Stop Wasting Hours Making Photo Books. This One Takes 1 Minute. #Chatbooks

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Agency: Harmon Brothers
Agency Creative Director: Daniel Harmon
Agency Managing Director: Benton Crane
Client Happiness: Theron Harmon
Creative Director/Executive Producer: Shane Rickard
Producer: Tess Kelly
Director: A. Todd Smith
1st AD: Babetta Kelly
Production Design: Dillon Ellefson
Set Decoration: Kristin Swensen
Wardrobe/Stylist: Kathy Eckenbrecht
Hair & Makeup: Danielle Donahue
Director of Photography: Casey Wilson
Camera Op: Tyler Stevens
Production Sound: Keith Baskett
Teleprompter: Utah Teleprompters
1st AC: Max Carter
Casting Director: Jeff Johnson
Gaffer: Eric Beck
Gaffer Consultant: Phil Shepherd
Key Grip: Spencer Scanlon
Swing Grip: Landon Hill
Grip: Jase Van Meeteren
Studio: Silver State
Location 2: Holladay Hideaway
Motion Graphics: Tyler Stevens
Script Supervisor/Editor: Katlin Snow
Stunt Coordinator: Robert Bennett
Craft Services: Whitnie Schimpf
PA: Joey Vasquez
PA: Jacob Burns
Real Mom: Lisa Valentine Clark
Dad: Gavin Bently
Jeffrey: Kimball Stinger
Charlie: Kenyon Stinger
Sarah: Eliza DeAzevedo
Parkour Kid: Jordan Tingey

  1. Tish Orth says

    I'm kind of a sh*t poster though and post memes and irrelevant nonsense, not just pictures of my kids and beautiful moments.

  2. brou ghn says

    now i love commercial videos

  3. says

    love her!!!

  4. Anthony Miyazaki says

    Another great ad by the Harmon Bros. Nice work peeps.

  5. Gary C. Smith says

    I thought that this was hilarious! Plus the "Mom" is very appealing, I wouldn't mind getting to know her if she was unattached. Now don't HASTAG ME TOO, I'm only trying to give a compliment! We need more advertisements like this, the our economy would really be strong! I love to laugh and chuckle.

  6. Kellen Pimenta says

    best adv ever

  7. Sintécile Benjamin says

    So funny

  8. MandyBoo84 says


  9. القدسية بطل says

    وداعا لكل الكريمات المغشوشة الحل الأكيد لمشكل قضيب قصير أو قذف السريع أو ضعف الانتصاب الحل أصبح ممكن مع الطبيب مصطفى المالكي الخبير في الأعضاء التناسلية للحصول على المنتج يرجى الاتصال على الواتساب 00212689611487
    خلطة رجال الصحراء هو منتج طبيعي وكل أعشابه طبيعيه ١٠٠٪ وليس له أي أثار جانيه امن تماما.
    خلطة رجال الصحراء هو العلاج الأكثر مبيعا في دول العالم عامة وفي الشرق الأوسط خاصة بسبب لنجاحه مع كل زبناء اللذين استخدموه
    خلطت رجال الصحراء منتج مرخص من هيئة الغذاء والدواء
    فوائد كريم رجال الصحراء
    1-يحفز على تكبير القضيب
    2-يساعد تأخير القذف
    3-يقوي على لانتصاب
    لا تترددوا وغيروا حياتكم للأفضل…
    نحن نرسل الخلطة لجميع دول الخليج و دول العالم

  10. Sensible Musician says

    Just watched this once and I can't figure out what's different about it – except that it's funny. If most ads in this vein are Zombie Simpsons, then this ad is Early Simpsons.

  11. Sarah Campbell says

    This commercial is one of the reasons I chose to go with them! So funny!😂

  12. Anaiu María Gaebelt says

    Amazing advertising!!

  13. Victor Finngall says

    Imaginary moms? Really?

  14. Karen Benvenuti says

    BEST ad ever!! So funny!!

  15. Brian Fagan says

    So funny!

  16. Lauren Smith says

    When it comes to making photo albums or books, there are many other available tools.

  17. Sharon Bollum says

    I LOVED that video! Sooooo cute!

  18. Kristi Kuiken says

    This advert is absolutely hilarious

  19. Kinzsters172 says

    S U C C

  20. michael meissner says

    I don’t even know what this video was about, I just get a kick out of this gal. This is funny.

  21. Caleb Poulter says

    I wonder how much they payed that kid to jump of the roof.

  22. Wow cool video I like it 😍😍

  23. Solimar Cruz says

    can I just say that this is the best add I have seen ever! its sooo funny! and im totally getting chatbooks app!

  24. Megan Davies says

    Get this lady her own show!!!

  25. Amazing ad so catchy from the first second !

  26. Kay And Isaiah in Kansas says

    Motherhood and Nursing, the two most thankless jobs in the world and I chose them both. "What the fork?" Lol.

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