kit

You can keep up with Daniel on Instagram

Like, share, and comment on the video below…let’s get the conversation started!

  1. Stanley Parrish Jr. says

    Great video! thanks

  2. says

    thanks for the effort and the sharing. thumbs up. if i may ask, did you use a color checker to set your white?

  3. chrysalis says

    So, just a beauty dish on top? That's interesting.

  4. workphlo says

    Great video Daniel Norton, we love the cosmetic shots. It would be an honor to have you comment on our cosmetic photography series.

  5. spiros litsas says

    try to use gloves when touching reflective object for product photography

  6. YiSian Yu says

    Can you share which one software in the video?
    This video very help for me

  7. tmoss89 says

    Keep up the good work

  8. Gewglesux says

    Great Job! Thanks !!

  9. Roy G Biv says

    Have you got a link to your portfolio? Would love to see your top work

  10. Xavier Wendling says

    Thank you for another great series!

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