How to Repair an Old Torn Photo in Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial Spreed Art


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About this tutorial
•Photoshop Tutorial

Programs used
•Adobe Photoshop
•Camtasia studio

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  1. Lubna Hossen says

    Great Work Bro Really Jos

  2. faizan raza qadri says

    Can u Plzz explain the editing ur doing urself only we didn't recognize wt ur doing try to explain so that we can also try this at home

  3. gulshan feroz says

    Can u restore a photo for me plz?

  4. gupta studio says


  5. Sam Lubman says

    Hardly a how to.

  6. Gabi C says

    How do you get the picture in the computer? 1. Scan it or 2. take a photo with a DSLR? Which method is better?

  7. seosaphjarvinen says

    The title is: 'how to repair'. The words 'how to' suggest a tutorial – don't you think? Now if the title had been: 'repairing an old torn photo' then that makes it clear he is not teaching but simply illustrating.

  8. Sharif Mahmud says

    অনেক সুন্দর একটা ভিডিও ধন্যবাদ হাসিব ভাই………….অনেকটা উপকৃত হলাম

  9. tayzar win says


  10. Bustamante Chiunque says

    They both have jaundice!

  11. Nasir says

    Brother pls make voice tutorials but good job very good keep it up…

  12. Sonnys Mummy UK says

    colouring is not your strong point

  13. carole grafimx says

    Great job !

  14. M. NIO I. says

    If I'm girl, I may fall for you…. I really like you bro… hahaha…. Thanks for sharing and making tutorial for us…. take care and stay happy all the time…

  15. Sandipan Pramanick says

    Very bad quality of work.

  16. PANKAJ JUIKAR says

    nice work bro

  17. leeion lee says

    gud artistic hand i loved it, but more perfection can be given to the picture, but the tutorial was awesome….

  18. George B says

    Hey jackass, when you upload a tutorial, slow the fuck down

  19. ihumberto says

    Pésimo no sabes editar

  20. Minh Cường says

    Beauty is not skin color

  21. seosaphjarvinen says

    This is a terrible tutorial. How the hell is anybody expected to follow this – high speed and no sound!

  22. Eric George says

    I got pissed off with this because of the lack of sound, shame.

  23. Guy Bergeron says

    Great restauration, it is very sad that it is done in such a fast forward that details of the steps taken cannot be adequatly taken down. Still, M. Hasib is quite good at what he does.

  24. Costas V. says

    Awesome restoration but very bad colorization…

  25. brightonmusic says

    Amazing results! Which tools in Photoshop did you use for the first 2:30 minutes?

  26. ali fadhil says

    incredible work
    can you put some tutorial
    or can you guide us to any link
    with some explanation on what you are doing in details

  27. Palencia Films 1 says


  28. Hass Hasib says

    How to Repair an Old Torn Photo in Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial Spreed Art 

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