First-Ever Photo Of A Black Hole, Explained | USA TODAY

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For the first time, an image of a black hole has been unveiled by the Event Horizon Telescope, but it’s not what you might think. Here’s why. #BlackHole

It’s our first glimpse of one of the weirdest spectacles in the universe. Astronomers on Wednesday released humanity’s first-ever image of a black hole.  

The picture reveals the black hole at the center of Messier 87, a massive galaxy in the nearby Virgo galaxy cluster.

“We have taken the first picture of a black hole,” said Event Project Horizon project director Sheperd S. Doeleman of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. “This is an extraordinary scientific feat accomplished by a team of more than 200 researchers.” 

Images came from the Event Horizon Telescope, a collection of telescopes around the world specifically designed to peer at black holes. The telescopes are in Chile, Hawaii, Arizona, Mexico, Spain and at the South Pole.

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First-Ever Photo Of A Black Hole, Explained | USA TODAY

  1. Joven Arquillo says

    When you're not afraid to die , lmao

  2. Not true it’s not a black hole. The queers need to get thier facts straight

  3. Carrie 4116 says

    a agate of hell is all one of many to open liers they been knew it was out there now God is letting the demons out for the three days of darkness

  4. MK Uis says

    U did NOT explain the picture of black hole, why it looks that way, what exactly is the black part (x2.6 times event horizon actually), why the ring is brighter on the south side, why the ring is almost symmetrical, etc. BAD VIDEO

  5. LaMe OnE says

    ᴵᵀ ᴰᴼᴺᵀ ᴾᴿᴼᵀᴱᶜᵀ
    ᴵᵀ ᴰᴼ ᴬᵀᵀᴬᶜᴷ
    ᴮᵁᵀ ᴹᴼˢᵀ ᴵᴹᴾᴼᴿᵀᴬᴺᵀᴸᵞ
    ᵞᴼᵁ ᴳᴼ ᴵᴺ, ᵞᴼᵁ ᴰᴼᴺᵀ ᶜᴼᴹᴱ ᴮᴬᶜᴷ

  6. Josh Pfeiffer says

    This was a meh explanation

  7. Jacob Boi says

    Looks like space formed it’s first ass crack

  8. *S n a i l y U w u* says

    Why did u not tell me 4 days ago?!!

  9. Weam42 AJPW says
    You are making science of of a meme,

  10. Psycho NYC says

    That's mad disrespectful to be calling in a black hoe smh..

  11. Aryeh Scharf says

    Well if nothing could get out of the closet then black holes are the least gay thing in this universe

  12. Melvin Hunt says


  13. JACK ANTHONY says

    At last!!  We have found the entrance to hell.  Nothing can escape from this black hole…not even light!  The devil resides at the bottom of the black hole.   All those souls that have gone to hell are also at the bottom of the black hole for all eternity…no escape as you can see.

  14. Edward Coubal says

    Wait till they find out that the black hole is actually donut shape it doesn't really spit out everything that sucks into it. It's just circulates sort of like a smoke ring.

  15. Terrance Porter says

    Nipsey Hussle caused this

  16. Mark Wilson says

    lol… what a load of CGI crap! Black holes and Gravity waves! Globers are desperate to keep the lie going!

  17. FHRITP eaglesnation says

    Me after having Taco Bell

  18. claudia romae says

    funny; that looks JUST like the 2010, 2011 and 2012 pics of the alleged PLANET X… Black hole my ass. this is that incoming PLANET ! That is not a black hole!!!!

  19. Ismael Nestor says

    I thought my phone was glitching in the beginning because i thought it was loading but playing at the same time

  20. NJMProductions says

    lol i bet someone already took a picture of the sky before

  21. FlibbidyFleu says

    The explanation presented in this video seems off.

  22. J S says

    This was about as stupid of an explanation as I expected from USA Today.

  23. Deception Slayer says

    😂🤣 Looks like it was made in Microsoft paint. Peoplebelieve anything these days 😂

  24. YoEditmusicGuy Cutout says

    I think that Edge of universe. But look like there another way exit another unverise but it can be paradox I don't think time traveler I think this other universe.

  25. Carlos Aguilar says

    0:07 I thought that my phone was loading lol.

  26. Shawnaldo75 says

    We should rename them Hawking Holes.

  27. Paul Watson says

    It means there is no god, no allah, no budha, no heaven, no
    paradise…..none of the religions are real, they are just creations and
    writings by men to control men with fear and intimidation of nothing
    more than fantasies and myths. Bah bye religions.

  28. Jay Gonzalez says

    You can see the shadow of the blackhole if you look closely at the center

  29. keepleft says

    Obviously a doctored photo of the flat earth.

  30. Dawn Witmer says

    Michelle Obama !!! Haaaaa! BLACK HOLE ! LMFAO!!!

  31. Dawn Witmer says

    WHO gives a shit!???

  32. Bobby Ups says

    If you build it they will come

  33. T-sew says

    R u sure it look like Uranus .

  34. Awesome Forever says

    FAKE This is a black womans pussy

    Chiiiill 😂

  35. B.C. Rivers says

    Black holes = The one closest you can never come out of.

  36. BoBo Manny says

    No worries its cgi, only danger is there making money off it while our people starve an struggle with the cost of living medical Bill's health care homelessness child care college mortgages, soldiers forgotten an mistreated .these people need to be held accountable for their actions NASA is starving the world with there fake cgi schemes profiting 52 million dollars a day an giving us nothing but cartoons an false hope , dont tell me our technology comes from them either because last time I checked everything is made in China not space , the only thing made in space is bullshit an money untaxed money from hard working people of every race an country .

  37. SirLacerates says

    U see it's already been proven black holes deposit energy into space. It goes in one black hole and out the other. They're recyclers, not destroyers.

  38. internet is ebabylon says

    Looks like an eclipse.

  39. John Shannon says

    So rife with logical contradictions that it's not worth considering. Light can't escape but radiation can? So, some parts of the electromagnetic spectrum get a free pass?

  40. Robert Proctor says

    LOL LOL and more fakery.

  41. thepeaklevel1 says

    OK now point that sucker at Earth Now and get a REAL PHOTO of the Earth

  42. Dream Evil says

    Check it out, the collector base

  43. Shri says

    Next let's send our space-craft towards it!

  44. NewFound Adventures says

    It looks like a planet to me. Not a Black hole.

  45. John San Juan says

    Black Hole entered My Room!

  46. BullmasterGardian says

    More space garbage

  47. David Slston says

    Event Horizon great movie

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