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Since ancient times, people tried to explain numerous miraculous things that exist on our planet. Many people to this day do not believe that one can travel through time, but the physicists seem to not agree with them. Even Albert Einstein claimed that people can take a trip through time. He recognized time travel as an idea that could be applied to his theory of relativity. The majority of such things have yet to be explained scientifically. However, there are still some phenomena that are hard to believe.
We in Smart is the New Sexy believe that our adventure through time has taken the most serious turn. Let’s look closely at 10 best examples it actually exists.

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  1. Learn how to say adidas

  2. El Raffo says

    A bunch of crap…

  3. Teresa aka Love Twinkie says

    Ghosts aren't time traveler's

  4. Isaac Wale says

    That's clearly a pack of cards in the thumbnail

  5. HERO BRINE says

    If there were no gadgets on the past how did you took the photo????

  6. Walrus Bellhop says

    Man. This is stupid.

  7. Mheljie Curativo says

    The person holding a cellphone with taking someone, it is possible that year have a SIGNAL?.. . LOL..

  8. H20_Ivanbernard 838 says

    What no way the number 1 has the same last name as me bernard

  9. 2063 anyone?

  10. Diaz Robert says

    The government took the man at 9:15 #4video someone did a prank on that mummy lol

  11. Tanushree Negi says

    These videos caught my attention only after 11 pm

  12. rikjohnson39 says

    Why do time travelers ALWAYS use only 2019 technology?

  13. Vincent Bonina says

    The Salamaca Astronaut was done during a reconstruction … This entire video just lost credibility.

  14. EneMye says

    wow could you pad this out ANY more? this vid could have been 5 mins long max. 2/5 would not recommend.

  15. Yvi Wagner says

    Einstein said: Back to year 0…. God said : no timetravelling

  16. DB-DISCOS says

    Want to travel back in time??…visit a MUSEUM!!!

  17. DB-DISCOS says


  18. Foundation Unit says

    worm holes may be time machine but we are nowhere near using them

  19. GHOSTUSER00 says


  20. Nelly Archila says

    I live in the year 2043 i saw this in 2041 DONT ASK

  21. Dragonare17 says

    You there are things called prototypes
    For example the plane he claimed he never saw the plain but he did not say he saw it fly it was probably there for testing because it was a deserted place

  22. Nina Rose says

    Guys i can teach you how to time travel!

    Check the time
    Now stare at this emojil for 1 minute 😶 check the time

  23. abdullah AlRowidhan says

    Faulk you

  24. JennFlProfile Updated says


  25. secret says

    You didn't give credit to the clip in the beginning and actually all the copyrighted clips.

  26. Nikolai Golikov says

    I live near Paris, and if your number 2 is historic recreational groups(sometimes unofficial) in Versailles palace, that wear dresses and put makeup to mimic illness of the time, I wouldn’t take you click-collection video seriously

  27. monkey gamer123456789banana says

    I always had an idea for a time machine. It might be released in some time! Edit: I'm being serious.

  28. MR RIGHT says

    I wish i could time travel to save people

  29. Jonas Tomson says

    7:41 which movie is this

  30. Leigh ! says

    2023 anyone?

  31. Yvonne Kiriak says

    I believe time travel exists for people in the future.

  32. I don't know says

    Why the holy hotdog do you have to do the creepy audios?? It's midnight dude.

  33. William Reilly says

    I have witnessed it back in the early 90s

  34. Manostalin M says

    I just want to know weather I am time travelling

  35. Azra Ilyss says

    Yes we are shocked

  36. Radeon Vector says

    All very interesting but so full of shit I refuse to watch it entirely.

  37. Chanter Ibasco says

    At 0:19 my favorite Movie back to the future Series.

  38. Claire Fossey says

    There is enough rubbish out there. If you want subscribers then don't contribute to lazy research .

  39. Claire Fossey says

    Don't use irrelevant footage because you do not have the correct footage to use firsthand.

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