How to Win Photography Competitions + the judging process explained


Here’s an insight into how the team and I judge our photography competitions here at Karl Taylor Education. Take part in our latest photo competition for a chance to win a Canon 5D camera body.

Click the link for the latest theme and competition rules and information —

Closing date: December 10th, 2018
First Prize: Canon 5Dmk4 Body (Value $3299)
Second prize: Lee Filters The Super Stopper (Value $122)
Third prize: Lee Filters Filter Foundation Kit (Value $78)

  1. Robin Horton says

    Just an advert for joining at £12 a month then?

  2. Max Power says

    You forget that photographers are the exact same as professional footballers…Very very good at their profession but complete FUCKWITS in every
    other aspects of life. Most have trouble knowing the correct way to face when sitting upon a toilet and that is why you get sent so many off topic pics for your comps.

  3. anas ameer says

    Can use a photo for different photography competitions?

  4. Linda Ursin says

    If sometime in the future would enter a competition, I would definitely make sure that the image I send does fit the theme for the competition

  5. Mihael Tominšek says

    It was long video, but listening was fun. I ike this ENERGY that is behind his nicely put wordings. I admire this channel if nothing else for Karl's diction.

  6. Loraine Spencer says

    Ok, but among the good photos, how do pick a winner?

  7. cloudstepper11 says

    This was a lot of fun to watch, Karl. I know that's gotta be super irritating to go through all of those photos that aren't even close. "I have no idea with this one." LOL! Gotta straighten these people out, man.

  8. Nick Hardy says

    i really can't see my entry getting in the top 3 but i wish i could've seen their faces when they saw it 😀 should make it through he first cull though

  9. Dario Nesi says

    Hello! Maybe someone interpreted the theme "Fast" as "Not eating", that would probably explain why someone sent food photos. Given the winner I guess the theme was "high speed"

  10. simianinc says

    How lateral can you interpret “fast” – as in a period without eating instead of speed

  11. Erik Swenson says

    Is this really an instructional video or just a come on to get you to enter their contest by paying $14.99 a month to be a member?  If anyone needs to be told the picture needs to match the theme of the contest, they aren't going to be winning many photo contests.

  12. Russell Burton says

    Hi Karl, great vlog to try and educate entrants. I've been a judge on online fb photo contest pages. The amount of times people try to shoehorn a picture of there cat,dog or other pet into the competition theme is laughable.

  13. Veselin Vasilev says

    Thank you!

  14. Image-i-Nation Photography says

    Hi Karl what do you think to Wedding Photography Awards?

  15. budditube says

    Well Karl, that just shows the urgent need to educate those people in more than one way….
    I have to say i'm surprised by the high quality of your former winners as they all seem to pay the monthly fee to access your trainings, good advertising for you since so far i was thinking for myself it would hardly be worth it as everything i've seen so far for free was good, no question, but pretty basic and not really new to me.

  16. o s says

    Best video ever, hands down! Hilarious!

  17. o s says

    It’s like at the airport when people are queuing up rapidly at the first announcement…..let me get in!!! I still ask myself what to think of such situations…I fully get you on that Karl. I wonder whether it’s gonna change, ha;-)

  18. Mahesh Khandale says

    Thank you so much for this video…..Special thanx for karl Sir

  19. Mamiya Phan says

    what monitor is that?

  20. Bhabani Sankar Mishra says

    this is very useful!

  21. Benčević Dražen says

    Hi, how to join to jour photography challenge? Thanks.

  22. specialized41 says

    Karl do you have any recommendations for monitor for photo editing, I don't have idea for PC monitor.

  23. Light Workx says

    The submissions will get better in time. One can hope anyway. Otherwise, good attempt to educate the masses Karl.

  24. MeatyFlush says

    Lol "a macro image…oh, I'll just size it down REALLY small and that's pretty macro…"

  25. MeatyFlush says

    Wow…. who is giving these people cameras if they don't know what themes are lol

  26. Matthew Nehrling says

    Have you had issues or concerns with terminology having cultural or language differences? For example, 'fast' may refer to motion but it also to food or a meal (break-fast or fasting) or knot or a lock.

  27. Make competitions for retouchers))))) You also have courses on retouching …

  28. Euro 73 says

    Some of those entries where surprising, considering the theme. Thanks for the laugh, needed it after the day I have personally had.

  29. Jeff Horne says

    Brevity is not my strength either, but dear God this video takes a long time to say anything. The entire thing could have just said "read the instructions" and "don't kid yourself". A real lack of self-edit going on here.

  30. Cahit Ayden says
  31. Cahit Ayden says
  32. Joseph Asghar says


  33. Cahit Ayden says

    Hello Karl Taylor, reason I'm sending this comment I just saw two images on your video I didn't not apply for competition can you tell me who's the one sending that to images..

  34. Charles Taylor says

    I can only imagine what an off camera Karl would say when faced with off-topic submissions…

  35. Razor2048 says

    Would a picture of the moon be considered macro? JK 😀
    Anyway, I really dislike watermarks and feel any watermark (unless it is less than 1×1 pixel) should lower the score. It adds a distracting and unnecessary element to the image intentionally. It is like submitting a landscape photo of Mount Everest or other nature photo, and having some fast food/ takeout trash in the foreground.

  36. juan carlos says

    Do the images have to be new fresh images or could I submit some from my previous work?

  37. Stewie Edits says

    The prizes are so good.

  38. Srini Vasan says

    10:38……. it's mine… OMG

  39. aaron letchford says

    Iv seen one bad thing you have done wrong Karl cups of coffee and computers don't mix very well 😂

  40. Jordan Photography says


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