How to Shoot Portraits ANYWHERE


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Buy a glass prism: (affiliate)
Buy a suncatcher: (affiliate)

Ryan Falkner’s Storyboarding for Film:

Amber’s Instagram:
Check out Estée, where we shot the post-credits scene:

GEAR (affiliate links):
Nikon D750 –
Sigma 85mm 1.4 ART –
Nikon D5500 –
Nikon 50mm 1.8G –
Sony a6300 –
Sony 16-50 OSS –
Rode VideoMicro –
Rode RodeLink Filmaker Kit –

proleter – better days
birocratic – tonys belated breakfast
lakey inspired – blue boi
matt quentin – morning dew
ruck p – corcovado

  1. gabpolitely says

    Let me know in the comments where the weirdest place you’ve shot at was!

  2. Carlo Angelo Serapion says

    Amber we have the same cam 🙂

  3. zephyrxcyrus says

    local youtuber photographers with skills. where have you been all this time?

  4. EZMOMENTS says

    Kumusta ka???

  5. Alyeza Serebo says

    Monggoloyd ba yung kasama mong babae? Kung ano ano ginagawa e

  6. Aman Bajracharya says

    all photos u snap are raw photos or some sorts of edit?

  7. Pops Pop says

    Girl is annoying n trying to hard/fake

  8. Jean Paul Maraat says

    san nyo po ineedit yung mga raw photos nyo po?

  9. Cường says


  10. Taimoor Sohal says

    Great shoots 😍😍👌

  11. Steve Nodado says


  12. Hope Navarro says

    May I ask what type of white balance you are using?

  13. Wade Norris says

    You guys remind me of mango street , Also some good edits that look realy close to the brandon woeful style

  14. Julien Vasquez says

    Dope work guys!!

  15. Karlos Jr says


  16. Long Lee says

    so..the girl purpose is for comedy relief ?

  17. fashion emporium says

    is it safe to bring your expensive cameras out? arent there many pickpockets there?

  18. Claudio de Leus says

    have you guys ever considered shooting film?

  19. Luigi Silvestre says

    Filipino?? Omg!!!

  20. Zetsuke4 says

    Wtf she looks so different when tying her hair back

  21. Jeuel Sapad says

    I need a 85mm 1.4 lol

  22. zion.rawskills says

    Im a fan now

  23. infernocow22 says

    ang galing niyo yun lang

  24. Bhushan Atkar says

    All photos were edited! Why you didn't showed the original photos?

  25. Foxstrut says

    Hi I hope you’ll upload a video on how to edit the pictures in lightroom

  26. jomel rojas says

    brandon woefel inspired?

  27. Martyn Austria says

    may you show sooc and edited shots on your video? SUBSCRIBED Thank you

  28. Bisayang Hilaw says

    Love the setting tips🤙🏼

  29. RJ Borbano says

    Hi gab can I ask where can I get a prism?

  30. Shi Yin Cheang says

    Why does the shutter speed have to be twice the number of focal length? Beginner hereee

  31. Ladybloo G. says

    Bwisit Na babae ang OA!

  32. TCW Gaming OFFICIAL says

    Hows you edit this photo? Can you make a video for editing? Thanks

  33. skyspy says

    There's more fun in the Philippines……

  34. Angelo Belleza says

    Finally!!! A local channel with amazing quality videos. Happy I came across this. Subbing now! 😍

  35. Đặng Trần Đặng says

    Blur blur blur

  36. Taranbir Singh Malik says

    My first time watching you guys, really enjoyed it. Is Amber always this funny?

  37. Ashleyapples says

    i love Amber, she should be a regular

  38. Aleksandar Alexandrov says

    Wow why the music is so loud ? Its annoying. Stop the video on the first music !

  39. john oslec says

    Hi.. just want to ask.. have you edited the pictures bfore you showed it? And may i know how you edited it? Or can you make a video on how you did it..pls.

  40. Pablo Doncor says

    hi guys, here Pablo from Argentina. I wonder why if I shoot with my 50mm at 1.8, I always loose some details on the ears. I should be shooting at 2.8 or higher? Or the problem is about my lens? I have seen many pictures that seem not to have that problem. Any advice would be highly appreciated. Cheers!

  41. Anna Tomo says

    Congrats on your first sponsored vid!

  42. Klia Klia says

    hei mates, what is your favorite focal length ?
    btw what city r u living in? ^^?!

  43. Sreeram Mudavoor says

    Sigma 85mm f1.4 art goes anywhere! damn expensive.

  44. Seo Yeon says

    Do you use flash when you are in a street lights? Like there in Edsa?

  45. J A Y E says

    Subbed! Great tips bro. Keep em coming!

  46. John Christian Arde says


  47. Amier Asyraf says

    Purple hair doesnt look good on you. Shame on people who hyped you saying that its good.

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