Photography Tips & Projects : About Stock Photography Careers
Stock photography careers can be pretty lucrative, as there is a large market for it, and it is easy to submit digital photos to stock photography houses. Start a freelance career in stock photography with information from a professional freelance photographer in this free video on photography.
Expert: Lauryn Spielvogel
Bio: Lauryn Spielvogel is a professional freelance photographer with a wide range of commercial and artistic experience.
Filmmaker: Nathan Boehme
This is NOT an easy business to get into! It's fun, sure, but breaking into the business is almost impossible these days because stock house criteria is so stringent. 90% of the time you get shot down based on "creative content".
Who is this person? Reality check…. stock photography is a business and a difficult one to make it in. You truly give a false impression of the business. BTW, stock compies don't typically "buy off" you collection. You have no business in giving tips.