Lesson 1 – Aperture (Tutorial about Photography)


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This is a first lesson about photography for beginners. In this lesson I will explain in details what aperture means and how it is used. We will also talk about F-stops and DOF (Depth of Field). I hope you will enjoy my photography tutorials and can learn how to use your camera better.

Music: Kevin MacLeod. (Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0”)

  1. George Kimwana says

    Hi gorgeous, kindly advise the best entry level lens for wildlife shooting/ landscape.thanks in advance

  2. mala mala Youcef says

    Very well explained thank you Beautiful

  3. Rajeev Kamalasanan says

    Awesome video. Keep going!

  4. kalina noll says

    Very well explained! Thanks heaps for showing us all the secrets. I have some paid lesson but I decided to give free access for two months now >> share.skilldevs.pw

  5. AlienMyth64 says


  6. mohd bava says

    very helpful

  7. Xavier Ryan says

    Thank you. Your teaching skills are fantastic! Learnt a lot. I am subscribing. And wish you very best of luck!

  8. farhat ahmad says

    thankyou 😊 very helpful..

  9. Anna Baluyot says

    Wonderful!!! Clear and straightforward. Thank you.

  10. freminatus selama says

    You have very nice tutorial. I learned alot. Thankyou. Keep it up!!!. I had aquestion. How i record with grains or noise in pannasoni video

  11. Chrisette DuQuesnay says

    Thanks so much for this tutorial. For someone like me who needs to learn really basic stuff about a camera this is a gold mine. Every other tutorial I have watched so far is for people who already have a basic understanding of the functions of a camera. I will be watching all your tutorials. Thanks again.

  12. Syed A.B.Siddiqui says

    Thank you. Brief but precise.

  13. Tarik Isik says

    I – S -O. 😀

  14. Van Vocalist says

    Very good!! Good lesson thank you 🙂

  15. amar jassar says

    thank you .today is my first day .i m from india ..i learned more from you ..thank you so much

  16. Manju Choudhary says

    It's very helpful , also make for indoor shoot vedio

  17. Saantje El B says

    you are really good !

  18. AhmadsLife says

    Woah, damn i learned a lot from this lol! Thank you for not wasting my time like other videos i started a vlog channel it'd mean a lot of you checked it out! Now if you dont mind me im going to watch the rest of the lessons better get going bye!

  19. Sandram Pillay says

    Excellent presentation. Thanks a lot.

  20. Davina Rubin says

    Just discovered this video and also lesson 2 on the shutter. What a great talent you have for teaching, brava, tomorrow lesson 3!

  21. ISaeeD says

    you are amazing in explaining the aperture, i love this video im gonna foloow you from now on because you can give people what they need to knowin very short and excited video , thank you for this video

  22. Filmaciones MX says

    learn more than one semester in school. Thanks

  23. William D. Ramirez says

    This guide is more focused on the needs of photographers. Those who want to make their photography look as professional, polished and above all, as competitive as they can. It’s techniques are simple, straight forward, and easy to follow. It was easy to follow and had some really great tips and secret methods for improving  image. https://plus.google.com/b/116518508242424166405/116518508242424166405/posts/CTxZ6XB76kx

  24. jem ry says

    salamat! 🤗

  25. SUPERSS90 says

    Thank You,Thank You,Thank You…

  26. Google India says

    is Nikon d500 good for beginners?

  27. Henry Hurtado says

    Thank you , I learned so much from you . I just wanted to quit ! I was following another tutorial and it was so complicated.
    However I started to make some exercises about as you did with the mailbox and I got two extranges results.
    My subject got dark with F22 and with f2.8 the whole image got blurry ! hahaha I dont know yet how to control the lenses.
    I'm using a Canon 5D mark iii.
    I will continue watching, thanks ! 😀

  28. Rogelio Nevarez says

    this didn't help me at all

  29. hashim shaikh says

    thanks for your tutorial. Hope it will help me to take more good picture.

  30. Amit Ray says

    Maam your videos are exceptionally good and easy to understand therefore may i request you to have a tutorial on macro photography with reversal ring. I tried but failed.

  31. Karl Weaver says

    You are a wonderful help to people, willing to help is a great quality, a generous kindness – thank you 🙂

  32. Amit Ray says

    Thanks a lot Maam. Learnt a lot from these tutorials.

  33. Joseph Smith says

    I just discovered your channel and I like the first tutorial about photography. I going to watch some more and learn how to use my camera better. Thanks for making the videos.

  34. Fuad Albahry says

    you are the best . …. and you so beautiful . .

  35. Mikey Cordoba says


  36. Ken Hero says

    What camera is this? I really like it.

  37. M-DOUBLE says

    this was helpful I appreciate thanks

  38. Mohamed Mohy says

    thank you v.much; you are very qualified and helpful person; I hop my wife to like you. thanks

  39. Sunshine says

    You have explained it very clearly. I had learned more listening and watching your tutorial than when I attended a 4-hour class with 20 peeps. Thank you very much! Subscribed!

  40. Johnathan Gamerboy says

    This was crazy helpful I do not like photography though

  41. Frank Enriquez Videos says

    I love and enjoy your tutorials.

  42. mohammed rafi says

    Very nice teaching thank you somuch

  43. Cricket Game says

    I like your video and it will be easier to capture photos with dslr

  44. Jill Talk says

    I'm one minute in and I already like her, because she is talking to us like a bunch of idiots, and that is exactly what I need to learn this God forsaken skill. Amen!

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