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Hey guys! Today I’m sharing three boudoir posing tips that you can use right away. No extra gear needed, just some simple instruction.

If you start using even one of these your pictures will instantly improve, and use all three in almost every photo and you will see a huge increase in the quality of your boudoir portraits, no matter what camera you use!

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  1. Michael Sasser says

    What is a boudoir posing tip YOU love?

  2. Air Spike says

    The hand part was most helpful and the hair thing was so little but so powerful
    I tried selfies where my hand is in hair and don't look natural at all but this changed even selfie game 😀

  3. Pedro Adamski says

    Muito bonita tua modelo e excelente material para aprimorar a técnica…..Obrigado!

  4. Scott Feierstein says

    Excellent tutorial. Id love to know what lens you are using?

  5. Yuri A Jones says

    Great tips!

  6. Lisanne Bakker says

    Very accurate and helpful tips! I'm gonna try them out on my next shoot!

  7. Bob Vegana says

    Michael is the GOAT

  8. ClydeL Williams says

    Nice Michael, I need this one. I have my first Boudoir/Hotel shoot coming up in April. So this video reinforced some of the skills that I already have. My client would like to take some shots by the indoor pool, like you I enjoy natural light and I really don't how the lighting is going to be during the time we are shooting. I'm ready to use my flash on or off camera. Thanks again for all your help with your videos.

  9. Márcio Soares says

    Excelente dicas… Acho suas fotos excelente elas são graciosas e agressivas mais com muito bom gosto, eu particularmente eu gosto. Eu através de seus videos estou me orientando muito, é que estou começando a fazer bordoir. Mais ainda tenho uma longa jornada!

  10. Connie Crueldad says

    I love it.i learnt a lot.thanks.😘

  11. Connie Crueldad says

    Love it

  12. Ivy Imperial says

    Omg spent my day watching all your videos. I learned a lot of tips in your videos. Hope to meet you one day. 😊

  13. christina prophett says

    Is there any difference when photographing men?

  14. Fernando Pinales says

    I just wanted to take a minute to appreciate the amount of information contained in this short video compared to a lot of regular workshops. You seem to have covered the basics, allowing us to build on top of that. You looked very confident while doing so, and made the model feel very comfortable. This is the kind of teaching I respect regarding photography in general, but specially in boudoir. I feel very eager to apply the tips in my next shoot, only hoping to come close to this level. Thanks a lot for sharing this precious knowledge with us, Sasser.

  15. Graphic Fogue says

    What camera do you use?

  16. Soundmasters says

    How do you get that "camera is moving" effect? 🙂

  17. Martin Andersen says

    Very interesting

  18. Rudi Zimmerer says

    Before you teach learn first your subject, Awful! There exist books about posing at Amazone

  19. great Video…that was/is my biggest Problem by working with not profesional models…I just don't know how to pose them and give them direction…but know I have something to work with. thanks

  20. gordon cook says

    I am a purely a hobby photographer, I tried these tips and yes they look fabulous, my girlfriend loved the results, thank you.

  21. Sergey Galagan says

    Отличные советы! Спасибо!

  22. Truong Ng says

    I tried and failed many time taking boudoir photos, posing was way too hard. This is a great video with useful tips, thank you Michael 👏🏼

  23. Chi Ngo says

    A lot of talking.

  24. lorrie b photography says

    So glad I came across your videos. Posing is the hardest part when taking photos. The ones that you shared, are simple and beautiful! Thank You!

  25. Antoine Veling says

    Great simple tips Michael. Thank you…

  26. Athena Llamas says

    This was super helpful! Thanks for taking the time to do this!

  27. Grimace427 says

    Can't think of another video where I learned more useful tips that I can use immediately. Thank you very much!

  28. Pierre Gerber says

    Great Video! thanx these will be fun to try on the next shoot.

  29. shyguitargirl1975 says

    I'm so glad I found this. I'm starting to pose like this for my new insta page, and it's really nice to learn more and more about what to do. 🙂

  30. Matt's Van Life says

    Don't forget to remove the lens cap

  31. Corey Williams says

    Just wondering what adjustments you would make on a "plus" sized model.

  32. AtTheEnd1000 says

    What about eyes and the nose? I read in multiple places that eyes should always follow the direction of the nose.

  33. Ashlie Keith says

    she was on ANTM! I love your tips, btw. I have my first boudoir shoot in march so I'm doing as much research as possible lol

  34. Brian Kelly says

    Rock solid advice. Thanks for the pointers.

  35. Evan Richardson says

    You should post a lighting tut for boudoir.. Natural light…easy enough, but would love to see a video on studio lighting indoors (the house can work too)

  36. Daddy James Films says

    I came here to learn some tips and got a boner too!!

  37. Luke Zyse says

    Really helpful! Awesome tutorial!

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