1. Rakesh Lokegaonkar says


  2. Florian G says

    Will this App be available in the German App Store too?
    Is future support for CR2 files planned?

  3. Jing Dyan says

    Add SUPPORT for CR2 PLEASE!!!!

  4. Ek Seng Ng says

    Hi Canon, i just encountered an error when viewing jpegs covered from RAw in lightroom,. Photos are not recognized in dpp.

  5. Get Marked says

    No .cr2 .. bye

  6. Ray Valdez Photography says

    Only IOS. Wow…..

  7. Coobikful says

    NO support for CR2 ? only support CR3 from EOS R and M50 ? marketing is lame as usual. canon makes anything but not what people need. still no app for iOS for everyone. still to 50mm with IS. still no 24-70 2.8 with IS. still no 7D mark 3

  8. Anthony Himself says

    It only took like 7y for canon to make a new modern app

  9. Ford_ tuningGr says


  10. Rob L. says

    Just use LR mobile
    Once again, Canon software fails.

  11. Thanish Raju says

    When will it launh and eagerly waiting for that

  12. vinza pramana putra says

    Android version?

  13. JK says

    Just download DPP Express from Thai App Store and test it. I cannot download CR file via canon camera connect. It is download as JPEG to camera roll in iPad. I use iPad Mini 4 and all apps are updated already. How I can solve this problem? Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Martin Turner says

    This app is NOT in the Australian Apple store or on the Canon website! When will it be? What the hell is a teaser like this if you don't f-ing well tell us HOW to get it???

  15. Brenden French says

    Yes! Thank you so much I've been waiting for this๐Ÿ˜˜

  16. Nuno P says

    onde esta para o Android?!!

  17. Juan Santizo says

    CANON the app is nowhere to be found, I would either upload the app, let people know when it'll be available or bring this video down because is confusing your audience as to there being an app that doesn't exist at the moment. do something!

  18. Greg Curtis says

    Hello Canon, I have the 5D IV but I believe it produces CR2 files, will it be updated to handle CR3 so I can use it please?

  19. john wheatley says

    This is very interesting, but please let me know how you color calibrated your i-pad ?

  20. Sergio Serra says

    Yes! This is great!!

  21. Nor Dic says

    This app imports .cr3 and .jpeg only, so the vast majority of Canon cameras producing .crw files are not supported. This app also only exports jpeg. ie, is severly limited.

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