1. David Croft says

    Nice to see a perfectionist at work. Great tutorial. Thank you.

  2. stepitup says

    I think you did an outstanding job showing each technique and used it well. I appreciate that you did not speed thru this as many people do. Its hard to keep up with the arrow on most videos. I will watch it several more times as I saw many new things. Ya just never stop learning. Im a new subscriber!

  3. Charles A. Ragucci says

    Very good technique, the empty layers as you mention them look they are filled with 50% gray and not empty. Are they 50% gray?

  4. Phil Stanley Photography says

    Brilliant tutorial for a natural looking retouch, thank you

  5. Gary Gable says

    Best retouching video I have seen!  Great job!!!

  6. Adel Fadel says


  7. David Xavier says

    Very interesting technique, well explained and pleasant watching… just bookmarked it!

  8. Lucas Tran says

    thank you so much for the tutorial

  9. Hernan Dario Quintero Garcia says

    Regards Mr Lee Varis. 

    I recently met him through a video Adorama and I really liked your tutorial skin retouching. Now I'm on youtube and I want to buy your books, but I want to know if there are in Spanish because I'm Colombian and nothing of English … 

    Postada. forgive the spelling errors and drawing since I wrote the message through a translator 

    I appreciate an answer. 


    Hernan Quintero 

  10. Hernan Dario Quintero Garcia says

    Regards Mr Lee Varis. 

    I recently met him through a video Adorama and I really liked your tutorial skin retouching. Now I'm on youtube and I want to buy your books, but I want to know if there are in Spanish because I'm Colombian and nothing of English … 

    Postada. forgive the spelling errors and drawing since I wrote the message through a translator 

    I appreciate an answer. 


    Hernan Quintero 

  11. Jasmine Doobie says

    Very nice!  Thank you for sharing!

  12. Keith Rajala says

    Thank you for a very easy to follow series of steps.  I also appreciate the reasoning you give for what you do. 🙂

  13. Bill Kaeter says

    Very helpful. Thanks.

  14. Roberto Binetti says

    It's amazing video! Thanks a lot

  15. Ayham Alasaad says

    I would ask you about the difference between the normal layer and a lyer filled with 50% gray.
    I have tried both , but they seem to be have the same effect !!

  16. Luciano says

    Lee, Meus parabéns, técnicas bem avançadas, bem didático, pude aprender muito, muito obrigado por compartilhar suas habilidades conosco.abraços..

  17. Ayham Alasaad says


  18. Shu-wei Chu says

    Very useful and helpful! I've learned a lot form your videos and skills.

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