Black hole image captured for the first time

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Every image of a black hole you’ve seen was just an illustration. Until now.

Black hole, revealed: First image from across the universe
The Event Horizon Telescope captures one of the most powerful objects in existence. And basically, it’s the Eye of Sauron.

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#BlackHole #EventHorizonTelescope #EventHorizon

  1. CNET says

    What kind of innovations do you think we can expect from this discovery? Worm hole devices? If you liked this check out NASA's new exoplanet-hunting satellite, TESS

  2. Unclejerry50th says

    Shouldn’t Matthew McConaughey be in that photo of the black hole?

  3. celess21 says

    If this is true, this is actually Satan's prison, he'll come out of it, a big dragon. I hope it happens…..less boring than the fake reality they're selling us.

  4. tsolias27 says

    So, if every person on earth was a Sun, we would be that hole now…hmmm

  5. Darrel says

    This black hole image looks like the logo for AMD's excellent Ryzen processors. Intel is in trouble

  6. Collin Daugherty says

    Taking people's money is easy… getting them to believe you is priceless if you're in the control game! Just remember there's a big difference in what we choose to believe and what we truly know!

  7. Michael Josias says

    so no scientist knows what a Huawei P30 Pro is?

  8. IMAX Nintendo Fan says

    Everybody keeps making jokes about this. This is nothing to joke about. It's revolutionary.

  9. East17A says

    Haha !!! Humans you're arrogant annoying poor bastards !! we think we're too smart .. with your failure societies in all levels !!

  10. One_Alone#Van alon says

    So if there is a planet relatively close to that black hole.. and you could of done this from there… like take a photo of earth, earth would be 50 million years younger from that perspective

  11. K T says

    And what have they achieved by taking the photo. Instead of wasting time on useless things they need to focus researching on matters more important.

  12. Blits Riderfield says


  13. Jonathan Daniel says

    that picture looks like it was taken with an idaho potato

  14. Planet Awesome says

    It took 100 years

  15. inmar l'inmortel says

    Palutena be like


  16. ifkncantbelieveit says

    ring of fire black hole that light can not escape very strange huge , this may be the gateway to hell who knows?????

  17. ROBIN WILTON says

    This is actually a Flatulating Sphincter Muscle sucking back in it's own Anal vapors.💨💨💩💩💨💨💩💨💨😲

  18. my name is my name says

    what if this black hole is destroyed already and the effects of the universes destruction is yet to reach us?

  19. my name is my name says

    what if its a white hole, that has changed to look black by the time we see it??

  20. my name is my name says


  21. The Random Guy says


  22. Jerome Fernando says

    Aliens will be like fk me dead these Mortals finally found us and now they will find loopholes to beat our system 👽

  23. Allen Paul says

    So they photographed my girlfriends twat… Big deal I have tons on my phone

  24. Salamander Auto Club says

    They still don’t know shit about it only speculations .. 😂😂

  25. Qase Hasan says

    This is hosterical invention in astronomy science🎩👏👏


    Is there Thanos hiding?

  27. Black Destinado says

    Congrats. 🙂

  28. Peter Harper says

    🤔 I have dated a black hole……scary scary!

  29. lostn65 says

    It looks how I imagined it would look.

    Like artist impressions but without the finer detail.

  30. Ruben Rivera says

    I tought the black hole was black.

  31. Gregory May says


  32. FNG says


  33. Chilli Sin Carne says

    It looks like Sauron.

  34. Cary Coller says

    Ok, black holes are interesting, I guess, but why are people spending untold millions of dollars to to study them and take pictures of them? How is that benefitting society?

  35. andrew white says

    that android quality tho 3:51

  36. Aaron Banks says


  37. MG1 says

    Congratulation German scientist who moved space science into fiction. He was signed up by Trojan project to undermine Allied science. He was a very clever man. Over 110 years, billions of dollar, million of scientist around the Glob, but still no one know gravity, structure of matter or it’s evolution, the building block of everything in universe. This make models of space and matter fiction…well done. $billions of dollar to produce a fuzzy graphic. just like G.W.. Wow. Well done. MG1

  38. DeVstatrOmga says

    That’s not a black hole, that’s UNICRON we all gon’ die! 😩

  39. Trung Le says

    The dude sounds like Buk Lu LU

  40. Joel Davis says

    I'll be the hater…….FUCKN' BOOOOOOOOO!!!!! That so under delivered! Love you Cnet 😉

  41. My Thoughts says

    shot on an iphone .

  42. Adam Ferello says

    This idiots know literally nothing!!! even about the closest to us stars and planets but they were able to take a picture of a blackhole ? Pls at least prepare yourself before lying to the people. Idiots

  43. B. H says

    In fact it's an indirect photo of a black hole, we can picture its surroundings but not the black hole itself, like in Interstellar. I thought we would have a detection in 3D of the black hole's surface, which is black and the Event Horizon…

  44. blue_ sky says

    too bad it was taken with a potato

  45. Emmanuel Perez says

    I thank all of them for having a simple language for such a complicated topic in astrophysics. They explained it so that anyone could understand.

  46. Luis Burciaga says

    Flat black hole confirmed

  47. LeeAxon says

    One of the most important photos ever…."quickly put the bright lights on as soon as the Black Hole appears on screen" 🤷🏼‍♂️😒

  48. Wintr ‎ says


  49. MaxXShams * says

    Investigate the investigators

  50. MaxXShams * says

    We need proof people don't let them catfish you. Start small then go big don't go big with no proof of going small 👌

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