A Clip from WAR PHOTOGRAPHER Featuring James Nachtwey

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IN THIS SCENE: James philosophizes on photography’s importance and responsibility to humanity.

“Why photograph war? Is it possible to put an end to human behavior which has existed throughout history by means of photography? The proportions of that notion seem ridiculously out of balance yet that very idea has motivated me.” – James Nachtwey

ABOUT THIS FILM: War Photographer is the 2001 Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary Feature that follows preeminent war photographer James Nachtwey for two years as he bravely documents the harrowing realities of Kosovo, Rawanda, Indonesia, and the West Bank.

  1. alex rimal says

    I agree with why he does this…unfortunately James is special in my eyes and not enough people with his mindset real war is not something anyone truly wants to be and I mean not when you are fine but when shit begins to hit fans. Our world is dammed by our history and continual actions if God does really exist he has fucking condemned this planet.

  2. Dominga Wilson Correa says

    this video inspires so many people to do good,it's so powerful what you can show through a photograph,the meaning of photographing thing is storytelling a whole meaning that can impact so many people

  3. B says

    "… what white phosphorous does to the face of a child."

  4. Tim says

    nice video!

  5. Alexander Rex Evensen says

    Yes, on the take clearly. That's why he used his award money to create this: xdrtb.org

    Maybe you should get your facts straight before judging?

  6. JorgeToei says

    This is stunning! #Endignorance

  7. Squidfarmer says

    He's not dead

  8. TheCaptainOfGS says

    R.i.p dear…

  9. LikaPyramid says

    Milijons of Lives & Souls ripped apart., Because of what!? CORRUPT BANKS!, OIL INDUSTRY, PROPERTY, MONEY, LAND, CURRENCY, EGO, Billions of people still relying on a rigid belief system to give themselves a False sense of Security and Meaning!!! And because of that, There are now milijons of innocent people who are dead or Without their Loved Ones…  For all the victems who lost their lives in Wars, and other Unnecessary violence.

    …………………………­­……..☮✿Rest In Peace✿☮

  10. Squidfarmer says

    This made me want to be a photo journalist, not a photographer. I don't want to take pictures because i like to, I want to take them because i need to tell a story.

  11. Ian Walton says

    @DonMichaelBrown jealousy, envy and ego are really ugly Don. Probably what cause these wars that JN wants to stop. I am sure he would be happy to be out of a job – no wars.

  12. andrewj44 says

    @DonMichaelBrown thank you for your inspirational comment Don. If I had the energy I would reply in detail in an attempt to help you understand. I'm just not sure whether I'd get anywhere with you though.

  13. vodun82 says

    @DonMichaelBrown So basically you're saying he should put himself at this tremendous risk, take these amazing photos, use his skill in a way he loves and inform people of the horrors of war…but shouldn't be rewarded materially for his sacrifices?

    You are obviously a tremendous human being and I hope you live in as interesting times as James does and that all your wishes come true.

  14. roby8791 says

    show the full movie you will o a good thing

  15. Donavan Freberg says

    @DonMichaelBrown, are you nuts?

  16. BurnGiordano says

    @LkzChiC Well said

    An equal experience i have facing similar to this one, simply because i know it's one of the main causes to all this, is the experience of ignorance. It proceeds people, and it's all but vanity to try talking to someone who's ignorance is ahead of them.They don't know when they don't know,and the beliefs made from people lacking the direct experience of a reality are more then often highly insulting and crud to the reality they lack. It's too easy to have no conscience.

  17. Mramirez says

    i really, really recomend susan sontag's "Regarding the Pain of Others" if you care about war and photography. it really makes you understand the construcion of the photographic image as a very conscious excercise

  18. ohnoemynameistaken says

    This inspired me to do photography and opened my eyes to the reality many people out there live everyday. James Nachtwey you are an inspiration and a revolutionary! Peace.

  19. Ash Hynes says

    @LkzChiC That is true but we still have to try, even if failure is almost certain if there is even a chance of change the smallest amount that's more than enough to keep going ,to keep fighting against the inequality's of the world. What's worse trying and possibly failing or not trying and defiantly failing.


  20. Wong Fl says

    real great said, James

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