Lightroom 4 Professional Portrait Retouch Featuring the SLR Lounge LR4 Preset System


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In this Lightroom 4 tutorial episode, we will be working through a full professional portrait retouch using the SLR Lounge LR4 Preset System. This beautiful portrait image was shot and provided to us by SLR Lounger Matthew Turner of

Matthew originally posted this image in our forum to get our thoughts on his post production styling. What better to show you all than to simply post produce his image in a tutorial? Thanks Matt for submitting such a well shot image. From the lighting to the pose and composition, Matt did a wonderful job in creating this head shot.

  1. asanmartinjr07 says

    Excellent tutorial! 

  2. Bon Cas says

    The original image is really good from the start.

  3. Baile Sol says

    Literally every video with Pye consists of him roasting on himself.  It's actually really entertaining. Not in a bad way. But pretty damn funny.

  4. EL3 Imagery says

    thank you very much, this was really helpful!

  5. MikefromQueens says


  6. RayHan says


  7. Hjalmar Gutierrez says

    Great information

  8. Red Hovsky says


  9. buy dvd presets!

  10. Joseph Cline says

    you fucking make them yourself you dumb piece of shit

  11. Nguyen Trung says

    Which button to check out the mask???

  12. Jonathon Stasiek says

    One the SLR Lounge's Website… Its $99 🙁

  13. DigitalInkArts says

    stop doing whatever you do that is annoying. like posting useless comments.

  14. Jason Wells says

    fantastic video & as always, very basic, helpful & easy to to follow/replicate

  15. deanna coco says

    stop saying tich

  16. Jerp Bremm Sangalang says

    anybody in here generous enough to give us the link where we could download brush presets?? Appreciate all help.

  17. carrN Alberta says

    use RAW file

  18. ViCkMoNtFiLMS says

    you have to save them on lightroom you can just look at his and copy what he have then go to save current settings and use lips eyes or whatever you using it for.

  19. Paulo Parreira says

    Buy the DVD presets!!!!!

  20. KK HESHI says

    where do you get those preset effects? I really need them, somebody help me`~~

  21. MrSHANKS37 says

    Great tutorial, but the problem i'm having is file sizes. When i import my jpegs into light room 4 they are around 5 or 6 MB, but after i do some retouches, and export them, they're down 2.24MB. What are the best setting for exporting my images with the highest quality possible?

  22. Fernando Salazar says

    Where do you get the presets?

  23. John Wang says

    Thanks for the reply. But do you know why when I'm holding down alt I can't use the bracketing key?

  24. PyeJirsa says

    @Dinahhs3 the presets we are using are the SLR Lounge LR4 Preset System, which is available for purchase on the slrlounge website.

  25. Dinahhs3 says

    Love it thanks
    Just one question pls
    The presets that was used are from your website or they come originally in LR??
    Thanks again

  26. PyeJirsa says

    Just using the mouse wheel, you can also use the brackets as well.

  27. John Wang says

    Great Video. What shortcut you use to adjust the brush size while holding alt (subtracting)?

  28. PyeJirsa says

    Kimber, for professional retouching and enhancing, I would highly recommend you turn off the auto-mask. Lightroom auto-masking will often generate edge artifacts around strong contrasting edges where it attempts to "guess" where you are intending the mask to appear. Hence, I always leave it off. If you are trying to do quick and simple effects, then it may be something worth using. But, it is actuall a "no-no" in the studio to use for our client deliveries. Hope this helps!

  29. Smokin07ram says

    Very informative and instructive. Always enjoy your work.
    Is it my monitor or did the B&W have a slight blue cast?

  30. Soundblasta says


  31. vondior says

    thank you for this, i just started using lighroom, im still confused but this vid helps

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