Make your photos MOVE and COME TO LIFE! Photoshop Tutorial


Animate your photos in photoshop with the 2.5D parallax effect and Adobes built in features. Easy to do!
NEW! Lightroom PRESET PACK: – Edit your photos with 15 brand new presets!
Colour Graded with my PM LUTS Pack : – Get a website! – 10% off!
The Music I use: – AMAZING for YouTubers

My Super Awesome Tactical Camera Bag :
My MAIN Camera –
My Second Backup Camera –
My FAVOURITE Lens Ever –
The Lens I am currently using right for EVERYTHING –
The Magic Canon Lens of Life –
The Mic I use –
The Boom Mic I use for Crispy Audio :
My Drone –
My Bigger Drone –
My Tiny Drone –
The stabilizer I use with iPhone :
My Slider –
The BEST monopod –
GoPro HERO 5 –


  1. Peter McKinnon says

    Thumbs up if your mind was blown photoshop has a video timeline! #makeyourphotosmove

  2. Sanjay M Ranavaya says

    Awesome video

  3. The.Ghoul says

    Does anyone know if there's a place where i can buy a picture like this? Something like fiver where i send my photo, pay some money and someone makes a picture like this for me?



  5. Calimari Clyde says

    My content aware thing wont pop up

  6. René Sánchez says

    Amazin..! Thank you Peter..

  7. MIYAGI DEW says

    6:36 click edit and then click fill

  8. Xavier Dominguez says

    my pc is taking years in render video i'm not even seeing the windows with the options.. it is normal? did you cut/edit your clip? i supposed to had a nice PC T__T

  9. Alex Nabor says

    I wasn’t able to select both

  10. Scams Garage says

    How do I complete it without the command key? 6:35

  11. Sonu Kharb says

    how to do this in video?

  12. pathan squad says

    Is this possible with photoshop 7.0

  13. Ed Gorbey says

    Almost 4 minutes into the video before we even begin to learn the effect! 👎🏻

  14. ITSSADOLL by Itssa Garsot says

    I don't know why but you intro music remind me to breaking bad haha

  15. Interesting videos says

    Hy peter me from Pakistan Do you give me your chnnel

  16. Subidriver03 says

    Peter, I have a Challenge for you…. try Affinity Photo ?

  17. Jazz Roboter says

    Gta 4 style

  18. Benicio Brain says

    It was amazing man I like it.

  19. arko128 says

    Where it can be useful? It last very short moment

  20. Servais Media says

    Someone help! Every time I try making a new selection it just selects the shape and not the actual image. What am I doing wrong?!?!?!

  21. FuckingNoClue says

    This is a nicely produced video, but you are using maybe easily the slowest technique to mask something out. Why pen tool on an image such as this where you could use Photoshop's integrated masking tools for a much faster and quality mask? Another issue with your workflow is that you proceed to create smart objects of the layers AFTER scaling them down from their original larger sizes, thus defeating the whole purpose and degrading your images. Then, after scaling down the background, smart object convert, you scale it back up. It's a little misleading. Not trying to kick you in the balls, but this stuff is important for new users. You get the general concept across though, so that's good.

  22. TheDonRobertito says

    Hi! How to achieve that look/style like on the photo at 1:57 ? Is this some kind of filter?

  23. PS. suicide says

    I wish my Monday morning were like this

  24. Abhi Bappi says

    Bro need the link of ps

  25. Samuel Hugg says

    👊🏼 smash button is a must

  26. Real Fear storyline says

    We're the link for this

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