ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE – Digital Portrait Painting in Adobe Photoshop | Vol 2 Part 1


Volume 2 of the Ultimate Beginners Guide to Digital Portrait Painting in Adobe Photoshop.
This is part 1 of a digital portrait painting tutorial in which I will take you through all the steps of digital painting. In this first video I will show you how you can make a portrait sketch by using guidelines, angular shapes, measurements and an easy way to check your proportions.

Watch Part 2 of the Ultimate Beginners Guide to Digital Portrait Painting:
And watch the special bonus part about painting a background:

What you’ll learn in this digital portrait painting tutorial:
1:28 Making guidelines
2:45 Angular lines around the portrait
7:40 Complex versus simple shapes (the reason we’re making simple shapes)
9:19 More angular lines
15:21 Fluid sketching
19:44 Measuring proportions
20:45 Setting up your windows
21:28 First refinement of the sketch and using the Basic Flo brush
25:16 Measuring proportions and fixing mistakes
28:45 Second refinement of the sketch
34:17 Fixing proportions
37:32 The ultimate way to check your sketch

Get my Chalky Sketcher brush for Photoshop:
Get my Basic Flo brush set for Photoshop:

Want to see more digital art tutorials like this one? Join me on Patreon for weekly digital painting tutorials, critique videos and free brushes:

My GEAR: A PC, Wacom drawing tablet and Adobe Photoshop
You can find the gear I like to work with here:
(For any purchase you make I get a small fee, at no extra cost for you of course!)

I used a Shutterstock photo as reference:

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❤ Get my Procreate brushes and Photoshop brushes to follow along the digital art tutorials:
❤ Follow Flo on Instagram, Facebook and Tumbr for even more art
❤ Keep practicing and have FUN!!


My Patrons get to watch longer, narrated videos, get their works critiqued, get free brushes, PSD and Procreate files, and more!

★ Have you made a digital artwork with the help of my digital art tutorials or digital art brushes? Share them on Instagram using the hashtag paintwithflo and I will be sure to find it! Maybe you’ll find your work in my Instagram Stories or in one of my next videos! ★

★★Still reading? So there are people doing that huh? Thank you so much. I hope I’m able to inspire people to draw and paint or else entertain people with my videos and tutorials. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.★★

Let’s keep in touch!
►Grab my brushes:

Thanks so much for watching! See you next time ❤

– Flo –

#digitalart #portraitpainting #photoshop

Art with Flo is all about digital art! Watch my tutorial videos about how to draw in painting software like Adobe Photoshop on PC and the app Procreate on iPad. I will tell you about basic drawing and painting techniques and show you how to tackle specific subjects, like how to draw eyes, lips, faces or even bananas! I’ll show you how you can use Procreate brushes and how you can use layers in digital art. But the most important thing: Have fun!!
Find art inspiration everywhere around you and get motivated to draw! Anyone can learn how to draw, as long as you stay focused, be patient and practice a lot. Oh.. and watch the Art with Flo tutorial videos of course!

  1. Ahmad Kurnia says

    why dont u use Ctrl+R command for guide lines tho? it quite simple and easier than brushing it manually

  2. Mr Madazza says

    Why not just trace the pic to get the outline

  3. Julie Harp says

    Thank you so much, Flo! This is just what I needed:)

  4. Vicky Riyaz says

    I'm doing but it look like cartoon please teach me

  5. Vicky Riyaz says

    Thank you so much how to I contact you because I want to learn but I can't do it I'm having many douts about potrait paiting please you can expalin me 8838017680 its my WhatsApp number please explain me I'm want to learn

  6. Hugo Amorim says

    Tysm!U the best i just recently found you but i love ur tutorials so detailed😍!Edit:Omg i thought u weren´t gonna reply!Tysm

  7. Gi Yah says

    Thanks for the brushes. I'll try it out.

  8. Meredith Myers says

    Love this thank you so much! Your work is amazing, I’ve learned so much 🙏🏻💜

  9. Santo Sarkar says

    just awesome!!! waiting for next one

  10. Михаий Матвеев says

    Art with Flo thank you very much for this new tutorial for the ultimate beginners guide. It got me motivated to start wanting to draw again after a long stagnating procrastination tword drawing in general.

  11. Alicia says

    thanks for doing this! Have you tried Sketchbook?

  12. ReverseThinkerGraphics says

    Thank you so much.

  13. draw silla says

    flo, you are too good to us. we dont deserve you
    (also i bought a kinder egg today and thought of you lol)

  14. mags purvis says

    Just what I need ate mo

  15. Giovanni Brancato says

    This is what i define a masterpiece of tutorials! 💚

  16. Alkhami Dess says

    Great video flo very helpful

  17. Marcos Freitas says

    THANK YOU SO MUCH (again and again and again… and again)!!!

  18. Mando Teresia says

    Awesome! I've done digital art for like a year and now I feel I got to get to learn the short cuts! Thanks for sharing!

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