exposing popular photography myths


In this video we go over popular photography opinions and myths, and I give my thoughts on them!



  1. Jorge Palomo says

    I love your channel, I recently found it, you give very good tips ❤️

  2. Audrey Lohkamp says

    impressive video. I absolutely adore it. Follow my channel if you like!

  3. xpqr12345 says

    Regarding the "Photography is easy": anything is easy when you are good at it. And when you are good at it, to someone who knows nothing about the subject, it also looks easy!

    One of the most nerve-wracking moments of my life so far was when I came into a harbour that I had never been into before. I was at the helm of an eight metre sailing yacht (what's that in Imperial units, some 25 feet or so?), with no motor. There was a lot of wind, more than enough to make this yacht reach it top speed. Previous experience had taught me that reducing the sail area does lower the speed (as it should), but it also lowers manoeuvrability, in fact the speed drops by less than manoeuvrability. So I chose to come racing into this unknown harbour, keeping the ability to get the yacht to turn round its own keel.

    After having "cruised" around in the harbour, looking for somewhere to tie up, I realised there is only one place left to look: a rather longish stretch of water, with little place to manoeuvre, and no space at all to get the sails down. If we went in there, we had to be able to turn around and come out again! So in we went, doing some eight knots (sailors will realise how fast this is, in a harbour). Eventually I found a place we could tie up in, and ordered the crew to get ready for gybing. When they were ready I flung the tiller to one side, and the yacht did its thing and turned round its own keel. When we were at right angles to our previous direction of travel, we had one metre (one yard) of water in front of the yacht, and one metre behind, still pouring along at eight knots….

    We dropped the mainsail and returned a minute later, with only the jib up. The speed had dropped to a more comfortable two knots or so, and some 15 metres (50 feet, maybe?) from our target we dropped the jib and just glided the last bit. When we got there, our speed had dropped to practically standing still, and using muscle power to stop the boat was no problem at all.

    Once we had tied up, one of the local fishermen came to congratulate me for my manoeuvring in the harbour basin. He was probably the only person among my 20-something spectators who realised what a feat my crew and I just had pulled off! For me it had been nerve-wracking, but I can imagine that to most spectators it was just another day at sea…

  4. Ally Douillette says

    I think it makes sense to skim the manual or read a part of it when switching systems as the logic behind changing aperture and exposure etc. is usually different from brand to brand. At least that's what I needed to do when switching to Canon after a good ten years with my good ol' and tried Panasonic.

  5. مذكرات العاشق says


  6. Immaweirdo says

    I'm self taught as well but def not good as a pro photographer

  7. Jakiy SW says

    Editing is not fake, it's called creations! Art is limitless.

  8. IAMVEBII says

    You are fun to watch!! This is my second video and I'm already drawn in! Check me out on IG @imperial.fx.photography

  9. Jessy Drums says

    This is fun and funny…:D

  10. Jet Sayson says

    In this moment, I literally started a page dedicated to photography. This video improved my confidence to push further my new page. Jessica Kobeisi is one of my fave photographer youtuber coz she has awesome contents and inspiring. Sooo. This video is helpful! Thanks for this!

  11. minhas próprias águas says

    I never read the manual but I'm married with my camera and we are just fine kkkk

  12. Babyboi Films says

    very informative

  13. Luis J. Nuñez says

    Make a "Expectation vs. Reality: Being a Photographer/Photography" video. That'd be cool.

  14. Cici Gee says

    I have mixed feelings about the photography degree thing. I'm one semester away from getting my degree in photo and there were multiple reasons I went to school for it.

    – preferred learning in a classroom environment
    – mandatory and almost guaranteed internship(s)
    – resources such as studio, lights, other cameras, darkroom, etc.
    – learning from working professionals in my field
    – free (and I really mean free) Adobe CC among other programs
    – an easier chance for me to collaborate with others in different fields/majors
    – assistance with getting work into galleries and being recognized
    – going on trips (that the school pays for) solely to either take photos, meet established artists, or to improve your craft
    – leaving with numerous recommendations/connections for future jobs

    Now, by all means, you don't have to go to college for it but I do think that for some, it definitely helps them jumpstart their career.

  15. Valeria Garcia says

    Lol I totally agree with “lots of likes = a good photo.” That myth literally takes away my vision when I only share photos that people like. If I keep posting that people won’t acknowledge the vision or perspective I’m trying to show. Apps like Instagram do kind of take away the art or creativity. It’s grate for promotion but that’s it.

  16. KimGarza says

    Hahahahaha love you Jessica 💕

  17. Tana Tyler says

    I always enjoy people that talk too much smack about the price of service. You aren’t just paying for the hour shoot, there’s also anywhere from 3-12 hrs of screening and editing that come when I get home 😂

  18. BangPink says

    I love your analogies. They’re so creative and random

  19. Kiona Lee says

    I’m sorry but that light really annoys me

  20. Marc McConnell says

    Sometimes you have to rake leaves to make your composition.

  21. Im dying, my camera manual is somewhere, i could not tell you where that is 😂

  22. Nino Oliastro says

    Haaaaaa! Very awesome Jessica, I totally agree!

  23. idioticgabby says

    say that louder for the people in the back

  24. Giannina Poloney says

    Thank you for sharing. This is giving me hope for my photography goals 🙌🏼

  25. Evatronic says

    hahaha awesome video. BTW I love your sweater! where'd you get it?

  26. Shuhrat Choudhury says

    Oh god you are soooo cute and funny! I loved this video. Love ❤️

  27. Donald Kline Photography says

    retouching editing is just part of the workflow, isn't that why we shoot RAW?
    everyone edits, look at the people who use those filters on instagram or snapchat lol
    Manuals I'm bad or good at that one, I keep a downloaded copy of manuals for my cameras in my iCloud account just in case I need to read up on something (at my age CRS is a big deal that stands for Can't Remember Stuff).
    Just to get a feel for the equipment. But I need to share one thing I'm a former Aircraft Mechanic so reading manuals every day for everything we did was just part of the job so yes I one of those that read them.
    BTW I have commented on a few of your videos tonight, I'm just catching up on my videos I like to watch, I do like your style.

  28. victoria contreras fullmer says

    hahaha you crack me up. I love your material.

  29. FoodFood says

    I think they mean taking pictures is easy

  30. Ashley Spaustat says

    You are seriously hilarious and I love you. 😂😘❤️

  31. Light and Dark says

    Sony is better than canon = Myth…lol… 😀

  32. Emily Thompson says

    Bahaha you need a degree to do photography, I was told this that because I didn’t do a course and my Auntys boyfriend did his more experienced -.-

  33. ACID SNOW says

    thanks this was super helpful!
    thanks for sharing all this beautiful content with us!
    really enjoyed watching this

  34. Kevin's_Adventures24 says

    6:27 you damn well know I was going to go to college for photography. lmao what are the chances of being in class thinking of college and than you hear  "you wanna spend five dollars kevin" hahaha you got my attention there…

  35. mpiette4486 says

    You have the best videos. Love love love it

  36. Angela Sanz says

    I'm not reading the manual, I'll wait for the film 🙃

  37. Gilang Foster says

    hello Jessica im a fan here. btw whats your camera and lens used for this video? thank you love from Indonesia

  38. Michael Minor says

    If photography is so easy give everyone who thinks that a camera on manual and a subject in three different environments and see what they produce. I do believe you have to be somewhat technical otherwise you won’t know about exposure, ISO, shutter speed, focal length, aperture and all of the little things we take into consideration when we shoot. No you don’t need to read the manual all the way through but if you don’t know some technical aspects of photography you best stick to your cell phone filters. Photoshop makes it fake? Photoshop helps you way more than it does me cause the camera copies what it sees, so if you have pimples and sores on your face or your skin is extra dry, photoshop helps us show you looking better than you happen to be that day. Or here I won’t be fake take your busted looking picture and shut your ugly A up. Photography to the non photographer is like sports. It’s easy to sit on the couch and say a player sucks but let’s see you play at that level.

  39. Frank White says

    wow who is this cutie?

  40. jess greenash says


  41. sue lee says

    Click click click , burst mode choose what's the best photo.. I'm a better Photographer now.

  42. Jürgen Kaßnitz says

    what is a "good" photo? so many famous photos from real famous and outstanding photographers especially from the analog era are often a bit out of focus, "only" black&white with a lot of image noise, it seems that technical aspects often don`t matter….so what makes a good photo?

  43. Kunjan Patel says

    I have a question…Is doing good photography and editing learned from yourself a talent?Or something else like experience or skill….btw i click photos from phone..

  44. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Succ says

    I came for Jessica and stayed for the screaming kid in the background…

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