Studio Lighting Tutorial for AWESOME Glamour Lighting – Glamour Photography Tutorial


This glamour lighting setup is really simple. For this studio lighting tutorial I have used two lights and two large reflectors. Your reflectors can be diffusion panels, v-flats or if money is tight- you could make it work for three quarter length shots and headshots with two Walmart reflectors. I showed you these panels in my home studio video.

You can see how I have the strobes setup slightly behind the model and on either side of the white background. This is a standard 9ft wide vinyl seamless. I like the vinyl because it is more durable and wipes clean.

These shots were made with an 85mm f/1.8 lens set at f/5.0 The shutter speed was 1/200th of a second and the ISO was 100.

The most important element to this set of images is obviously not the lighting and the setting – it is the model and her ability to give you lots of personality. When I do a session like this, I shoot very heavy and my focus is on keeping things playful. This series of images are excellent concepts for a modeling portfolio

You could do this shot with speedlights. The placement would be exactly the same and you will want to set them at full power. Also be sure to set the zoom setting on your flash head to it’s widest setting so that you get good coverage on the white background.

If you don’t have the reflectors or a way to make them – you can achieve an almost identical look to this by using a third strobe and bouncing it into the ceiling in front of the model.

set.a.light 3D by Elixxier Software GmbH
Tips for building a DIY Home Portrait Studio on a budget :
Vinyl White Backdrop:

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FTC – set.a.light 3D software was supplied to me by Elixxier Software GmbH. No payment was received for making this video and all opinions are my own.
#ishootpeople #joeedelman

  1. Paul Tomlin says

    Hey Joe! Excellent video. I noticed part of that dreamy look you mentioned was that slight haze or slight flare look in the end results. Did you shoot with a lens hood attached or just shoot without it in order to get more flare?

  2. Crazy Dude says

    Great video !!! Thanks 👍

  3. Ajax Rodriguez says

    I love finding these gems! Great tutorial! I'll try changing my settings for b&w before a shoot instead of the b&w conversion being an afterthought. That way I can expose for b&w and get the desired look I'm going for. Thanks, Joe!

  4. JA_NPH says

    Hey Joe, at the end you show an image using speedlites and the third one was facing up to bounce off the ceiling. How did you get the light hitting her from the front?, surely you had your white card from the speedlite up. I say this for otherwise, wouldn't the light just bounce back down on top of her head and not light up the face. Just curious.

  5. playinthroulife says

    Thank you !

  6. Jason says

    What color was the reflectors for these shots

  7. Martin Dalpé says

    ok… the only part not mention is, paulcBuff are build like tank, they don't sell those in canada, but they have service point here. what about the build quality of the HonnyBadger ? thanks

  8. Divi Photos says

    Cool video nice job

  9. Deden Olenk says


  10. James Dobbs says

    What 3d software do you use bud?

  11. Jamie L. says

    Great tutorial . But what about using one black reflector and one white reflector to play with the contrast ?How much do the reflector panels cost and where to get them?

  12. Jamie L. says

    I do like the close up shots which look much sharper with less bleeding

  13. simon morton says

    You're an incredible photographer and teacher!

  14. reg b says

    Thanks for sharing this knowledge. I love your style of teaching. You keep your explanations informative but lighthearted enough to keep it from being boring. In the diagram the reflectors are black facing the model. Are they used to reflect or to dampen the light? What program do you use to make your diagrams? Keep up the great work! In addition to learning more about lighting, thanks to you I have already built my portable background and will soon be building some led strip lights.

  15. salem.fotografy says

    thank you so much i learned amazing technique and finally found the answer to the question of the decision-making process for making black and white pictures

  16. Kevin Dickinson says

    Hi Joe. In the video you have the V flats with the Black Side facing the model. I thought that would suck up the light. Not reflect. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  17. Andrew B. Richardson says

    I just now discovered you. I'm hooked.

  18. Randall Roberts says

    very much enjoyed this .. how do you think it would work bouncing the strobes into umbrellas?

  19. steve weston says

    another great video Joe, Many thanks. I have added you to my go to presenters. you have joined Tom Heaton, Steve Perry and the bald fat guy.:-D
    great shirts too….!

  20. A Matter Of Perception says

    I enjoyed this one….new fan. Great tips…great shots.

  21. Kristian Niemi says

    I've only watched TWO of your videos and I've already learned more than I have in the past two years! Set your camera to B&W with the contrast cranked up? Game changer!

  22. Paulo Contente says

    Great shots.

  23. Pedro Madeira says

    I have been following so many photographers on youtube for so much time and I have never seen you before @Joe Edelman , it's so much fun I just can't stop watching, your videos are so captivating. Congrats, subbed with notifications! 😀

  24. mchlphotoguy says

    Thank you for this tutorial, love the Marilyn Monroe photos, now I know how to recreate the look. Thank you again it is much appreciated.

  25. William R says

    what was the power setting for the 2 lights and f stop

  26. Ronnie Hole says

    Once again, solid and good quality video. I have had a "artistic break" for a while. I have not shot that much lately. Your video sparked a photo idea and I know just the right model for it. So thank you again and please keep the videos coming. They take time to do (especially this well done) so keeo up the good work 👍 Ronnie / Finland

  27. Doug Greene says

    Interesting. And I remember reading about that shoot when I was in photojournalism school. And Tri-X!!!! Best film ever!

    So you mentioned a link to reflectors from Walmart? Didn't see the link there. Are they LARGE panels like she show in the lighting diagram?

  28. ExploringCalifornia says

    thank you so much I am definitely going to try this.

  29. jay ch says

    Hey Joe! Another fantastic video!
    I have a question for you.

    When sony a7 came out i sold my 7d and bought a7
    Now I would like to purchase another dslr
    What would be good option now days for price range of 13-1500?
    In advance thank you!

  30. Juan Lopez says

    Thanks Joe, you are an inspiration, love you work , your style, and most the love for others like (amateur) to get inspired and to have the confident that we can do IT. love B&W. i do love color image, but B&W seem to be more interment and they some how speak to you, (the images of course). my thoughts.

  31. Bart Edson says

    Great video and thanks for the tip at the very end bouncing the flash off the ceiling. Can't wait to try this one. Love your videos.

  32. Vishweshwar Kandalgaonkar says

    So simple technic and awesome lighting effects in black n white photographs, thanks for sharing.

  33. Sébastien DELESTRE says

    thanks you to give us the setup with cobra flash. it s great for us who photography "on budget"

  34. xnosaertx says

    Great job Joe! Your videos keep me inspired !!! Thanks !!!

  35. c0pyimitati0n says

    Your model is absolutely gorgeous.

  36. c0pyimitati0n says

    These are pretty cool ideas if you know for a fact you don't want to shoot color. But sometimes even if I want to shoot black and white I like the ability to decide after the fact because every so often i end up liking the color more.

  37. computerjantje says

    Today I found out that you have crawled into my daily life. My girlfriend, who also watches this channel, said she was afraid my video-clip of a music-band will look amateur made. I said that I am also worried that might happen but if I don't start making videos, then I will never learn. She understood and responded with: "Your best shot is your next shot".

  38. Abe .M. Essack says

    It's no wonder Leica produced a digital camera just for B&W photography . Now by following Joe's advice on camera settings for B&W photography, you can achieve true analogue quality B&W images with any digital camera! Thanks Joe for the advice, it's these little things that make a difference, awesome work! Let's support Joe's Patreon efforts so he can continue to assist us in in creating our next best shot!!!!😎 👍

  39. K D says

    Hi, love your work. I have small question thou. Do you have some suggestions how to simply transfer Picture Control (Nikon) settings into a lightroom preset or profile, so i can aply it on import or in tether shooting. Especially black and white like in this video. I tried creating a preset by looking on camera back and trying to recreate this in lightroom but maybe there is easier option for lazy people?

  40. Skirmantas Rinkevicius says


  41. Raton Poussin says

    Awesome, as always. The black and white is just AMAZING!!!

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