Vinyl Seamless White photo studio Background by CowboyStudio; Setup and first testshots


Setup and a test shot of the CowboyStudio 107 Inch x 12 Feet Seamless White Vinyl Background (VL-W12)

This thing only cost $45.00 on amazon, and seems pretty rugged. Just make sure you have a background stand AND clamps, because there is no pocket for the background stand pole to go in.

Find this background on Amazon “CowboyStudio 107×12(Inches) Feet Seamless White Vinyl Background (VL-W12)”

Heavy Duty Muslin Clamps 4 1/2 inch 6 Pack used in the video:

  1. AnythingWithWheels says

    i….guess…audio…is irrelevant?

  2. D.JBOYBLUE says

    Thanks man

  3. Joel Caraballo says

    which one is better vinyl or the with paper you mention?

  4. Jacqueline Soto says

    I have the cowboy stand and a 10 foot vinyl backdrop. I'm not sure if it will hold because the vinyl is so heavy. Do you think it will hold or do you suggest using something else? thanks.

  5. Adil Alsuhaim says

    What stand are you using? I am looking for a background stand that support heavy weight, and invest in a Savage Vynil 9' or 10' backdrop

  6. Brooke Betancourt says

    This is not $45 it's $64 you lier.

  7. Sarah Tran says

    Where did you get your stand for the vinyl? how high is your stand?

  8. kissythecutie says

    u look great in your test shots,,

  9. WHITE LION says

    Great vid. I actually appreciate seeing the vinyl roll off the tube because now I can prepare for that and not freak out. I actually ordered the white and chroma green. I saw the black but don't have any ideas in mind for black background. I would buy a pink one though.

  10. Alex Dexter Evas says

    Thanks for share.
    May I ask you what you think about the Manfrotto Complete AutoPole-Expan System ..
    Manfrotto 2961D Complete Deluxe AutoPole-2 Expan Kit

    Do you think these 2 model from Manfrotto are good enough?

  11. jason lupas says

    hey any tip on how to remove wrinkles or creases on a vinyl back drop ? thanks in advance

  12. freakybob13579 says

    Is it the same material which we use for Projector screen

  13. George Torres says

    Did you ever compared the white paper to it?

  14. deftdelivery says

    lol I think the same thing every time I see that word.

  15. Elmo Laing says

    I got clamp set of 22 from Home-Depot (varying sizes , S,M,L) for about $9 bucks. Great Bargain.

  16. Ticknor Photography says

    I really like the white vinyl; because it's reusable and quite strong. It has a slight glossy finish that's not quite as nice looking as white seamless paper, but the tradeoff is worth it in my opinion. I have not tried the black yet, but it's on my shopping list… when i get it, I'll do a video on it.

  17. Prem Saggar says

    Hi Rick, this is another great video. Do you prefer white vinyl vs white seamless paper? How about in black? Thanks again, your videos are great and you are so helpful!

  18. randybarrera says

    This video was VERY helpful in determining whther to buy vinyl or muslims, muslin whatever its called. Thanks!

  19. Prem Saggar says

    Thanks so much for another great video!!! You are so helpful. Awesome!!!

  20. Goldie says

    been looking for nice white backround, thank so you much for this idea!!!

  21. Ticknor Photography says

    I just added a link to the clamps in to the video description at the bottom (Won't let me put links in comments). Hope that helps 🙂

  22. MarcusByrd says

    Thank you for the test! Yours is the most helpful out of all of the ones ive seen

  23. Ticknor Photography says

    oops – 12 feel long, 9 feet wide (107 inches)

  24. Ticknor Photography says

    I roll it up and store it behind a couch in my office. I have never tried to fold it. It is a little awkward to store; but having a 12 foot wide backdrop when I need one is worth it. 🙂

  25. jdavisinfo says

    Hey, one more question and I promise to leave you alone. How do you store it? Do you have to roll it up, and have this large area to leave it, or do/can you fold it without worry of creasing? Thank you…. VERY much


  26. jdavisinfo says

    LOL as seen in the vid… THANK YOU, I think I will be getting on Amazon VERY soon!

  27. Ticknor Photography says

    It was only $45. I included a link to amazon where i got ot in the video description.

  28. jdavisinfo says

    I have just about banned all white backgrounds… THEN… I saw this video, I am shooting a Nikon D700, with two wireless remote Nikon SB900, I have a continious lighting (soft box), I guess I am about to just try white again, what was the cost of the vynyl? Good job on the video also.


  29. Ticknor Photography says

    In this shot, i had two soft-boxes for me, and a speedlight on the background. The keylight softbox was to the right and high pointing down, and another softbox/strobe with slightly less power was under the key light shooting slightly up. I was trying to create pretty even shadows for this test.

  30. gien says

    Hey. Whats ur lighting set up?

  31. Barney says

    Great vid, very informative, thanks 🙂

  32. Barney says

    ROFLMAO – when the vinyl fell off the roll, Thats exactly what would have happened to me too! X-D

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