Karl Taylor's Hi-End Product Shoot – Made Easy!


Watch this pro-level studio product photo-shoot right now!

This type of shot is normally considered complex because of the interaction of light with liquid and glass. I run you through this studio bottle shoot step-by-step and reveal some professional tips for achieving this type of image.

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  1. Abhishek Kumar Maurya says

    Thanks a ton Karl, very detailed tutorial.

  2. Simon Garcia says

    Great video and great professional. Do you also shoot with the modeling light? in which cases is better to use just the modeling light instead of the flash pops? Thanks!

  3. Timedog says

    I subscribed to your website and it is incredible. Thanks, man!

  4. R G says

    Hi Karl, most whiskey bottles have a label on the back that is interfering with the final result I am getting. Any suggestions for a work around besides, scrapping the label off? Thank You!

  5. Mad Hatter says

    This is like the pure science of creativity. Good stuff!

  6. Jamie Solorio says

    Great video, thank you.

  7. Bflatest says

    Did you need all that table surface and all the distance to make this shot? Could you do the same with less room say 50% less?

  8. 童浩 says


  9. sanju b says

    Karl, could you please tell me, which continuous light have you used here…yes the Broncolor one…….it has day light bulbs in it right…?

  10. Kris Lastname says

    I'm having a heck of a time cutting out a good shape to reflect behind the bottles, it seems the curvature of the glass makes the cutout look thinner… So I make the cutout bigger, and it pokes out the side. Is this something you talk about in your courses?

  11. Kate Rogers says

    Hello, Karl! Thanks so much for sharing this informative video!

    I have a technical question for you:

    Would this shot still be achievable with two umbrella lights instead of soft boxes? I know the placement and distance of the lights is more important than the type, but I'm curious to know if the shape (round instead of rectangular) will affect the overall lighting on the bottle.

  12. George Sgouros says

    Hallo Karl great work!!!
    The tracing paper you use is plain tracing paper or some special diffusion gel like Rosco 3008 tough frost? I would appreciate your answer.Thanks in advance!!

  13. Dijo Devassy says

    thank you really helpful for the product photographers, your lighting technique classes are amazing man

  14. InTheNameOfJustice says

    I'll just pop out and buy £15000 worth of equipment so I can photograph a £20 bottle of booze nicely. Be right back…….

  15. Don't Let Her Speak says

    should you use a mcro lens for this stuff? cause when i shoot i have to ai far to get the whole bottle in and the detail isnt there?

  16. Mario Hernandez says

    Estupendos tips. Gracias

  17. AnythingGoes says


  18. Zockerherz says

    great picture and thanks for the educational video. what focal length was used here?

  19. Mohammad Mirzaei says


  20. Steve Irvine says

    Beautifully done. Great video.

  21. Marcelo Barrera says

    Beautiful video, thank you so much for sharing your work.

  22. Elan says

    …not really made easy lol

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