Landscape Photography | Conquering the Camera Settings


I travel to the Yorkshire Dales to capture some images and talk more about the camera settings I use for my landscape photography.

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Understanding basic camera settings for landscape photography seems to be the key to people feeling confident with their camera. Once camera settings are mastered then the camera becomes an extension of you and we can start to really focusing on getting the creative juices flowing. In this video I focus down onto the camera settings and explain my methods in more detail.

Since I started vlogging I have moved away from making photography tutorials for beginners. It has allowed me to simply document my work process and show you my methods. Along the way people have picked up photography tips and tricks. Having said that, people still want to know the practical techniques. Things like, how to shoot in manual mode on your DSLR or what is the exposure triangle, or more information about aperture, shutter speed and ISO. This is totally understandable and I think shooting in manual mode is something all photographers should aim for.

This video aims to give you the information about how I do landscape photography settings, including my metering and focusing methods, whilst maintaining the real world vlog type feel. In the video I am in the Yorkshire Dales, visiting Ribblehead Viaduct and climb up a small portion of the Whernside mountain.

My video photography blogs are designed to entertain and document how I go about capturing my work. If it provides landscape photography tips and inspiration along the way then please share it with your friends so more people can benefit from the content. If you enjoyed this photography vlog I would really appreciate it if you subscribed to the channel so you can come along for the journey.

  1. Paul Davis says

    Thank you Adam. I'm quite new to photography and I'm constantly watching your videos for advice and would you believe it they really do work. Lol. Thanks for this particular video. Its really helpful in mastering the exposure triangle and like you said, you can get to the point where you don't have to worry about it anymore as you've got it sussed. Great content, love what you do. Many thanks.

  2. Michael says

    Thanks for this. I love watching your videos especially when I’ve had a few beers 😋

  3. Arijit Biswas says

    Nice video, tell me why you 1st used auto focus and then switch to manual focus at the 8:02 second of this video?

  4. Hrushikesh Vasista says

    This is the first video of yours I am watching as a novice. Your explanation is great to follow, not feeling overwhelmed. I look forward to follow your other videos. Thanks a ton!

  5. xBryanGamePlay says

    Thank You! For sharing the settings to 😉

  6. Photography Enthusiast says

    So much talking about “manual mode” from digital shooters, those who use film cameras never even think about that nonsense.

  7. Des Gardner says

    Thank you Adam that was most interesting, that was a lovely location too…..

  8. David Moreno says

    Well.., in the shot at 8:11 he used an ISO of 100, f:16 and 1/5 Shutter speed. How did he get in that shot the grass on the foreground sharp with a 1/5 of a second shutter speed? There was a bit of wind so there should be motion blur for sure…

  9. Al k says

    thanks for sharing Adam like these kind of videos well put together

  10. orangeUAVpilot says

    Thanks Adam for the great tips and walking us through your thought process! I’m looking forward to reading your ebook. You’ve got a new subscriber!

  11. Matt Stratton says

    Great tips! A ton of people think that you need to stop down all the way to f22, etc but it's not necessary!

  12. absolutely wonderful video and valuable information ,,, thanks a lot to you man

  13. James Hainsworth says

    Awesome video mate! Just found your channel. Thanks for the tips!

  14. GixxerJim says

    Good Video, thanks for the tips

  15. roni islam says

    the weather is gloomy.

  16. Lord Kambing says

    if i want to get a camera for travelling, vlogs and landscape photography, what camera type should i get? and what brand is good? i want a good and clear camera with not a price too extreme.

  17. Sinichi Kudo says

    Very helpful and inspiring for a beginner like me. Thank you for the wonderful tips!

  18. mybeautyquebec says

    Hi Adam
    Thanks for this great video (as usual :). I'm always hesitating on the focus point, I'm never sure where to focus to have a sharp image so I go with trials / errors. Do you have tips on where to focus?

  19. JL Photography says

    Amazing video I try and capture similar things on my Instagram @jayloyden 👏

  20. Matt Sandford says

    Great film. When doing long range landscape shots where do you focus. Especially if you want close things in focus too.

  21. Tiago Natanael says

    Thanks for this tips, especially the last one. Isn't the machine that makes the landscape photographer, but it's all about visualizing.👍🏼

  22. Mkal Allen says

    Thanks Adam. I am a 66 year-old beginner. I have enjoyed and learned much from your videos. Please keep your content coming!

  23. Cheri Green says

    I think you have a wonderful eye for composition!

  24. dkbt1 says

    Thanks, Adam. Really enjoyed the tutorial and your enthusiastic personality. If I  believe that I could spend a day photographing with someone based on their Youtube channel then I'm a subscriber!

  25. jai rian says

    I came across your video lately, really worth the wait, such an easy way of understanding. Thank you so much for sharing. I would like asking a question If you don't mind answering it, I got a Nikon 7200 & Canon 70D(I have lot of focussing issues with 70d since I bought this) I was thinking to sell both and get a Canon 5D, whats your opinion.

  26. Daniel Moore says

    I totally agree the perfect photo is up to you every shot is different

  27. Anything Cameras says

    What ND filter do you recommend for long exposures?

  28. phil lonie says

    What tripod are you using

  29. ishor gurung says

    I have 80d ..for landscape which lens should i buy bro

  30. Keith Dornin says

    THank you

  31. mariano de miguel says

    Thanks man: very helpful.

  32. Drake Leroy says

    I very recently came upon a photographic concern: "diffraction limiting aperture", and my apsc camera has one at f/5.9. Your 5d4, I think is 9.3. But you shoot some shots at f/11-16+, and you get, I assume, acceptable images. Is diffraction limiting a solid concern for any photographer, now?

  33. Saurabh Kambli says

    Travel and shoot with Thomas Heaton
    …you guys will be great!

  34. fra t says

    Which filter did you used?

  35. Stephen Johnson says

    Just discovered your work. I’m now binge watching EVERYTHING!

  36. Trevor Malcolmson says

    well in mate, I’m a total newb and you’ve made me want to get out and crack on, well played sir!

  37. derekrowan11 says

    Great video! Some really useful tips in here. Thanks.

  38. Jarrett says

    So when taking photography like this, where are you locking focus? Someone mentioned it's ideal to use "double the distance" method; meaning locking focus twice as far away as the closest object in your photo. is this a usual rule of thumb or, for instance, in the waterfall scene, you're locking focus with the waterfall itself?

  39. Noah Andrew says

    I am currently doing my Higher photography course and I am doing landscapes. This was very useful to me as I was struggling a bit with the settings 🙂

  40. Daniel Osório says

    I dont usually comment anything. But this video and the place you choce for your landscaping was trully beautifull and so i had to. It made me want go out and shot. Nice video and you kept simple, but enjoyable

  41. thinkFish-catchFish says

    Very informative and great that you show examples. So many people talk theory with no output. 👍

  42. Trevor Townsend says

    What lens did you use for taking the pictures in this video?

  43. Alone cell tower says


  44. Denise Foote says

    My first visit and this has been so helpful to me. I have been fretting about my settings for landscapes for ages so thank you very much.

  45. Noumena says

    Awesome video. Thanks for the tips!

  46. Jim1971a says

    At first I thought that was an old water aqueduct, but then I saw the train ride over it.

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