You’re about to find out the best and most helpful photo hacks ever! Learn how to pose and edir your pictures like a pro! 😉

Here is the number of hacks you may need to use on any given day! We’re all kind of addicted to our smartphones, so we might as well use it for our own benefit! Here we go! :)There are tons of different useful hacks in your smartphone’s settings you may have had no idea about, such as headphones remote shutter, water drop macro lens, white sheet reflector, pantyhose portrait softener, sunglasses filter, underwater housing, flashlight diffuser, racing game gadget.I’m gonna show you how to make incredibly stylish and handy phone cases as well! You can use old ties, plain or color-changing nail polish, feathers, glue gun, bathroom hooks, watch band and even baking mold!By the way, you can make and watch optical illusions yourself, that is hologram on your smartphone! Have fun, my friends!

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3:52 Belt sling
6:28 Water drop macro lens
7:11 How to pose properly

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  1. 5-Minute Crafts says

    Hey guys! Don't forget to share with your favorite hack in the comments! I'm looking forward to hearing from you! 🙂 XOXOXO Thank you for so much love on this video <3 You guys are THE BEST!

  2. Nada ahmed says

    دلوني ع اسم قناه البنات دول

  3. macik cika says

    5 minute craft simple and hacks

  4. siri m says

    wow, awesome tricks

  5. Максим Цуранов says

    2:48 how to waste 1000$ in 1 minute.

  6. Ксения 607 says

    Лайк если русский

  7. Juliann Allann says

    Instead of putting lipstick on the lens, you could just use a magnifying glass

  8. Berru Özbek says

    Yav gidin snapchete ne uğraşıyonuz

  9. gweyneth durotan says

    We try this too

  10. It’s Tasnim Ferdose says


  11. AJDePro says

    if you guys want to take up all your phone storage. This video is for u!

  12. PowerTwins says
  13. It's Just Alya says

    I'm tired of the same hacks everytime 😩😩😩😩😩

  14. omg I’m so smart, I’m gonna put a macdonalds box with a torch in over my head and I will get 826837162637376 followers on instagram

  15. Stafford Johns says

    what is trick images designed for


  16. Marta Draviņa says

    I didn’t know that 5 minūtē crafts had 51M subscribers🤔😱

  17. Apple People says

    I see the first girl in troom troom and 123 Go how many channels do you have 5 Min.crafts?

  18. Emem Dioso says

    the belt sling is not advisable

  19. Nick Palmer19 says

    Stupidest channel ecer

  20. Stranger UwU says

    Las mismas fotos

  21. Not to be rude and yes I know I should keep this comment to myself but… Doesn't the lady in the black dress have a really long neck?

  22. Vir Virendra Mourya says

    I Love you

  23. SAHIL KHAN says

    8:08 gazongaslution starts in 3..2…..1

  24. Stafford Johns says

    precisely what is trick images designed for


  25. Jenna Keith says


  26. Valdecira Maria says

    Amei ❤

  27. Ediane Pereira says

    Qual o aplicativo que vcs usam ???
    Para fazer este tipo de foto bem legais amoooo procurei demais e não achei

  28. janhabi naik says

    Who is watching this is to take just one selfie

  29. Sahalie Nelson says

    The sling looks like it wouldn't hold. Guys, just get yourself a camera strap.

  30. crazy fun says

    Dear dear 5 minute craft a message for you from one of your craziest fan pls stop making new videos and also add old video edits to it…. (As a request?)Your works are amazing…😘

  31. Pihla says

    "Huhtamaki" is from finland! (I'm Finn XD)

  32. TheBuffNerds says

    You should check out PrismLensFX! They make dope handheld devices for mounting prisms for photo and video!

  33. Khoirul Anwar says


  34. Hacker By Night says

    I find it peculiar that all hacks shown are only with girls, so guys never take photos right? 🙄

  35. Yumblebee Xu says

    1:04 look at the phone. I do love good old McDonald box floating in the corner of my photos

  36. Stynger says

    Excelentes trucos, solo que en algunos si se mamaron jajaja

  37. pypcio robi pyp says

    I bring home any box – the box immediately fills up with a cat

  38. Billieache says

    5 minute crafts chanel is older than Blossom. This means, Blossom is a copy cat right 😉 and you are right i hate seeing same hacks in everywhere.😒

  39. Arzt Freud says

    Author made this video for idiots?

  40. 50k y ya theney and buton the ruby

  41. Noor Zubair says

    4:31 who else saw the person fall! Lol!

  42. Jeremiah Ocampos says

    She just wasted a good hamburger

  43. Marshanda Playz says

    Bhs indonesia no bhs english

  44. Gacha youvea says


  45. Ser Ras says

    50 million

  46. Sudeshna Sengupta says

    0:52 ….. Where have u thrown the burger …..give it to me . I will eat it. ……plzzz…

  47. DAVID LOZANO says


  48. Dank :3 says

    Did anyone else wonder how the woman in the magenta dress with auburn hair is that skinny??? SHE IS SO FREAKIN THIN

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