How to Photograph Wedding Details: Breathe Your Passion with Vanessa Joy


Wedding days are full of details, and photographing them right is one of the keys to get your wedding pictures published in magazines and blogs. Knowing a few tricks will help the wedding album come together nicely and make sure that you’re emphasizing details, instead of washing them out. See how NYC Wedding Photographer Vanessa Joy photographs the bridal prep wedding details at Andaz Hotel for a Cipriani Wall Street wedding in NYC.

Products related to Adorama:

Canon 1DX

Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro

Canon 50mm 1.2

Adorama 42″ 5-in-1 Reflector

Adorama 12″ Reflector

Slideshow made with Animoto

More from Vanessa Joy

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  1. Damian Sarna says

    Very nice tutorial about details. Im just wondering when we shoot ring from the groud level is that any chance that polarize filter will remove photographer reflexion from it ;p

  2. Ramdhan Hidayat says

    What the camera setting do u use?

  3. baekhanyeonin says

    What song?

  4. Shieva says

    Thanks! Beautiful photos!

  5. mistry samir says

    plz job mi

  6. Bill Alicea says

    thank you for this!

  7. Celize Czichon says

    This is random but please share with me where you get your gorgeous watch and wrist bands with the camera chime 😮 i love! Thsnk you so much for the amazing helpful content… its helped me already!

  8. Connoisseur 101 says

    That position at 3:25 is my favourite.

  9. Bliss WKC says

    Thank you so much dearest sweeties💐
    You're such an inspiration 🙏😇
    Stay Blessings always 🕉💖

  10. clc 1.4 says

    I am an amateur photographer and one of the areas where there is more work is weddings and I needed help with the subject thank you Something I also found helpfull for tips on photography was Elumpa Fantastic Photo Alchemist – search google if you want

  11. Nice job Venessa.

  12. MST.0356.2016 says


  13. fanuel yudha says

    4:26 thats reflection.. Lol

  14. Marvin Blue says

    Great video

  15. Hayleigh Rados says

    Thank you !

  16. Prince William Celzo says

    I really liked it <3

  17. Meet Graphics says

    your camera belt link please….

  18. Will Parsons says

    The hardwood floor makes for a nice backdrop…Good stuff!

  19. Linus Wärn says

    I wish I had an assistant. 🙂

  20. Shafi Islam says

    would you please like to let me know the background song name ?

  21. Kayla Curry says

    Im struggling with focusing specific items in the frame of the shot any tips?

  22. ojok simon stephen says

    Love this. It professionally done

  23. kenkelm says

    Vanessa, your images are wonderful! But how do you get such sharpness when handholding? Your camera looks pretty substantial and heavy. So how do you keep things sharp without a tripod?

  24. kairinaminemix says

    I love the way you shoot dresses! You have such a charming approach 😊

  25. Fayish Kamal says

    jimmy choo wowwwwwwo

  26. marvona says


  27. Miguel Angel Flores Duarte says

    thank you vanne for sharing I love your information

  28. Moses Odanga says

    great Job Venessa.With love from kenya

  29. Davy B says

    Thank you vanessa for this very informative video , may I ask you how do you edit your photo albums and where do you print them for the best resolution thank you

  30. Piotr Cichosz says

    Thanks for your tips! Any reason to shoot at 1250 ISO?

  31. Chris Iclickyou says

    love it !!!

  32. Miniature Cooking with Ching says

    Very impressive photograph!!! I love it! Thanks for sharing my friend and blessings to you…

  33. Arthur Coon says


  34. Rob L. says

    I appreciate the anal retentive nature to these compositions.

  35. savya sachi says

    What shoulder strap is it?

  36. Rozely Lindim says

    well articulating screen really helps with that low macro shots.

  37. bird271828 says

    Vanessa, you are a very good instructor. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  38. Saman Shariati says

    I love Vanessa's work and this series. Thanks

  39. Salvador Ocampo says

    Thanks for sharing Vanessa!!

  40. Garo Marukyan says

    So useful and nicely presented! Thank you so much, Adorama!

  41. Speedsk8r says

    Very well done thank you!!!!

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