Toni Braxton Calls Off Wedding From Birdman | Deletes All Instagram Photos


Toni Braxton started her New Year with cheers to the new year, but, was she cheering for her recent split from Birdman. Check out the video for the full details. #ToniBraxton #Birdman #ToniBraxtonandBirdmanbreakup

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  1. doglover&sunshine25 says

    Toni Braxton you are gorgeously beautiful. You grew up with the fear of the Lord and Christian values. Toni please ask God to bless you with a Christian husband who loves Jesus first and than you. You are too beautiful to be alone and without a good man. God bless you.

  2. Kshine Fam says

    I’m goin straight to her page birdman page and her sisters and maybe mama E

  3. benjamin revay says

    Fuuuj 🤮🤮🤮

  4. Shaniya Mack says

    Reminds me of beauty and the beast…

  5. D R says

    Zzzzzz wake me up when she find her bubble gum ring 💍

  6. Zoey says

    Cheryl Hawkins got it right! It’s called a PRO RELATIONSHIP in the industry. Fake arrangement to look like they were dating. Just a girlfriend helping another girlfriend out in the biz.

  7. Linda Hines says

    I'm not mad at her take a good look at this man. I feel bad for him I heard he
    spent a lot of money on her.

  8. Annette Boyd says

    Let's just talk about motives .why using who.? 😅

  9. Joeking Nyari says

    Gold diger

  10. Jose M says

    As she should. Birdman needs to answer to what he did to Lil Wayne and Drake

  11. Wise King says

    PR stunt

  12. Rhoda Grant says

    Good found a good CHRISTIAN man

  13. Hudson Hawk says

    Why would anyone marry someone named Birdman

  14. William Mials says

    She can't sing, can't manage money and can't seem to be able to make any money! Keep trying girl, What's next?

  15. Kim Monzon says

    Brrrrrrr bird call

  16. Linda Hines says

    She's been engaged since 2016 and all of a sudden she calls it off
    Really they don't make a good couple anyway. That was beautiful
    Ring he gave her.

  17. Elizabeth Spence says

    Toni, sold the ring never intended on marrying Birdman….

  18. Lashon Hunter says

    She eared the ring& Bentley truck😘

  19. Lashon Hunter says

    A business arrangement

  20. Tonnette Grayson says

    Come on now who really thought Toni was going to marry this broke ass booty bandit? Not I!

  21. Tee P says

    I knew it cause she couldn't never set a date

  22. Meat Lady says


  23. MisSterious1987 says

    Im not "sub-stribing" to ya channel lady until u say the word correctly 😂

  24. TAMARA says

    Thank God

  25. Annette Boyd says

    No . Bridman you can't have that good women .No. so women are not to be touch. And the Braxton girls need to no you be brought with a Price .

  26. Billee Jean says

    Ms Toni is soooo beautiful 💋💋

  27. Coco Jones says

    I knew she would never marry him

  28. Brandy Quick says

    I think they started fresh…

  29. Javi Ruiz says

    Good? What grown women wants to marry someone that calls himself bird man. How ignorant

  30. Barbara j says

    Nice hand juncture!

  31. Wen Austin says

    How bout they got married yesterday?

  32. LadyMikey35 says

    He acted more like the Diva in the relationship. Maybe she finally realized, the tattoos in the face looked ridiculous, or/and maybe the gay pedophile rumors are true.

  33. LadyMikey35 says

    She deserves better

  34. uknow who says

    Any fan of the Braxton Family Values new that Toni Braxton was not into Birdman. The fact that she would not choose a date told me everything I needed to know.

  35. Hattie Jackson says

    Now I aint saying she a gold digga….but she ain’t f—king with no broke N—-a

  36. Jddjdv Skslslissk says

    ok. is. she. going. to. give. back. the ring. she. lost with. a wenking. eye

  37. Rob Gober says

    Maybe she really opened her eyes I mean I remember when starship God said birdman fucked him in the ass for the deal and saying also birdman said on concert stage he likes lady's and he mess wit men to so he a suspect hands down

  38. Lakisha Billingslea says

    i dont know what i could be we will see whats going on

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