How to Take Newborn Pictures with Limited Equipment!


This is going to be a great newborn photography tutorial. I’m going to show you how to take baby photography at home with no studio lighting or fancy equipment! I’ll be taking the shots in a small kitchen using bits of cloth and equipment you can find around the house. The only piece of photographic equipment you may need is a decent lens.

If you want to take great pictures of your baby or you’re a professional photographer looking to add newborn photography to your portfolio, then this tutorial is for you!

To take the shots I use:
• A kitchen table
• Some fake fur (like a rug)
• Some net curtains (can also use chiffon fabric)
• Patio doors as our light source
• A silver reflector (can use tin foil on a piece of card)
• A piece of polystyrene
• A good lens (50mm f1.4, approx. £300) or (50mm f1.8, approx. £70-£100) available for Nikon or Canon.
• And good knowledge of the control of photography!

Also wait until the end for a special appearance by the dog!! 😊

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  1. Lita says

    This is so useful!

  2. nikoOnaz mashatan says


  3. Ashley Ponsford says

    That was so easy to follow! Great video!

  4. Jenny Boyer says

    Absolutely beautiful photos

  5. Marlisia Douglas says

    What is the white reflector called again? Poly something…

  6. Betzabe Valentin says

    Thanks you so much , great , for me to begging. Thanks thanks thanks 💜💜💜💜📷📷📷

  7. nekochii00 says

    This was so easy to understand. Amazing

  8. Noreen O Shea says

    Great tips.

  9. Phil D says

    Dont ned tripod for this at all. . Easy to hand hold that speed saving cost on tripod.

  10. OBIOHA NMEZI says


  11. Murat Aksu says


    Which tripod and gears head you used on this video?


  12. the IT videos says

    very informative video indeed. I like how you explained things in your video

  13. André Sousa Photography says

    simply brilliant. thanks

  14. Gordon S says

    Very helpful. I'm doing my first baby shoot at the beginning of September. Thanks.

  15. RAKESH SAWANT says

    Nice and simple thank you..

  16. JJ SS says

    I would say foam board is just as cheap, would work as well, and doesnt crumble as much.

  17. sanju b says

    Good shots…if you didn't had natural lights Which continuous lights you would had used ?

  18. Ranjan Rout says


  19. Jan Riedel says

    It makes absolutely no sense to limit yourself with a tripod in this case because your shutterspeed has to be quite fast (almost not possible the make shaky photos) if you shoot a baby like this.

  20. Malvin Malvin says

    Mark Ruffalo

  21. Iza-Bella Light says

    what if u dont have a big window ?
    what would u use then 🙂

  22. Marianne Moggridge says

    Really good tips but just slightly concerned that there needs to be an awareness of very young babies not being able to control their own body temperatures, being by an open window like that and naked may not be such a good idea

  23. Norma Martiri says

    Thank you! Excellent tutorial 👍🏻

  24. Patsy Ives says

    good simple tips

  25. Rafael Teixeira says

    Does a Canon 50mm f/2.5 worth for newborn photography?

  26. It's My Life Daralynn says

    I want to know why you didn't take the shot with the window light coming from the side of the subject?

  27. Steven Gribble says

    Great tutorial.. thanks. I have bought a f1.8 lens off ebay and it suits my old Nikon very well.

  28. emeline fumasoli says

    Thank you so much for all this advice! I hate too many props. Your photos look so much more natural. Will try shooting my newborn baby using what you taught ! Thanks a lot!

  29. wellwhatthen10101 says

    Why are you recomposing after focusing why not alter the focusing points in the camera . and and using the back focus button if you are using such a fast lens.

  30. Donna Lee says

    speaks clear and not over kill, love it.

  31. Anne Marie Bezzina says

    This was very useful. Thanks for the nice clear information!

  32. CRP says

    Excellent explanation! Subscribed!

  33. Melody DePasquale says

    Hey Marc, add bloopers to ALL your videos. Why? Because I am also an Art Instructor and there is nothing my students find more entertaining than when I screw up. They LOVE it! You did so in one post and it was hysterical! You'll get more likes ;). Melody

  34. Павлина Попова says

    Finally someone said knowledge is everything, then equipment! Thank you!

  35. Oday AL badawy says

    GJ bro>> Ireally enjoyed watching your movies

  36. massysm says

    Great tutorial! You just got a new subscriber 😀

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