Basics of HDR Photography


Although Kai is not keen on doing HDR photography, we got many questions on Twitter asking us to do a guide on how to do HDR photography… here it is.

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  1. Marcus Ireland says

    shoot RAW file format problem solved

  2. Peregrine Trousers says

    What's wrong with Earl Grey?

  3. This is Life says

    wtf, your hdr is crap! think you differ the focusrange in the shoots leading to blurred outlines in the background.

  4. Diontae Daughtry says


  5. John K says

    5 min. Beijing Bikini WARNING!!!!

  6. Steven Kinsey says

    I like earl gray.. it makes good milk tea..

  7. Sven Haaijman says

    I love earl grey…

  8. Jakir Malik says

    This asian dude is weird

  9. R.V. Niddrie says

    What's not to like about this guy! An Asian with a "Cockney" accent. Love it!

  10. char wills says

    Sure they stole spongebob music for their videos.

  11. Rik Savage says

    What tea do you recommend?

  12. nezinu jānis? says

    whsts that camera?

  13. Festus Osei says

    at scene 2:26 the disadvantages of not having a articulated screen…see how you suffering to view…every camera has smthg better

  14. Kadir Lateef Ra says

    Hat was fuckin saucy.

  15. Michael Espeland says

    Disliking HDR only proves one thing: Ignorance

  16. Hamza Sayah says

    Click Here and take a look on my Hdr Photograohy , all the pictures are shot with Iphone 6s and edited with snapseed App .

  17. Stephen Bates says

    disagree with his Earl Grey Tea comment…. I like his sense of humor though.

  18. VariTimo says

    Earl Grey is delicious!

  19. tony Casey says

    Very funny,

  20. Angel C says

    if you only know about "bad HDR" don't do an absolutely pointless video about HDR. Really bad examples and constant nagging. HDR is more than making horrible color effects. There are people who actually know how to use it in a subtle way that sometimes is absolutely necessary to represent what the human eye can see.

  21. Abel says

    but I like earl gray tea…

  22. Leo Gacitua says

    why is he shooting HDR in the mid day sun?

  23. tskcthulhu says

    hmmm you were a pervert that long ago too

  24. Alex Erwin says

    lol that camera is really bugging me. Why is there moss on it?

  25. evmanbutts says

    Kai really doesnt like Earl Grey Tea.

  26. BeingBeaden says

    what would possess you to throw tea on a expensive camera?

  27. khomsan steward says

    what kind of skin is that on the camera. kinda like it lol

  28. Shaik Sulthan says

    You're so annoying in this one, Kai. What happened to your nose?

  29. hellomyphone says

    With Lightroom 6 HDR or Panorama Shootings is very easy Even handheld. Simply shoot and let Loghtroom stitch all together. It's not complicated at all. All you need to do is to remember that you shoot with the intent to make HDR or panorama photo in post processing 🙂

  30. 陈子宽 says


  31. David Léspar says

    use an iPhone 6

  32. Daniel Lee says

    I only watch these vids to see the cute girl…smiles!

  33. Ben Nicoloff says

    HDR gives a great amount of opportunity in post

  34. Are Elvestad says

    This video is a joke. A bad one.

  35. Sachin Rao says

    The worse HDRs on the the internet… Ayee…

  36. Hiren Makkan says

    Do you think this is where they got the idea for the Suicide Squad Harley Quinn makeup?

  37. Lizzie the Lizard says

    Earl grey isn't bad. You don't know what disgusting is until you've drunk Valerian tea.

  38. Jenny Chung says

    I learn nothing about HDR in this video except that he's annoying and doesn't like earl grey tea.

  39. paingates2 says

    I want to deeply thank you for what you show,review and taught us
    I love the HDR lesson

    If you dont mind, would you tell the model and the manufacturer of the tripod . Thank you in advance

  40. TSCF Films says

    These HDR shots with the model would actually look brilliant if they were a little bit unsaturated in photoshop.

  41. Ngawang Chokdup says

    wow your voice sooòooo awesome.

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