Programmable Aperture Photography: Multiplexed Light Field Acquisition


Programmable Aperture Photography: Multiplexed Light Field Acquisition (SIGGRAPH 2008)

Chia-Kai Liang, Tai-Hsu Lin, Bing-Yi Wong, Chi Liu, and Homer Chen
National Taiwan University

We present a system including a novel component called programmable aperture and two associated post-processing algorithms for high-quality light field acquisition. The shape of the programmable aperture can be adjusted and used to capture light field at full sensor resolution through multiple exposures without any additional optics and without moving the camera. High acquisition efficiency is achieved by employing an optimal multiplexing scheme, and quality data is obtained by using the two postprocessing algorithms designed for self calibration of photometric distortion and for multi-view depth estimation. View-dependent depth maps thus generated help boost the angular resolution of light field. Various post-exposure photographic effects are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system and the quality of the captured light field.

  1. Spencer Thayer says

    This is a great example of how easily a DSLR such as a D70 can use Multiplexed Light Field!

  2. Matrix29bear says

    You can also do 3D with shifting aperture location.

  3. You're five years ahead of the rest of the world, by my estimate. I didn't expect to see temporal or aperture resolution increase in DSLR captures until 2014, and commercial availability until 2016. Mad skillz.

  4. TiagoTiago says

    DO WANT!!

    How long till a consumer camera has this all running in the handheld device?

  5. Matrix29bear says

    This is brilliant and excellent work. Keep up the amazing job!

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