The 2 Best Newborn Photography Lenses Everyone Needs!


Newborn Photography Tips: The 2 best newborn photography lenses. Have you ever wondered if you’re using the BEST newborn photography lenses?

This is one of the number one questions we hear when it comes to newborn photography. If you’re just getting started in the newborn niche, you’ll no doubt be wondering if you have the right lenses to capture those precious little babies. Or if you’re already an established newborn photographer, maybe you’ve been thinking that it might be time to invest in a new lens because you feel your newborn images are lacking a little bit. So here are some tips for you, and what I’ve discovered are the best lenses for newborn photography.

Click this quick tutorial, Kimberlee from Cole’s Classroom shares the top types of lenses that you should be using for your newborn photography sessions, along with some great tips for beginning newborn photographers.

More Newborn Photography Tips & Resources:
– Need help editing your newborn photos in Lightroom – get our Newborn Lightroom Presets here:
– Newborn Photography Styles:

  1. C Zwick says

    How do you get good results holding the macro? I find I get camera shake when holding it. Also do you use AF or manual. I am not a professional but would like to take some photos of my grandchildren. Appreciate any advice you may have. I do have a macro and 50mm.

  2. andrea salazar says

    What camera do you use?

  3. Jeia2010 says

    What's the cheapest canon dslr camera you could recommend for NB photography? Thanks!

  4. Gerard O'Mahony says

    Hi. Is it an option to use an extension tube to create macro shots from a normal 24-70 f2.8? Thanks

  5. Louise Cufley says

    I have both of those lenses, but don't seem to be able to get close enough to the baby without losing focus. Any suggestion please?

  6. Tabitha Peralta says

    I have the Canon SL2 with the 18-55mm lens but I want to buy a better lens for birth photography. I'm going to take pictures for a friend in two month from now but I'm finding it hard to find the perfect lens. What can you recommend me for that occasion?

  7. Rhayssa Maia says

    Does anyone use the Sigma 70-300mm DG HSM MACRO lens 4-5.6?

  8. jkonquer says

    Great video! Thanks for getting more detail with the pro’s and con’s.
    So the real difference between a kit lens and a 50mm prime lens is the f stop, correct? So, as long as i have a great lighting the kit lens should do just as good as a prime lens?

  9. consider Zeiss for those go-to focal lengths. the difference is very noticeable

  10. Shelby Steele says

    I have the Canon 50mm 1.8. Do you think this could work as a go to in place of the 1.2? The 1.2 is so expensive for a beginner

  11. Christina Scallion says

    I'm trying to do newborn photography with my daughter. I have a canon rebel t6 with the basic lenses 18-55mm and 75-300mm, are these useable for newborn pictures? Mine have been turning out grainy and or too dark

  12. Sunny Singh says

    Hi Kimberly great video!

  13. Les Moxon Photography says

    24-70mm f2.8 all day for me – occasionally a 50mm f1.4

  14. Zanna says

    Distortion is easily fixed in Lightroom, with one click… people really shouldn't use that as a deciding factor – plus you can always shoot wider and crop in post if you're really worried about it. I do in home newborns only, the 35 is a must because you never know how much space you'll actually have. And a macro is definitely a must, I agree.

  15. Moto Gyal says


  16. Whitrigg Photography says

    I use the 35mm sigma art lens 1.4 and the 100mm macro 2.8 for my newborn sessions, sometimes I will use my 50mm but I find I can do everything and get great results with those

  17. Lynne Fischer says

    Thanks for your clear and succinct video. I have a Nikon D300s crop sensor camera so I bought a Nikkor fx 35mm f2.0 lens for my brand new grandson's photo shoot considering the natural crop I thought the 35mm would act like the 50mm to get up close and personal. Will I experience the Distortion issue you discussed with my 35mm acting like a 50mm in my crop sensor camera??????

  18. Singh. H says

    how about 24-70 !

  19. MisterBassBoost says

    Good! Keep it up!

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