How To Edit Photos Like A PRO | Lightroom Tutorial


How To Edit Photos Like A Professional | An Adobe #Lightroom #Tutorial for photographers. #Photography
My Essential Preset Pack (#1)
My Advanced Preset Pack (#2)

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Shot on a Canon 1Dx Mark ii & Sony Camcorder
If You’ve read this far just comment something nice, and have an awesome day xx

  1. Not _Youngjustice says

    the instant banger hmm😏😏 I think I know what he means lmao jk jk

    but really dope pictures and editing bro keep at it

  2. Othmane El hammoumi says

    Hi guys My name is Othmane If you want to learn Adobe Premiere Pro check my YouTube channel to learn montage in a very easy way For the beginners

  3. Photography Winnipeg says

    Feedback on this lightroom edit would be appreciated, thanks.

  4. 12th Aggie says

    Thanks this helped so much! 🙂

  5. bahtaloco says

    i literaly tried the same thing but my photos look like shit

  6. Luis Cordova says

    What laptop do you use bro?

  7. Soggy Fruitloop says

    I try making a fan made cover for smash bros

  8. Kajander6017 says


  9. Nick Tokar says

    Good ol photo editing… Or as I like to call, giving a false perception of reality.

  10. GobiLux says

    A person that doesn't know how to work with Lightroom makes a video about how to use Lightroom!

  11. Chi Emecheta says

    This helped a lot!!! Thanks!!

  12. Leo Loyola says

    People talk about capture one for Sony…..u think is better than lightroom? Pls let me know before i buy one 🙂

  13. Kate Queen says

    I'm a beginner and I'm wondering if it's easier to work in Photoshop or Lightroom?

  14. Ranjan Das says

    How I know which photo is edited. Please known me in 2 days please please please

  15. EyeSlaaay says

    Loved then video! New Subscriber here!

  16. BlackRabbit1703 says

    thanks mate! very helpful for newbie

  17. low junfeng says

    Big help love what u do

  18. Marcin Kaszubowski says

    Looks great. Thanks for video

  19. Abby Trudell says

    Ah! Your first photo is of The Big Island. I am moving there in August! Digital Nomads ftw.

  20. Billץ Fechtelkotter says

    Please do more editing photos. Very helpful

  21. Blue toxyic says

    if you guys need more refrence for lightroom tutorial in mobile cc ,let's see my video on YT channel

  22. precious perez says

    Hey sir if it to much color effect it not affect the picture noise?

  23. Anand M says

    super bro

  24. erdenebileg ebi says


  25. Shivam Tiwari says

    nice but try

  26. Troy Fuehrer says

    oh he's kinda cute

  27. Vijay Shan says

    Name of this app

  28. Suz / says

    Enjoyed your video you mention ‘presets’ have you a video showing how you make them

  29. My video says

    What app are you use?

  30. N&M Creative says

    thanks for this great tutorial…do you have a more detailed tutorial about the calibration section?

  31. Clarisse Flon says

    Thank you so much for this video! Incredibly helpful

  32. pory blash says

    i am not able to get the preset designed by you

  33. kuldeep Chouhan says

    Learn Photo Editing (view mobile)

  34. alamin islam says


  35. Dave Kelly says

    There is so much lost detail in both the highlights and shadows in every image you showed that if you printed any of these images the colors would be so far off they would print terribly. If you really learn Lightroom you'll discover how to recover lost detail in both the highlights and shadows without having any affect on the exposure.

  36. Pizza Van says

    The second picture the after was amazing

  37. vincent aldana says

    Bro so awesome!!!!!!!!

  38. Risori Tofa says

    u r always good at short intros and more of actions…keep it on my buddy!

  39. Oleg Chernetsky says

    Great video Sawyer!

  40. Clinton Ortiz says

    Does anybody know what app this is where he is editing it from

  41. Re O says

    Something in my mind. Is the other than RAW files such as JPEG cannot be edited? What does that even mean? Someone please explain . Thank you

  42. Gina Gallant says

    Im taking a photography class and were learning the editing. We learned that you actually shouldnt touch the contrast at all, instead you should use your shadow and black to create that contrast! it looks way better! 🙂 but this helped me so much in the end, thank you

  43. Prod Mochii says

    Hey guys if you want another tutorial on how to edit in Lightroom then click here!

  44. ahmad mujahid says


  45. Ramesh Ovinda says

    what is that version..?

  46. Roger Collins says

    Wow, nice video. Very helpful one. But, last time I outsourced the services from a professional photo editing company. You can try out their services, check out from

  47. Nimra Masood says

    Hi swayer, can u tell which app or software u r using for editing??

  48. D. Alli says

    love this vid as alwayz!

  49. NTK NTK says

    Better to take a photos with right lens, right adjustments of cammera, wait for right Light conditions and your photos will never need any adjustments in editors…
    Nice Photos without editing are the Master piece of photo art… And forever the best…

  50. rienier vergara says

    Sir what software your using? I wanted to practice editing, thank you

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