Beginner Photography MISTAKES – What to avoid to take better photos


Lightroom PRESET PACK:
The Music I use: – AMAZING for YouTubers
Colour Graded with my PM LUTS Pack :

My Super Awesome Tactical Camera Bag :
My MAIN Camera –
The Vlog Cam :
My Second Backup Camera –
My FAVOURITE Lens Ever –
The Lens I am currently using right for EVERYTHING –
The Magic Canon Lens of Life –
Best gimbal ever :
The Mic I use –
The Boom Mic I use for Crispy Audio :
My Drone –
My Bigger Drone –
My Tiny Drone –
The stabilizer I use with iPhone :
My Slider –
The BEST monopod –
GoPro HERO 5 –


  1. Airbud Singing says

    I just bought my first camera and your small clips have helped immensely. Wasn’t comfortable playing with the buttons until you’ve explained them.

  2. Ronald Rocheleau says

    Great video dude keep me coming

  3. rica fauni says

    great content as always 😘

  4. Ruth Alexis Cruz says

    im new to photography. Learning new skills:) i loved your video here very entertaining and educational. If you have any more advice where to start to improve. Love to hear your idea. Thankyou

  5. Yung Senatra says

    Do I need to go to college for it ??

  6. Hundred says

    the beginning: me after half a mushroom

  7. Daniel Johnston says


  8. aviza12 says

    Enthusiastic, wholesome, and educational.
    Instant subscribe <3

  9. Rich Buczkowski says

    good video

  10. Eamonn says

    I'm a human tripod.

  11. Veniamin Timofey says

    Really enjoyed the quality and playfulness of this video. Thank you!

  12. Ke'sha Britt-Rose says

    I had to subscribe just because of the way you said "Pothos!"😊

  13. Eva Flynn says

    I love the lighting and camera setting in this video. Tips please !!

  14. Lenore Miller-Stawyskyj says

    Great video. Cheers bud!

  15. Carla Garcia says

    When i bought my first camera i thought of taking a picture of fish underwater, i know im dumb 🙄

  16. Sara Allen says

    What mic do you use for recording your videos?? I'm trying to find one that doesn't pick up crazy noises [me typing/the ac/etc]. Your sound quality is great!

  17. Slingshot 64 says

    Great words , thanks Peter

  18. Meg Dann says

    thank you peter!! fav!

  19. _itstams_ says

    Recently discovered your change & I honestly wish I had sooner!! You're unbelievably helpful. I'm struggling to get back into the learning process & currently doing an online course, your videos make me feel like I'm getting that 1-1 I don't have. Keep it going 🙂

  20. What do you mean beginners
    I am a proud owner of no cameras

  21. cece x says

    I really can't get my head around camera settings, it's all so foreign to me and I don't even know where to start with trying to learn

  22. Rami Alexander says

    Popsocket in right place on the phone is almost like tripod i suppose. hmm. Cant live without it.. just couldnt do it.

  23. Janet Onyango says

    I love you, Peter ❤️I'm so glad I found you on re-introduction to photography. You always talk about what the final result will look like when you recommend a setting or a lens. That's what I want to hear! Who knew what the histogram was for? Thanks!

  24. Kennynva says

    Kinda hard to use the histogram when you dont have liveview….like I dont. I know I know a dinosaur Olympus E520, which does have a live view..BUT because it was the first company to have a live view image(the E330) on the back of your camera….it was sluggish and I dont like using it…and if you 'were' taking a photo of a fast moving object this camera would not work. Maybe its me..but comparing it to a panasonic bridge camera like a dmc-fz47, or fz35…my olympus is slow…Time to upgrade.

  25. Kennynva says

    Histogram is like wearing a heart Holter…which I suppose to do…

  26. Monalisa Manna says

    I like you so much, your explainations are so cools, easy and logical man!

  27. Lisa D says

    God, you're a gorgous guy. Seriously.

  28. arcangeljp says

    Thanks for this info! I don't even have a camera yet but I'm saving for one and soaking all this info up gets me excited to learn more.

  29. Krystal Bowen says

    He is hilarious what a light! Thanks for the tips!

  30. phengann chiv says

    His channel is amazing. Just watching his face, him speaking is so addicting already.

  31. Sammie Attfield says

    Any cheap camera suggestions for beginner?

  32. Hua Kris says

    like u as always

  33. Ashley Stubbings says

    You're such nice man. I'm so glad I subscribed to your channel! LOL

  34. The Bakery says

    What software are you using to edit these videos?!

  35. Vivian Ejike says

    This guy is so amazing. I've found his videos so useful and also very fun.

  36. mrhangover Rox says

    I know this person, acting know everything in photography but never or even bought the tripod.. so i didn't listen to him anyways. Hahaha

  37. BigLama says

    that motion tracking though! I was SHOOK!
    I try to take good pics of my truck repair instagram. but I swear I feel like im getting stagnant on how I shoot. wether its an over view Ariel pic, or that portrait shot.

    But these tips are sure great!

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