Got some cash or valuables to hide? Try one of these clever, simple ways to hide your items from even the smartest, most determined crooks.

Whether you’re on vacation or just away at work, the chances are high that your not-so-friendly neighborhood thieves are watching.

While no security system is foolproof, a little clever thinking and a few stealthy hiding places can go a long way in safeguarding your stuff.

Check out these brilliant hacks for hiding your precious belongings from the bad guys.

#123GO! #DIY #girly

Music by Epidemic Sound:

  1. Shoma Dutt says

    Am I the only one who thinks you copied 5 minutes craft
    (No hate tho!)

  2. shristi pandey says

    I love vicky

  3. sana fatima says

    My fvrt vicky & miya loves more

  4. Marilou Ton says

    what was that

  5. Meenakshi Binny says

    I love 123go very much and your videos are very Interesting

  6. ShinkoAsian says

    Wait that’s weird but sorry what if people keep staring at you thinking what why is she keeping stuff in her boobs

  7. ShinkoAsian says

    Doesn’t it look like your putting your phone in your ass

  8. S prasad says

    6:30 but, hair brushes are not allowed in my 🏫 school. What shall I do? 🤔

  9. Tina Petrohelos says

    soas sock to pants sits on phone welp oof

  10. TIKTOK TIKTOK says

    The girl on 1:20 looks like Addison from zombies

  11. XX_lovegamer_XX Marie says

    One million dollars in the house, but they have a mento

  12. Luis Munoz says

    Congratulations 🎊🎉 on your 1,0000000

  13. Elizabeth sanders says

    I took that money in the washing machine and cause a fire

  14. No Name says

    Co-worker:Hey did you see Susie take her plant out of its pot?

  15. Black Panther says

    Viki is a good looking boy lol

  16. Graciela Rios says

    Have you guys noticed that some of the characters are from 5 minute crafts?
    If you watch it

  17. Gacha _bionic says

    Stop with the stupid faces

  18. Ghostiepop says

    5:12 bear exorcist

  19. Savanna Verse says

    10:36 yellow teeth ;>; she should use the money for toothpaste

  20. Dolen & Lexine says

    AIMy is stupid

  21. Dolen & Lexine says

    The girl that cooled her hair is stupid

  22. Sophia Moreno says

    That sock is gonna make your pants look like ya got 100,00 condoms in your pocket

  23. Rainbow Chicky says

    Better then all the other hack channels

  24. Beautiful Rat says

    On my old yt channel I had 40 vids and only 51 subs. They have 13 vids and 1 MILLION subs!!

  25. Pika Draws says

    What the neck you should never pass notes in class

  26. Yanet Sorbian says

    Troom troom: shookenth
    5-minute crafts:quaking
    Hate vids: skskskskssk
    Laur DIY:Tea spill

  27. pub g mobile says

    Hi i love your videos and even your voice but can you plz plz plz plz make more videos

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