Two Stories Change Photographer's Life


Photographer Rick Smolan doesn’t just photograph people—he tells their story. Two particular stories swept Rick off his feet. Find out what surprised the man who has seen everything on today’s episode of EPIPHANY!

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EPIPHANY is a series that invites impassioned thought leaders across all disciplines to reveal the innovative, the improbable, and the unexpected of their worlds.

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  1. Flux Incapacitator says

    Wow. This is some extremely faggoty shit.

    What a bunch of homos.

  2. Aminita -algeria says

    So beautiful story and adventure…😢💙…قصة جميلة ومؤثرة ومغامرة من ذهب لاخذ العبر

  3. Norman George says

    This is really amateurish … this video sucks big time what a bunch of shit

  4. angelo iannacone says

    Good onya mate from australia

  5. whoisshetoquestionfate says

    Rick Smolan…seriously have one hell of a life :-)))

  6. lagaman11 says

    Amazing, just incredible! Love both stories!

  7. Slight Nature says

    amazing stories

  8. bn says

    just great

  9. Bel Kamp says

    Love your work

  10. shutup says

    These are substantial.

  11. Den Rubio says

    There is a movie about the camel girl called 'Tracks' starring Mia Wasikowska. Have a look at it.

  12. koolaid668 says

    So did he marry the camel girl?!?!

  13. s sh says

    Maybe its in the genes. Since her dad/mom was a G.I, she may have inherited the way they thought'

  14. #influenceisCOMPASSION What an inspiration this guy is. Here he is talking about how all these amazing people influenced him and yet, he was such an incredible influence on them right back. Loved this

  15. XxXMALVXxX says

    You didn't marry the girl in a camel?

  16. Sonja Y. Foster says


  17. ForgetherestAIMHIGH says

    that is so amazing..

  18. SuperLastMohican says

    yeah man…I've been working out hardcore ever since you told me you were crosstraining. I eat 4000 cal/day. Great, clean food. I also juice up vegetables and fruits like crazy. I feel great. I already gained 10 lbs. Probably 8 of it water and carbs, but I'm on the right track.

  19. Salvadori Popadillo says


    Was I the only one thinking he was gonna go,
    "And then n months later, we were married."

    I guess maybe he was in a relationship…that was really beautiful though.

  20. Chaisar Adam says

    maybe the one who gives the unlike can not speak english

  21. DapperDivaDana says

    Great message & experiences. You're truly blessed through your journeys, and you've been a blessing to others along the way! Wonderful reflections! Thank you for sharing… ~DD~

  22. gadgetwhore2 says

    also *inspiring

  23. PAULINA5034 says

    I am dumbfounded. Incredible story

  24. brocklanders1984 says

    7:08 punching above your weight

  25. kristoffer thomassen says

    i've heard this story before, have he been to TED ?

  26. Randy Kreill says

    Glass, Plastic or Steel?

    Great video …shows what anyone with an open mind can do with a camera and a pen!

  27. Martin Pickeringshaw says

    Fabulous stories. So few people ever make the opportunity to change the life of another human being for the better.
    He just made the descision not to walk away. Sometimes that is all it takes.

  28. Shane Anderson says

    Thankyou I'm 50 and life is passing me by . That was a fantastic 2 story's . Thank you .

  29. Chinedu Onyeji says

    A wonderful story teller.

  30. Razvan Gavosdean says

    Big Like from me! 🙂

  31. flyingfisbeefilms says

    Wonderful stuff!!!!!! Thanks for posting.

  32. gadgetwhore2 says


  33. lrh1963 says

    Wow! These two stories really are though provoking, and bring out such strong emotion. Thank you for presenting Rick Smolan's stories here!

  34. Ecuacuba100 says

    I moved to a new house once and checked the shed in the backyard to uncover a collection of books from the seventies-eighties including a big hardcover book called From Alice to Ocean which informs us of many things of the journey of the woman of the first story and also found other cool things like 44 Funk & Wagnalls 1976 edition encyclopedias which im now selling 🙂

  35. Dennet's Personal Vidz says

    Beautiful. Thank you.

  36. Dennis Fisher says

    Amazing! Just Amazing

  37. James Fain III says


  38. Jeffrey Bengry says

    Best thing I've watched all week

  39. clickthing says

    Theres a longer version of the Natasha story of TED. Its definitely worth the watch.

  40. TraviHark says

    This guy is awesome

  41. Skandar says

    God bless this man

  42. AdamJay33 says

    "The Outer Limits" !, Rick.

  43. Afsana Akter says

    Wow. awesome

  44. 3ven Veronikis says

    It says at the end

  45. Vitality Massage says

    Fantastic stories! Makes my day!

  46. venom080787 says

    I could listen to this guy all day.

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