Photographer Awarded $1M From Newlyweds Who Bashed Business Online


Wedding photos could ultimately cost a Texas couple more than a million dollars. The big price tag is because newlyweds Neely and Andrew Moldovan bad-mouthed their wedding photographer online. Photographer Andrea Polito was shocked by the reaction, because things had started out smoothly in the weeks before the wedding. “We had a conversation, she loved everything and sent in the contract the next day,” Polito told Inside Edition.

  1. S J says

    That wasn’t just a complaint they threw a fit because they didn’t finish paying for their photos and ruined a persons life. They got what they deserved by loosing the lawsuit.

  2. Helen Ivanic says

    The couples should’ve signed the contract and pay for those gorgeous photos. Now, they have to pay a whole lot more. They should’ve took the first offer. Stupid mistake by the couple.

  3. normalgirlcvco says

    But what didn't the photographer send them their wedding pics? I mean… If I'm hiring a photographer is because I want the photos. Like… 🤔🤔

  4. Dropping 2020 in every video says

    A million is not enough tho..

  5. Rukia Kuchiki says

    Shame on them!!!!!!!

  6. Da'marius Wingfield says

    I see some people in the comment section have no idea what a photographer goes through to get paid. My fellow artists, be careful who you work with!

  7. Kevin Morales Gomez says

    lol karma for them

  8. Tony Cao says

    Welp. The couple must been Choosing beggers. Evolutionized choosing beggers

  9. Stephanie The Awesome says

    Do they not know what a screenshot was

  10. mal says

    wtf those photos were beautiful

  11. Max W says

    Got What they deserved

  12. Mike Sweeney says

    Nah they just ugly

  13. Maddy Verst says

    To the people who bad mouthed her you can’t put this behind you you ruined some ones business you made that choice

  14. Joanna Galvan says

    Smh I’m sure they do want to put this behind them 🙄 Trying to get out of paying for the services they agreed too then complaining about it. I worked in a flower shop for a few years and experienced so many instances like this first hand. I would get people who’d place an order for corsages, arrangements, homecoming mums, funeral arrangements you name it and when it came time to pay they’d suddenly find a problem or the price was “too high” and they’d throw a fit with management trying to get a discount. I had a black woman accuse me of being racist once and discriminating against her because i was completely booked with prom corsages and wouldn’t take her order. She thought this because the woman right before her who just so happened to be white took the last available slot/pick up time. This white woman i guess chatted with her in the store somewhere and told her that i was still taking orders (all the other shops in the area were completely booked also because it was friday night THE DAY BEFORE PROM) So when i told her no she complained to my boss that i called her the n word and that i said things i didn’t. Luckily we had cameras and of course she retracted her statement and left all mad. I heard she had left a negative review on yelp or something. Had she mentioned me i would’ve sued too.

  15. hotel? trivago. says

    damn this is why i don’t like people. ruined the poor woman’s business. if they were truly unhappy, they didn’t have to settle it like that.

  16. Alexander Scalzo says

    Happy she won her lawsuit!

  17. Alexander Scalzo says

    This bring me 2 tears. This photographer didn't deserve this & that couple got what they deserve! They're monsters!

  18. Tiny Grass says


  19. Lesjeunes Blache says

    That's American first to go on news or complain the first to get the mob on your size to destroy the other person, that's how the system works these days. It is sad

  20. Fadhil Altamimi says

    That couple needs a life such baby’s

  21. varelaable photography says

    Read before you sign idiots 🤦🏽‍♂️

  22. Nori Nkhalamba says

    I think she was over reacting and they didn’t have to give her 1million dollars that’s ridiculous

  23. Alistor Banks says

    The couple must be rich to have to pay that much, or they might be in debt for the rest of their lives.

  24. Jojo G says

    a million for that 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  25. Matt Smith says

    Hope they enjoy their honeymoon at the sonic drive thru thinking about their petty lives.

  26. USER 005 says

    The bride is upset cuz he husband isn't cute

  27. Yeboi says

    That’s some messed up stuff but at least she won

  28. Really Daniella says

    OH I've heard of this and I believed it wow…
    I'M so dumb

  29. Baby Migi says

    " I was so hurt and devastated " oh my god I'm such a victim!?

  30. Romportltai says


  31. Angel Studios says

    The couple should die in hell

  32. Happy_ Sophie says

    "So we complained like anyone would. We'd love nothing more than to put this behind us." Put this behind you? Her business was shut down! You couldn't put it behind you when Andrea was in the wrong, but as soon as you were seen as the villians it's no bug deal?

  33. Living Proof says

    Soooooo…. Did she get the money?
    In Cuba Goodings Jrs voice:
    "Show me the money!!!!"

  34. Lauren Pearson says

    She is playing victim

  35. Marisol Espinoza says

    Her cry is fake smh and the couple look stupid

  36. Ray Martinez says

    To be honest with you that was an ugly couple and those pictures did somewhat decent then they should just be grateful for that. SMH 🤔

  37. Bala Chinthala says

    The couple looks like meth addicts

  38. CHASS FREEMAN says

    Would she have made 1 million that year off her photography alone ? I really doubt it.

  39. TrexNext says

    Screen shot the photo from social media. Then crop it and save it done

  40. Lisu Long says

    0:59 laura lee who

  41. Madeline Stevens says

    Ugly ass couple anyway.

  42. *MA* *YUMI* says

    So did she get paid the million$ or she is still strugling till now?

  43. Angela Shafer says

    The bride was mad her teeth look so nasty yellow😂🤣😂

  44. Hannah J says

    This makes me angry.

  45. brock dickens says

    They will probably get divorced lol

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