Exposure & Metering – Photography Course Pt 4


Why are my photos sometimes too bright or dark? Learn how to control exposure with exposure compensation, understand metering modes, histogram graphs, P-mode and more, ending with practical session #1

Previously $480, this popular photography course by award-winning Australian Geographic photographer Chris Bray’s is now online! Parts 1-5 are FREE and Parts 6-10 only $5 each. Don’t forget to watch the other videos in this series and buy the photography course handbook and summary clip cards at www.ChrisBrayPhotography.com

  1. Kennynva says

    So how does ESP work in an Olympus camera's…??? It does something with the background and foreground of the shot.

  2. Prem Ramman says

    For 9:16 and 9:30, cant we use HDR to fix the image instead of exposure ? Or should we be keeping HDR as a last resort ?

  3. Michael Macdonald says

    At 10:15 " . . . but back on a real camera . . . " No worries, just funny that's all. Thanks for the help. Knew much of this all ready ( film & garage dark rooms ) (glad that's over !!) but you brought it all together very nicely. Great delivery.

  4. Mahendra Rawat says

    Simple way of explaining things, only a person with good insight on the subject can do it. You deserve atleast 2M subscribers. Come on people….

  5. Zach Blum says

    awesome video!

  6. Phil Hevron says

    Great video. Easy to understand. 👍👍

  7. easter says

    you are a great teacher! thank you so much for this series.

  8. caryn shiro says

    super informative! thanks for these lessons.

  9. Wet Eyes says

    Thank you so much for sharing. Great work

  10. Mike 2x2x says

    Ok Chris. You are my light bulb over my head moment!!! I just totally got it. Thank you

  11. Raj Ghuman says

    amazing. thank you

  12. jason Francis says

    Chris you should make a video about shooting in RAW and JPEG.

  13. Crystal Cleaning says

    You are the best at teaching photography to newbies like me. Thank you for having the gift to translate these terms and make them easy to understand

  14. Akash 007 says

    Very usefull

  15. Richard White says

    Excellent series, information is delivered accurately and concisely. Should be noted that spot metering is particualrly useful for night photography. Source: I shot vehicle light trails, using a long exposure in Piccadilly Circus last night and got perfectly exposed photos using spot metering.

  16. willia maher says

    You're Awesome !! This is the best tutorial for beginners like me. It's very helpful. I love you . Thank you so much.

  17. Gaurav Parashar says

    The way of presenting the information through the animation is really great. One can forget by listening but the way you have presented the aperture and light falling into the bucket is unforgettable. Loved it!!

  18. Namastey From Top says

    True mentor
    With so much information and techniques. Thank you Chris.

  19. ed ton says

    Agree with all the positive feed back below, first class tutorials,no BS just easy to understand,well explained examples. defo subbed,best I've seen to date, be nice if you could if you have/get time to do maybe some sort of generic editing vid (if there's such a thing)
    Thanks for your time and effort Chris.

  20. Sachin Telang says

    Superb series..

  21. luv2save1 says

    This is incredibly helpful and easy to understand. I'm in school and have a photography class and the info in this video made these modes, especially f-stop, make more sense. I actually practiced the aperture mode while watching and YES I could see the difference in the depth of field. THANK YOU!

  22. sebastian penny says

    Does the exposure compensation work in manual because mine doesn’t seem to make a difference?

  23. Psikolog Hasan Arslan says

    Incredible content.

  24. 16 Rings says

    damn he good

  25. Helen Sugrue says

    Such a great teacher. The best I've come across.

  26. Arnold Lucero says

    Indeed, best tutorial for beginners like me, Thank you Sir Chris!

  27. Javed Inayat says

    You are the best.

  28. Ahmad Okbelbab says

    It couldn't be better. Could it be?
    Thank you very much.

  29. dfg297lpopdirk says

    manual mode is overrated been thinking this for awhile ap is fine

  30. Tracey Ordonez says

    Absolutely love your videos! very thorough and easy to understand given i am new to photography. Thanks for the great videos!

  31. sanch Sanchayan says

    Finally a channel that is not a gear review but a real class of taking good photos.

  32. Htun Win says

    thax for this video .

  33. Lisa Logan says

    You are absolutely the best photography instructor on the web! Thank you for your YouTube tutorials. You've saved me so much time.

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