High Speed Sync Flash Bridal Shoot using the Sony FE 100mm STF with a 1957 Triumph


Join award winning wedding photographer Jason Lanier for a high speed sync shoot at one of his REAL Wedding Workshops using the Sony FE 100mm STF lens! PLEASE THUMBS UP, SHARE, LEAVE A COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE!

This particular REAL Wedding Workshop took place in Beaumont, Texas for a couple named Lucas and Shea. This video takes place the day before the wedding where Jason takes the bride out for bridal portraits with the group of photographers that are attending the workshop.

For this particular shoot Jason used the Sony A7Rii with the 100mm STF lens. The light set up was the Flashpoint Xplor 600 with the Westcott Rapid Box XL as the modifier. Below is a link to the gear used:

*Sony A7Rii-

*Sony FE 100mm STF lens-

*Westcott Rapid Box XL-

*DJI Osmo-

*Flashpoint Xplor 600-

We thank you for watching and invite you to stick around and watch a few more while you’re here. For more information about Jason’s REAL Wedding Workshop series please contact us at jason@jlpros.com today.


Jason Lanier Photography

  1. Ayhan Çapan says

    Don't get me wrong but, we'd like to see more of her chest… It could give some hot perspective…

  2. Hansul Hudson Jr says

    Phenomenal! Absolutely fabulous work and display of artistic vision and creativity. 👍

  3. MrGubrz says

    hoping for a flash 100stf, vs 85gm, vs sigma 105/1.4 video in the future!

  4. ronizphone says

    Why is Brenda so HOT in this video! Holy Crap

  5. specialized41 says

    This photos are beyond beautiful.!!! Insane!

  6. Tony Aleman says

    I'm curious. What focus mode were you using?

  7. John Davies says

    To much photoshop

  8. Qais Zureikat says

    Get the Fuji Gfx for a Santa Maria. 🙂

  9. David Williams says

    great shots , IT's ashame she could'nt get that clenched finger against her face thing right , because she still didn't quite get it . Her fingers needed to be more tightly closed . you tried to get her to understand . but I don't know if anyone else noticed that

  10. Foto Asil says

    çok güzel

  11. buellcrazy says

    Holey Moley the bride is just beautiful 🙂

  12. Ruben Paredes says


  13. Jaustin Tan says

    Been watching your stuff for a while now thanks to your brother Cameron Lanier aka my video production's teacher. Cheers!

  14. Ali Khawar says

    @ 5:06, That's a claw. Her knuckles should be relaxed.


    you got to explain the hands by the face thing i dont get it ? , whats the message ? or point to it ?

  16. buellcrazy says

    What a beautiful bride OMG, and the pictures were amazing.

  17. GRJCLyon says

    Jason, your photography is exactly the style that I am looking to achieve. Your work is off the charts incredible. I don't see how you could have made this bride any more beautiful than she is but you really brought out her beauty here. I'm wondering since others are also shooting Sony's in some of your videos if they are getting as great of shots as you are? I understand you are the one with the OCF and they aren't but do they get to try it in the workshop? Now, I completely look up to you as a mentor so please don't take ANY offense to this but I understand you getting great shots during your workshops and being happy about it, but I kind of notice when you boast about your own pics and show the other shooters or even the bride, the reaction from the other shooters don't seem to excited. The one guy in the early part of the video seemed a little put off by it. I'm just saying if I ever get the chance to meet you and do a workshop with you, I'll feel pretty shitty if the only pics that are incredible are yours. Maybe I'm wrong and the teaching part is left out of the videos? Again, no offense given here, you are kind of an idle here if you know what I mean! Thanks.

  18. The London Physio says

    Absolutely loved this. What a stunning bride too! x

  19. smokey267 says

    Jason, bit random but have you tried the CamFi for the A7RII. I'm wondering if it is something worth buying or not. I would love to know your thoughts on it if you have or could maybe test it.

  20. Volodymyr Mytsak says

    Hello, I want to share my news about Sony / Sony Spain and the service center from Sony! I called Sony and said that I broke the camera and I want to repair Sony responded well and sent me to their trusted service center, I sent the camera for repair, the service center sends me an invoice where new and original components from my camera model Sony A7Sm2 are indicated, I say that I agree and the repair amount is 1 400 Euro! When I paid for it, it was not my new camera that came with replacement of the original components, but the composite front case came from Sony A7m2 and A7Rm2, the screen was completely different and did not do it so lightly that everything is visible and at the same time there is no protection from dust and moisture since they say that such cameras do not have Such protection, I also take photos to confirm the poor performance of the technical service and send it to Sonya company and they write to me that everything is super, only they agree that the screen was not reproduced, I sent it again for correction, the other time came with an original new Logo and with the same non-original body from but they have attached the logo from my camera and they say that everything is super that the camera is working and the rest is not important. The main thing is that the camera works like new, after I took a couple of pictures and the shutter of the frame is frozen and the camera does not work after a week Their dough! I do not know what will happen next, but in Spain Sony works so it does not matter what kind of customer you are and what product you bought!Thank you!

  21. Packmanster says

    So photography runs in the family name I guess

  22. Katsu Quiet says

    6:01 lmao im sorry!!

  23. Moody pixels films says

    shoot ur pics without flash lights and without any editing plz plz plz

  24. Ádám Kiss says

    Shutter speed, aperture? The most important things are left out, however, advertising is very detailed.

  25. hansherrera says

    love it love it love it for my sons wedding we are doing this boss

  26. Tushar Verma says

    I'm so lucky to find your channel

  27. Pirschwerk says

    Jason: Are you using any gels when flashing in daylight?

  28. sheldon murphy says

    Love your videos. Do you ever do outdoor nude or outdoor boudoir photography workshops ? If so I would lo e to learn your techniques and ideas on the matter. I know my photos will look absolutely stupid compared to yours, so that would be awesome if you did sir! Have a most excellent day sir !

  29. snap soon says

    Awesome as always bro. Thanks.

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