Printing a Professional Photo Portfolio: A Look Inside


Having a beautiful way to present my photos in person has been something I’ve wanted for a long time, but creating a photography print portfolio was daunting. I finally made it happen, and here’s a look at the process.

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  1. davidhunternyc says

    Very beautiful and strong portfolio. I agree. It reflects your personality exactly.

  2. Roksana Luczejko says

    I'm watching this as I'm finishing up my own portfolio and… damn it man. I feel sudden urge for improvement but have no time… :'d
    Either way, great work. I love that dark, solid cover and ''engraved'' text especially. Inspiring and motivating.

  3. pipersson1 says

    Hello when you score the paper, in which way you fold the paper, at the scoring or the opposite area?

  4. Somebody Thats NOT YOU says

    Your work doesn't compare to any of these other videos on here, doesn't make sense to me why you only have 15k views. But thanks for inspiring me!

  5. First Man Photography says

    Brilliant video buddy. Thanks for the info and high quality production.

  6. SDM says

    Spirit Animal Vibes

  7. David Boardman says

    Wow !! Caleb great production !! Love your work . Thanks for the awesome video.

  8. Joe Davies says

    Brilliant video, nice work Caleb.

  9. Jordan Moorman says

    More content like this! Great stuff!

  10. Babyzbeproud! says

    Really I've seen this at least twenty times and its just inspiring. thanks.

  11. Rivki Locker says

    Awesome video. Entertaining and informative. I’ve subscribed to your channel. I’d love to use a book like this but don’t want to print at home. I use WHCC. Any idea how to do this? I know they can’t print double sided which is ok, but I’m also not sure what paper finish to use. Any input?

  12. aLLAN aBANI says

    Amazing portfolio and great work !

  13. Billy Churcher says

    This was a well put together video and I loved the process of development for the portfolio

  14. Usatîi Sabina says

    Wow, So much effort! I am not a photographer but this is so pleasing to watch. Amazing job! I guess at this point you know you are a professional 🤷‍♀️

  15. Viktoria Pezzei says

    Just saw this video and I got immediately interested in more content of yours (I mean, look at this flawless design og how you put your picutres together!). Tbh I genuinely think, you could be a very competent photographer teacher. Very honest, but very helpful. What a shame, you're living on the other side of the world, I would love to get some lessons of you!

  16. Nicholas Allinson says

    This was not only one of the best ‘how to’ videos ever, but probably one of the best YouTube videos made. 👌🏼

  17. Rajmund Schönberger says

    Wow! I was looking for an instructional video about DIY Photo book, but I found only those overly-DIY "Pinteresque" vibe stuff, not suited for serious photography. This video was waaay too low on the list, but it is definitely the best. The videography alone is far better and your book and photos is amazing. I lost it when you showed the thematic concepts between pages, it is fantastic!

  18. Camille gg says

    I'm TRULY motivated.

  19. Aurora_Hale_ says

    Yaaasss!!! Thank you ❤️

  20. Katherin H says

    Hey there! How much did the portfolio cost?

  21. Nina Neenaah says

    My school wants only A4 size. I’m actually dying.

  22. Eric Shih says

    Do you have any suggestions for a printing service if we don't own a good printer?

    I don't have the budget for a professional printer.
    Everything is obtainable/doable for me except for the printing. Is there a service that I can send/ask to use specific paper like tdd he moab paper?

  23. Joshua Mallett says

    Love it! You should do more videos because your amazing at it!

  24. luftfahrtlobby says

    I am impressed

  25. Kyng Kool says


  26. This video looks like a lot of tears for my 11th grade self…

  27. Kiara Lagarrigue says

    Greaaaat job

  28. Leon Droby says

    Awesome pics; awesome video.

  29. TheTechnoPilot says

    Very cool, love the idea!

  30. edsel says

    Love the fight club narrative vibe, great look at the process. Also, pina zingaro makes transparent strips that get hidden by the screwpost. Great option if you don't want to cut or score the pages. Would recommend getting some sort of thin cover sheet as well. Learned that the hard way, the title page will get dirty.

  31. Richard Reed says

    Your work is truly inspiring.

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