Arnold Newman


Arnold Newman is one of my biggest influences as a photographer and I believe he is one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century.

In this video we’ll take a look at his biography, work and I’ve got a few personal stories about Newman as well!

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Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
3100 Main St #135
Dallas, Texas 75226

My name is Ted Forbes and I make videos about photography. I’ve been making photographs most of my life and I have a tremendously deep passion for photography that I want to share with you on YouTube.

The Art of Photography is my channel and I produce photography videos to provide a 360 degree look into the world of making images. We all want to get better so lets do this together!

I make videos covering famous photographers, photography techniques, composition, the history of photography and much more.

I also have a strong community of photographers who watch the show and we frequently do social media challenges for photographers to submit their own work. I feature the best and most interesting on the show when we do these so come check it out and get involved!

So come check it out! If you’re a fan of DigitalRev, Fro Knows Photo (Jared Polin), Matt Grainger (That Nikon Guy) or Tony Northrup – you’ll love The Art of Photography. I make video’s giving you a deeper dive into photography techniques, composition and history to compliment the other channels you love to watch.

New shows come out every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday.

  1. Craig Taylor-Broad says

    Can't believe I didn't know Newman's work until subscribing to you.

    Thank you for the knowledge!

  2. Kirstine Termansen says

    Photography is predictors
    In level with weinstein6

    Sometimes, the model get worried, about the minds of this, predictors

  3. Richard Smallfield says

    Thanks! (Did you know that the Mondrian photo is flipped?)

  4. VincentHannon says

    Bacon is Irish, not British.

  5. Martin Breslow says

    This is now my favorite Youtube video. I owned this book of his photos so I loved your presentation and remembrances.

  6. Sam Banahan says

    I especially love the ones where you use the actual books rather than Pinterest etc. 🙂

  7. daniel bielecki says


  8. taylor treadgold says

    Beautiful episode!

  9. Roderick who says

    Wonderful documentary rounded off with a personal vignette. Thanks.

  10. John Thomas says

    I enjoy learning about photographers like these. Keep up the great work. It gives me more insight into growing as a photographer myself (I wish I learned about some of this at university)…

  11. Bruce Wolfe says

    The last portrait is an awesome story.

  12. Dan ploof says

    I'm really enjoying these artist stories!
    Thank you!

  13. madcat2709 says

    Ted, epic epsiode 😀

  14. john Lee says

    I am finding these videos two years late:).  Great videos Ted.

  15. David Wheeler says

    I am such a big fan of your videos Ted, I came across you a couple of months ago and have been fascinated by your work. Many of the photographers you are heavily connected with have been some of my all time favourites. Have you ever considered doing a video on the work of Rodney Smith? Rodney and Arnold Newman are two of my very favourites. Keep up the wonderful work, many thanks, Dave

  16. newpixeldude says

    This video is all about INSPIRATION. Thanks for sharing Ted.

  17. Erika O. says

    such beautiful body of work and I hate to sound bitter but his "tearing phase" not my favorite to look at.

  18. Ramiro Jiménez says

    Great video. I like your way of presenting photography and photographers. Keep going.

  19. Donna Williams says

    extremely informative. very well done.

  20. Alberto Figueroa says

    Ted, In case you don´t kow him, check out Rafael Navarro Garralaga. He blew my mind as a photographer with similar technique to Arnold Newman

  21. Ravnish Gandhi says

    Great stuff Ted .. Arnold Newman really inspired me as well . These book journeys are really good .

  22. edustrle says

    Ted, these are my favorites! So much information condensed in 20 enjoyable minutes. I'd love to see a Daido Moriyama episode.


  23. Jason Colquhoun says

    Thanks for sharing Ted. As always…great work.

  24. Curly Hair Artistry says

    Great video – I used to have that book and hate that I gave it up.

  25. Maxx Weber says


  26. Alborz Azizpour says

    You do a great job, a lot of details, very well done and there are tons of content on your channel.
    Thank you very much for that.

  27. Michael Faraday says

    Outstanding show, first class, thank you so much for sharing this work of a great artist and his subjects.

  28. backtoids says

    Do Helmut Newton!!!!

  29. Christopher says

    Ansel's printing was "like a printing press" ? ? ? ? . . . Just because a photographer doesn't make collages, as Newman did, doesn't mean that his (or her) traditionally made silver-gelatin prints —even several copies of the same negative– don't vary, what with all the burning, dodging and real —if tiny— differences in developing time, temperature and chemical strenth . It's just a question of degree, and I think you know that. Giving the benefit of the doubt, perhaps it was just a slightly clumsy way of expressing a thought which applies WAY more to digital prints!

    Other than that, thanks for an interesting video.

  30. Brian Anderson says

    Have you thought about doing something on Gregory Heisler? He work for him for almost a year before he went on to become a hugely successful photographer 🙂

  31. James A says

    Working with this….Thanks for posting…J

  32. Vernon Nash says


  33. Rob Castro says

    One of my fave photographers.  Thanks for this video.

  34. Jose Rozon says

    I absolutely learn more about photography with your channel than any other – More photography and less cameras – Thank you.

  35. mark y says

    Do you see in the Picasso photo how his fingers create the wrinkle in his forehead.

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