Fashion Photography for Beginners


Want to shoot fashion? Haven’t the faintest clue where to start? Join photographer and author, Jeff Rojas as he covers the fundamentals of the business of fashion photography. He’ll guide you through the core essentials of how to break into shooting fashion (i.e. establishing a team, how to contact modeling agencies, how to get published, etc.) and he’ll introduce three lighting setups you can use to kick off your career.

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  1. Jared Ribic says

    The audio was killing me, but great video. Thank you!
    Great to see people who still use light meters!

  2. Jones Alexandría Germanni says

    Amazing video!

  3. Jones Alexandría Germanni says

    Amazing video!

  4. Rmit Sharma says

    Awesome video!

  5. gonetocoda says

    There's no excuse for the poor audio on this video!

  6. Nestor Camacho says

    Hi Jeff, great video. Just in case, a tiny tip. In the camera settings you can go to the Wrench (Tools) Tab and in the Auto Rotate I have mine in ON but only to the PC so images on my camera screen do not auto rotate but when I import them to the PC they do. Their are mainly 3 options, a. Auto Rotate ON in Camera and PC b. Auto Rotate ON to PC only and 3. No Auto Rotate to either Auto Rotate Off. This is to avoid having to rotate the images manually every time in Lightroom or Capture One as they will always be upright no matter it they were shot in Landscape or Portrait mode. That way you don't have to be pressing the rotate button constantly, 🙂

  7. jjaylad says

    Great video. Hadn't tried Spark so just did and its great.
    Just curious about one thing Jeff …there was a popup reflector with the black cover on it on the set but you used the folding v-flats instead. Could large popup 5 in 1 reflectors be used in place of v-flats?

  8. MrTShbib says

    Great content, but please improve the production quality.

  9. VideoPirate1 says

    Jeff says we should be on Instagram. Isn't that an app for mobile devices? How would one use Instagram from a PC?

  10. Richard Powles-Brown says

    Great video, BAD sound

  11. j cortes says

    Always love to see content from Jeff Rojas . He shared a lot in this video . The business/value portion was especially helpful .

  12. Angel Perez says

    Amazing content. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Looking forward to catching you live some time.

  13. Jones Alexandría Germanni says

    Amazing video!

  14. D. Williams says

    Good choice of Jeff!!!
    He is one of my "go-to" inspirations for learning the technical AND the business side
    of photography now.
    Jeff Rojas, Daniel Norton, Joe Edelman, and Lindsay Adler !!!
    Follow these people! Learn from them! 😁

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