What the Heck is a Histogram?? Understand Digital Photography's Most Useful Tool

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Don’t be intimidated by the histogram. Check out this simple, clear explanation of what a histogram is, what it represents, and how to use it for better photos.

Filmed on location in the Little Lakes Valley, Sierra Nevada mountains, California.

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Joshua Cripps is a full-time landscape photographer living near Yosemite National Park in California. His recent work includes the worldwide marketing campaign for the Nikon D750 camera.

For more landscape photography, tutorials, and workshops visit:


All photos, text, and video are copyright Joshua Cripps. Stock images and sounds from Pond5.com. Any use without my express written permission is really not cool, man.

  1. superjet2771 says

    I absolutely LOVE my histogram. It is my best friend, always there for me and always truthful. It will never lie. Sometimes it does get a little pissed off and I have to call Exposure Compensation over to help us settle our differences. But for the most part our relationship is picture perfect.

  2. Noel Delfin says

    i thought histogram is so easy and common topic i would find the best explanation on first google search. wrong! this is my 3rd and is the best vid!

  3. D Chan says

    Clear and excellent explanation of the histogram. Thx!!

  4. sreihart says

    Finally! Someone who explains the histogram that even a caveman could understand. Thank you!

  5. boatman222345 says

    I am a professional photographer who normally doesn't get involved in teaching. Simply put if you ask me a simple question about photography you get a mind boggling complex answer. Not exactly newbie's dream come true if you get my drift. That said I am currently engaged in helping someone new to photography learn the basics. Having stumbled upon this video and others on this website I feel as if dreams can actually come true! This character is a genius when it comes to explaining potentially mind boggling concepts in an incredibly clear and concise manner that should ensure that even a rank beginner can grasp the material almost instantly. A job more than well done! Thanks!

  6. d greve says

    Thanks for for the easy to understand explanation. It was very helpful.

  7. Nick Page says

    Very helpful. Thanks!

  8. JK’s Outdoor Journal says


  9. Richard Eyre says

    Not exactly correct. It can be all the way to the right or left and still be OK. If your in the snow or if your against a black wall. Your pixels will be all the way to the right or left and you exposure is fine.

  10. lamaj ivazatrom says

    hello Sir thank so much for your very clearly expelanation about Histogram good luck

  11. Harvey Weinstein says

    Haha, that intro, golden!

  12. Joe O'Connell says

    This is the most easy-to-understand, straightforward, concise, and clearest explanation of the histogram that I've found. Thank you!

  13. Nikki Lim says

    your back ground is like wow

  14. Steve Mathis says

    Thank you for explaining this. Never had a clue what it was. It helps a lot.

  15. King konijn says

    Shoud I have my camera colours at RGB or Adobe RGB?

    Meer weergeven

  16. Michael Chandler says

    Thanks for the great tutorial! I have a super technical question and one that has me totally twisted -up when shooting RAW. I like to reference the histogram and expose to the right, but I am not sure the histogram is giving me a true representation. When using the histogram on the back of the camera am I correct in saying that it is a representation of the cameras jpeg and not a RAW file? If I select custom JPEG features in the camera that seems to change the histogram for the exact same exposure? If these last two statements are true, how do I get the most performance out of the camera when referencing the histogram and making exposure adjustments. I like to shoot RAW plus JPEG, but if the custom JPEG settings I am using changes the histogram then I am not sure what I should be doing as I want the best RAW exposure I can get. Told you I was all twisted-up!

  17. hajilen palong says

    This is the most easiest one to understand thank you

  18. Jayron Reyes says

    That was so easy to understand thanks.

  19. Psyckadeli TV says

    I love your video. The are funny an educating. Keep them coming…

  20. Psyckadeli TV says

    I love your video. The are funny an educating. Keep them coming…

  21. Rajeev Sahu says

    Where is that location? It's beautiful.

  22. alexander cabrera says

    cool. thanks

  23. EyeTrade 4Money says

    just came across your site, truly explain that where I can now understand histogram. Thanks a lot

  24. makemarker says

    Love your vids Josh and your cheerie character 🙂

  25. jrsr grrr says

    Hi, im new here. this is very helpful! thanks! btw you kinda look like nice peter.

  26. snowcat says

    1:20 until you get into the actual content… zZz

  27. Dexter Bululu says

    I rarely subscribe, but I had, this dude is just awesome! I am getting extremely good after watching just 2 of his videos. The craziness just making learning a lot less painful.

  28. great teaching skills!

  29. ivan lopez says

    quick and clear ,thanks a lot

  30. Violasax says

    This is all very interesting,but surely a photographer has the skill and talent to be able to see whether a photo is balanced or not?

  31. Mainly Kris says

    wow. best video I've seen explaining the histogram. thank you so much!!!

  32. andi ananta says

    Thank you very much

  33. GeoM35mm says

    Thank you "crazy guy in the woods", as my students call you, for your videos. I show your videos to my high school photography students. We love your cast of characters.

  34. leo says

    Now i understand it.. hehehe i'm a they called beginner so i wanted to know more about DSLR.. do you have videos or review about my camera its canon (REBEL T6 1300D)?

  35. Chester Mirador says

    Great information!

  36. EroticExotic says

    omg this was /perfect/. thank you.

  37. Matthew de Moraes says

    Great video – haven't paid attention to this before until now. Thanks Josh.

  38. Ram Prakash says

    I see many video to understand why need histogram, how to use histogram, why keep in mind histogram when editing images, and finally my search end here after watch this video, I got my all answer on Histogram, Thanks, I became fan of you.

  39. Noe Berengena says

    Yes! A really smart guy explaining something so everyone can understand it. Thank you. I'm really glad there is a regular Joe asking a "dumb" question.

  40. Grafix Ali says

    you are awesome – amazing explanation.. plz keep doing these videos

  41. glitchman161 says

    excellent video!

  42. Hongs says

    The best explanation! got it, thank you!

  43. Jack Britt says

    I love these videos so much. They are so simple, yet give so much information.

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